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Posted on 05-01-07 10:55
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बुद्ध जयन्ति र हराएको शान्ति धेरै बर्ष देखि हराएको केहि अमुल्य चीजको खोजीमा उ जङल पस्यो अहं रक्त चन्दनको क्रन्दन बाहेक भेटेन तलाउ छेउ पुग्यो अहं रगतको आहाल बाहेक देखेन निरास हुंदै उ शहर पस्यो हावा पानी सबैमा जहर मात्र भेट्यो उस्ले। लाखे नाच भैरब नाच त बाकि होला नि उसले केहि उज्यालो सोच्यो केवल भट्टि र डिस्कोहरुमा दिउसै चेलीको नाङ्गो नाच मात्र देख्यो उसले। कमसे कम स्वयम्भू को आँखा त खुलै होला सोचेर डांडा तिर् लाग्यो। त्यहाँ बाट् केवल नयाँ बांदरहरु सिङ्गो देश नै भत्काइ रहेको देखे। निराश हुदैं फेरि गाउं पस्यो टुहुरा र बिधवाहरु खण्डहर मात्र भेटे जलेका ढलेका भग्ना बशेश हरु मात्र देखे कतै जाने ठाउ न देखे पछि उ आफ्नो जन्म घर् फर्के चारै तिर् मश्जिद ले घेरेको परदेशिहरु को जमात मात्र देखे उस्लाई लाग्यो, उ गलत् ठेगानामा आइपुगेछ उ कपिलवस्तु होइन कल्कि वस्ति आइपुगेछ। जहां गए नि , जति खोजे नि उस्ले हराएको शान्ति भेटेन केवल् जता ततै रक्त क्रान्तिका अनेक् भ्रान्तिहरु मात्र भेटे। केवल् भ्रान्तिहरु मात्र भेटे। अस्तु!
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Posted on 05-02-07 8:11
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Posted on 05-02-07 11:58
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Happy Buddha Jayanti to all! I'm glad that we didn't have any dance and drink party on the name of buddha jayanti like last year.
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Posted on 05-02-07 12:00
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नेपाली मा टाइप् गर्न राम्रो सँग आउँदैन, तर बुद्ध् जयन्ती अनी rahulvai को कवीत कवीता देखेर याद् आयो, बुद्द को कुरा! एक् जना भा रतिय मित्र जो सँग बोल् चाल् बन्द थियो ले university मा एक् जना European जस्ले आफु लाई बुद्ध धर्म मन् पर्ने कुरा गर्दै थियो, लाई भन्दै थिइन्, I am from India, you know Budhha was born in India. मेरो उस्सँग बोल्चाल् बन्द थियो, गाला मा कसेर एक् झापड् हान्न मन्न् लागेको थियो। फेरी केही दिन् अगाडि अर्की भारतीय मित्र ले अर्को एक् जना बुज्रुग् सँग भनिन्: “Bhuddism was started from India.” उस्को यो बाठो तर्क थियो। होइन भन्न पनी नसक्ने। अनी मैले भने Budhha was born in Nepal and went Gaya for meditation. At that time there was not a country called India. He got this Gyan under a tree, if you say that was the origin, then it is in Gaya of Bihar state, one of the worst state in this world. के गर्नु बुद्द ले ध्यान गर्न पानी India रोजेको होला जस्तो लाग्यो, मन खिन्न भो अनी किन Lenin, Stalin, Mao को नाम् जप्ने अनी आफ्नो देश् को identity, देश का सपुत् र ईतिहास मेट्ने हामी नेपाली जस्तो लाग्यो।
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Posted on 05-02-07 12:52
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Hey Nepal?, the blame goes to us not to Buddha? How can you first put the Buddha inside the boundaries? It's only us who wants to keep inside our boundary of Nepal. Once a tourism personnel was saying that he and buddhist community had advocated for a long time, and even submitted applications to the authority for printing the buddha's image in coins, and which they can present or sell as souveneirs to tourists, so that it would be spread worldwide, and at least it would make to coin collectors. But the governments probably saw it as a threat to hinduism or whatever and it never happened. I don't know if we've been able to have any nepali coins with buddha's image on it now too. so who to blame? check the books in library with buddhist cultures, and see which countries will top the lists.
