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 Anyone knows best training consultancy in bay are?
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Posted on 02-13-08 10:54 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Anyone have the idea about the best training institute in bay area ??

Also any suggestion on which training has much scope ??

Thanks in advance !


Posted on 02-13-08 11:21 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I know one. 60 K start, 70 30 after that. Pays your phone bills upto $80 a month and also pays your health insurance (after you start). They train in SAS (sas.com) or BA training.
They give you in house training. Which means you can get trained where ever you are. It takes you a couple of months after training to get placed. You can continue with your current job till you get placed.
Their direct clients are in Bay area and TX which means better rates after you go for 70 30 after 6 months.
Let me know, if interested. Send me a PM.

Posted on 02-13-08 11:22 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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By the way I have three Nepali people starting the SAS training within next week. Can get you started on that session.

Posted on 02-13-08 12:50 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hey MN r u in bay area what are the procedure and requirement for this coz i am dumb in this matter so pls give me some suggestion.

Posted on 02-13-08 2:25 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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There are tons of Indian consulting companies in the Bay Area. Check sulekha.com.

There is no such thing as Best Training. It all depends on you. If you do BA or QA training, it is about 1 month training and then you are in market.

BA job depends on company to company. Each company defines BA in their own way. For example one company may be big in Use Cases and process flows diagrams, another one may require BAs to capture BRD/FRD only ... bottom line is BA job is different from company to company and difficult to train. You have to have good communication skills and quick learning ability. Also one bad thing about BA job is after you are done gathering Requirements in Phase 1 or 2 depending which SDLC method the company is following, the company will let you go since there is no need for them to keep you. It is very difficult to find a BA job and stay on that job for over 6 months. Normally I have seen BA's looking for another project after 6-9 months or so. If you can impress your Boss then you might stay longer.

QA job is very technnical. Manual testing is not very hard. If you go for Automation testing, you need to understand some programming. For QA, you need to be able to write test cases and test plan. Some companies might require you to write Test Strategy. One also needs tool knowledge. If you go for manual testing you will proably need to learn Test Director/Quality Center. If you go for automation then you will need to know either Winrunner, Silktest or QTP. I have seen QAs last longer in a project than a BA. Also you will need some experience with writing SQL queries and UNIX.

One thing to remember is after you are done with training, it will be a challenge to get a job since you have never done it before and the other difficult part is surviving on the job. If you cannot perform like your resumes says, there is good chance you will be booted out.

My suggestion for sampada is, make 100% sure that the consulting company you are joining has direct connection with companies. This means that after you get trained, the consulting company will place you on a project with their client directly, hopefully without an interview.... :)

Most consulting companies lie and say they have direct connections or they are partners with big companies etc. Please do your homework before you blindly believe them. In fact what they do is go through mid clients and they put your resume on Dice.com. What will end up happening is, after training, the midclient (e.g. Maxonic) will interview you over the phone. After that, Maxonic will setup a face to face interview with the end client. So you need to pass Maxonic phone interview and then pass interview with the end client and then you might get the job. Remember Bay Area is a very competitive place. This is silicon valley where there are plenty of folks who are doing same thing like you.  So you need to be good . ..really good in interviewing and knowing your stuff.... :)

I am not trying to discourage you. Just trying to give you a real picture of the real world of consulting. If you can find a consulting company that will train you, sponsor H1 & GC, pretty decent market comparable pay rate and directly place you with end-client, I say go for it.

Good Luck!


Posted on 02-13-08 3:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hey moksh thanks for your information. very very helpful..

one thing that surprised me was.. it is about Bay Area. is it really hard to find IT job there. I was thinking of moving there because i know silicon valley is the place to be. all the hottest tech companies started there.. and a ton of small ones are there too.

so my question is , is it harder for a IT person with 3- 5 years experience to get job in Silicon Valley versus other major cities in USA like Chicago, Atlanta, Orlando, Seattle.


Posted on 02-13-08 4:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well if you are in dhoti consulting you can be anywhere - but ready to relocate.
Dot go for QA. You wont make good money after 70 30.
You could go for .net or Java, they have good contract perioeds but less money. Plus you work like a _____.
Best is SAS or BA.
I am into SAS, but if you dont wanan code, then BA.

Posted on 02-14-08 12:41 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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latoboy, 3-5 years of what experience in IT? Developer (C++, Java, .NET etc) QA, BA, SAP, Oracle ERP .... ??? Do you have H1-B or EAD? If you have EAD then it will be easier.  If you have real 3-5 years of programming experience you can easily get a job out here. Bay Area is always looking for coders.

Well MN_Nepali, not all dhoti companies will do 70 30. It depends from company to company. Let me tell you guys honestly, programming is hard. You cannot just learn programming in 1-2 months and start coding . Either you are good at it or you suck. SAS is also not that easy.

The easiest training is manual QA & BA. Automation testing is harder. It is like programming. You need to have some logic. Anyone can become a manual tester or BA. I don't know about other states, but one thing for sure, it is more difficult to get BA job in Bay Area with face to face interview. High competition.
If you are willing to move to any state then you can get either QA or BA job with just phone interview. I know many folks who have easily got job with phone interview. One thing for sure is if you do training in the Bay Area and want to go for BA, be prepared for face to face interview. A lot of times 2-3 rounds.

Posted on 02-15-08 1:03 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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i have 2 - 4 years experience in oracle .. real experience..

i also am us citizen ;)   almost all F1 nepalis are us citizens nowadays.. so easy..nowadays even freshmen are citizens... lol.

i dont need to join consultancy... but i will join them only on last case resort...

what do u think of my idea of moving to Bay area with no job there ?.. bad idea or good one u say...


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