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 is it good to join US army?

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Posted on 04-05-09 8:52 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am thinking yo join US Army? Is it a good idea? Will they send me to Iraq or Afghanistan?

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Posted on 04-05-09 9:53 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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yes f1 holders can join army but are some criteria. try www.goarmy.com...............but will be hard cant be easy as it said to be???

Posted on 04-05-09 10:19 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sports freak look at the following link


Posted on 04-05-09 10:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thank you birbhadra. appreciate your help.

Posted on 04-05-09 11:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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what are the criteria or chances to be selected in the US Army??

Posted on 04-06-09 4:52 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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What is your purpose of joining the US army?

maintaining your visa status or fighting for the US.

Posted on 04-06-09 5:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Team logo, Based on army forum  that unless you are a U.S. citizen, U.S.
National or a legal resident alien of the U.S., you are not qualified
to enlist in the United States Army.

Any office of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service can provide
information concerning entry as a resident alien. Their home page is: http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis T.

source:  https://forums.goarmy.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=118260&tstart=30

Posted on 04-06-09 6:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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lol..is that a trick question....

Posted on 04-06-09 8:11 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i heard that any one can join usa army even so they offer u greencard pay u 10.000 dollar cash for gift
Posted on 04-06-09 9:25 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why you want to join US Army? Were you in Nepal Army before?  I would like to hear about it and may be I will join US Army.

In this economy many people are joining US army or navy. What are the reasons to join ? For greencard?

Posted on 04-07-09 1:39 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I dont think its for green card only... this is like a dream, a work to do,  a duty to do, lot of joins in British Army why not US Army, ........???....... i am hopefull my parents will be proud for me, my friends everyone.....Its all about doing a task, to do something in your life, to prove yourself....i think so...

Posted on 04-07-09 2:19 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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this is a very good oppertunity for all anti maoist student to get a top of the range army training from america......join them......serve them.....and after we should create our own peoples army to fight against maoist in nepal......lol.... i am in.
Posted on 04-07-09 9:24 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I did my time there. It was fun, job was secure, training was good,
traveled around the world, saved some money and going to school for free.
Nowadays you can find many Nepalese in the different branches of armed forces.   There
are risks everywhere no matter what job you choose, it's up to you that
what level of risks you can take. Not necessarily everyone go in the
ground for direct combat, it depends upon what kind of job you are
going to take. The best thing about US military is there is no
discrimination unlike British military and our own Nepali army (caste
discrimination still exists there). They are pretty strict about it. I don't know the requirements for
military but I had my green card when I joined. I just heard that they
froze all the enlisting bonuses because of economy crisis and growing
number of people joining the military.
Posted on 04-07-09 12:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well said Phatte.  If it is fine to join the British Army, Indian army or even Singapore Police than why so much big deal on joining the US army.  If you feel like this is something you want to do than you should go for it.  If not you should look for some other field, but don't fall for the anti American hatred to US or its armed force. 



Posted on 04-08-09 10:58 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Team Logo,

If you are joining the us army via f1 visa , Only state you can do is in ny . and its filling up fast... They are suppose to bring that program to other metro areas , esp around dc but it wont be until august , but by then it seems they will be maxed out with f1's so it might die before it hits here .

As for joining us army , only person that can answer your question is yourself . For some its the greatest thing that ever happened , some people regret it so much they end up killing themselves.

Know this army  is not for everyone , You are a soldier first the moment you sign the dotted line . Like phatte said every job in army has some risk , but again army has the widest range of jobs as compared to any other military branch .

All I can advise you is if you want to join any of the military branch , army,marine, airforce, navy , coast guard or national guard. Do a lot of research and try to gather as much info as you can on ur own , Don't just rely on ur recruiter. Most of the recruiters will work hard for you , but there are some bad apples .

Army also has so many programs , it is not possible for the recruiter to be thorough on each and every program ... Take ur time dont rush in.

If you have specific questions jus ask , will try my best to help u out.

It took me 4 months before I signed my contract ...

Posted on 04-08-09 11:48 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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thx bro! i ve been studyin business major since last 3 yrs in States, right now my plan is to catch associate degree within next semester and then to join army. Hope it will work. Will my major gonna help me out, do I have to then go to NY??? let me know!

Posted on 04-08-09 11:54 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good for you. Enjoy  the Afganistan. We can not help you more than this.
Posted on 04-08-09 12:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Not everyone goes to afghanistan.and  be thankful to the people who are in front line risking their lives and their whole family so stupid fk like you can sit behind ur pc screen and talk shit  men and women in uniformed services .

Team logo ,Programs could change anytime . Finish your stuff and contact ur local recruiter or you can find lot of info on military.com and DOd websites.

Posted on 04-08-09 12:16 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There is no deadline when American army will be out of Afganistan, do you know how long it took to Russian?

You are right , not every one goes to Afganistan, I see the chance of going Afganistan is likley high ( in another 14 years or more). That is my point. If some one is determined no one can  change him or her, just giving our personal views, that's all and wishing him/her good luck. Not tying to be sercastic.

Posted on 04-08-09 1:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I totally agree with Shaq. It is because of the sacrifices the men & uniform of this great countrythat making that's bringing us here freedom & oppurtunity back home, so, please learn to respect themeven if u dont agree with them or have ur own weird views.
Posted on 04-08-09 2:02 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I totally agree with happy and shaq.  We all enjoy America's freedom and democracy and it would not have been possible without those men and women in Army.  Many of us enjoy living here and are even willing to wait 3-4 years to get green card but still criticize everything about America.




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