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Posted on 05-02-07 1:45
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Posted on 05-02-07 2:05
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i wrote it couple of yrs ago dont remember a lot but feel like posting it .. बारुद्को गन्ध् , बज्रपात् रोकिएन मेरो घर् छेवैको बान्स् आज सुसाएन मुमा झोपदिमा छिन्, खोइ छोरो आएन , निस्पत् कालरात्रीको पर्दा छ्यातेर सुर्य उदयएन , बर्तमान थाकीसकेको थियो chataan निसास्सिने उस्का पा इला कापी सकेका थिए आज पुर्बी क्षितिजमा आलो रगत् पोखियो, आफ्नै अस्तित् वको लडाईंमा बर्तमान शाहीद् भयो म्रित्त्यु शाहयामा बर्तमान ईतिहास guhardai थियो ईतिहास म्रित् बर्तमानमा आँफैलाई nihardai थियो अनी tutephuteka अव्सेसहरुमा ,उ बुद्ध उपदेश् खोज्दै थियो भ त्किएका गुम्बाहरुमा बुद्ध आँखा बन्द गर्दै थिए रक्त शान्ति को कल्पना गर्ने सामर्थ्य म मा रहेन, मेरो कलम् भाचियो,, मसी सुक्यो , कविता पुरा भएन
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Posted on 05-02-07 2:26
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Can we stop bickering and fighting on this Great Man's Birthday. Thanks you. Buddham Saranam Gachaaami Dhamman saranam Gachamiiii. Happy Buddha Jayanti to you all.
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Posted on 05-02-07 4:10
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earthsucksudown jee बडा भावपूर्ण कबिता पस्किनु भयो। उत्तमाति उत्तम्।
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Posted on 05-02-07 4:21
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राहूलभाइ सक्रियता र सिलसिला नटुटोस् । सधै शुभकामना !
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Posted on 05-02-07 6:41
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दुबै कविता निकै राम्रो लाग्यो । वर्तमान को यथार्थ चित्रण । उता मेरोसंसारमा पनि देखे, त्याँहा पनि यो कविता टाँसेर ठुल्दाइले राम्रो गर्नु भयो, त्यहाँका झगडालु मष्तिष्कहरुलाइ थोरै भएनि शीतल बनाउला कि ? सायमिको तस्वीरको पनि तारीफ गर्छु म । अर्को प्रसङ्गमा ---------------- पहिलो कुरो : शायद नेपालीले देशभित्र बुद्धलाइ नचिन्ने, तर बिदेश गएपछि चिन्ने रहेछ कि के हो कुन्नि, धेरैको मुखबाट यस्तो कुरो सुन्न पाइन्छ । बुद्ध नेपाली हो कि इण्डियन भन्ने प्रसंगमा इण्डियनहरुसित मित्रवत विवाद भयो भनेको मैले सुनेको छैन । बुद्धलाइ इण्डियन भन्दाखेरि खुबै रीस उठे पनि हामीसित बुद्धबचन र बौद्धदर्शनका बारेमा खासै ज्ञान भने छैन । कसैले चुनौति दिएर १० कक्षामुनिका किताबमा पढेका कुराहरु बाहेक १० मिनेट बुद्ध र बौद्ध धर्मका बारे बताइदेउ भन्यो भने हम्मे हम्मे पर्छ । शान्तिका अग्रदुत, कपिलवस्तुमा जन्मेको राजकुमार, रोगि, बृद्ध र मृत्यु जस्ता कुराबाट विरक्तिएर घरबाट भागेर गइ तपस्या गरेको, छ बर्षको कठोर तपस्या पछि ज्ञान प्राप्तगरेको र त्यहि ज्ञानको प्रचार गर्दै ८० बर्षको उमेरमा महानिर्वाण प्राप्त । यस्तै सेरोफेरोको कुरो मात्र थाहा छ हामीलाइ । यहाँनिर कता कता हाम्रो सोचाइ, भावना र व्यवहार असंगत भए जस्तो लाग्छ । दोस्रो कुरो: मेरो आफ्नै एउटा अनुभव यस्तो छ । एउटा जापानी साथीले बुद्ध इण्दो (इण्डिया)को भन्यो । अरु नेपालीले जस्तै मैले पनि आफ्नो प्रतिरोध राखे - बुद्ध नेपालको हो भनेर । सबै जापानीलाइ थाहा छ, बुद्ध नेपालमा जन्मेको भनेर, तर कसैले पनि बुद्धलाइ नेपाली भन्दैन । जापानमा जब जुन्को तावेइले सगरमाथा चढेर किर्तिमान राखिन, त्यसैबेला देखि जापानीहरुलाइ बुद्ध नेपालमा जन्मेको भनेर थाहा थियो, तर पनि त्यहाँ बुद्धलाइ नेपाली नमानिने रहेछ । किन होला? यस्तै मैले थाइ, भियतनामि, कोरियाली, मंगोलियालि लगायतका बिभिन्न देशका बौद्ध साथिहरुसित कुरा गर्दा सबै जसोले बुद्ध इण्डियाको नै भन्ठाने । नेपालमा हिमाल छ, नेपाल त धेरै चिसो ठाउँ हो, पातलो लुगामा बेरिने बुद्धजस्ता मान्छैहरु नेपालमा बस्नै सक्दैन भन्ने जस्ता तर्क पनि गरे कसै कसैले । मेरो बिचारमा नेपालको सरकारी पक्षबाट नै बुद्ध नेपाली हो भन्ने अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय प्रचार प्रसार गर्न नसकेको ले त्यसो भएको होला ।
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Posted on 05-02-07 7:26
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I had this discussion with professor in my religion class. He told us that Buddha was born in Hindustan..... me including few of my frens opposed this... but what he said was Buddha was born much before the whole land was divided into the countries and boundaries and at that period, the whole land was called Hindustan where Hindus used to live. Later Hindustan became Indai and Nepal. As India is still called Hindustan, people belive that Buddha was born in India. I looked over many books of Religion and some sites.... but in majority, I found Buddha was born in India.... I know it's painful. Can anything be done to this? Well let's pray this buddha Jayanti brings peace in our country. Buddham Saranam Gachhami
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Posted on 05-03-07 1:27
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. नमो तस्सो भगवतो अरहतो सम्मा सम्बुदस्य Namo Tasso Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhasa .
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Posted on 05-03-07 1:54
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Lord Budha was born in Lumbini Garden, and received the Gyana at Bodh Gaya. This Gyana came to him from the Universe, and it is all about the Almighty--who is all pervading. You can put Lumbini and Gaya within certain political boundaries, but neither the Almighty God nor him who has Gyana about God nor those pure souls in whom God Himself resides.
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Posted on 05-03-07 1:58
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Buddha jayanti at my home
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Posted on 05-03-07 10:23
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Morning Prayer: Okash DwarTayena Kat Saaba Aparadha Khamatha Me Vnate (Tin Palta Vanee) (Pancha Sheel Ko Lagi Matra) AAham Vnate TisaRena Saha PanChaSheel Dhamma Yachami, AnuGahaa Katw Sheel Deth Me Vante DutiYempee….TitiYempee….. Nammo Tassa VagaWatoo Arhoto SammaSamBuddSaaa (Tin Palta Vanee) Budhham SarNam Gachhami Dhammam SarNam Gachhami Sangamm SarNam Gachhami Dutiympi Budhham SarNam Gachhami Dutiympi Dhammam SarNam Gachhami Dutiympi Sangamm SarNam Gachhami Tatiympi Budhham SarNam Gachhami Tatiympi Dhammam SarNam Gachhami Tatiympi Sangamm SarNam Gachhami PANCHHA SHEEL 1. PaNatiPaata BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaami 2. AdinnaDaana BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi 3. KameSumiChhaChara BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi 4. MusaaBaada BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi 5. SuraMerYe MjjppmmadhTthannaa BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi
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Posted on 05-03-07 10:42
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Spiderman, can you put meanings of those morning prayer too? in brief.
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Posted on 05-03-07 11:19
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. Buddham saranam gacchami I go to the Buddha for refuge. Dhammam saranam gacchami I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Sangham saranam gacchami I go to the Sangha for refuge. Dutiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami For a second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. Dutiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami For a second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Dutiyampi Sangham saranam gacchami For a second time, I go to the Sangha for refuge. Tatiyampi Buddham saranam gacchami For a third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge. Tatiyampi Dhammam saranam gacchami For a third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge. Tatiyampi Sangham saranam gacchami For a third time, I go to the Sangha for refuge. .
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Posted on 05-03-07 11:22
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. Panatipata veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the precept of abstaining from killing any living beings Adinnadana veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the Precept of abstaining from taking wnat is not given by the owner Kamesumicchacara veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the precept of abstaining from committing sexual misconduct. Musavada veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the precept of abstaining from telling lies. Suramerayamajja pama datthana veramanisikkhapadam samadiyami: I observe the precept of abstaining from taking any intoxicant or drug that causes forgetfulness. .
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Posted on 05-03-07 12:26
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Okash DwarTayena Kat Saaba Aparadha Khamatha Me Vnate (Tin Palta Vanee) [Vante, Maile Kaaya, Waak ra Chitaa Tin Dwar Bata Kehi Aparadh Gareko Bhaye Ti Sabai Lai Kripa Purbak Chamya Gari Dinu Hola.] (Pancha Sheel Ko Lagi Matra) AAham Vnate TisaRena Saha PanChaSheel Dhamma Yachami, AnuGahaa Katw Sheel Deth Me Vante [Vante, Ma Tri SaraNa Sahit Pancha Sheel ko Sikcha Magda Chu, Kripa Gari Malai Sheel Dinu Hosh.] DutiYempee….TitiYempee….. Nammo Tassa VagaWatoo Arhoto SammaSamBuddSaaa (Tin Palta Vanee) [Waha Bhagawaan Ahart SamayaakSamBuddha Lai Namaskar.] Budhham SarNam Gachhami [Ma Buddha Ko Saran Ma Janchu] Dhammam SarNam Gachhami [Ma Dharma Ko Saran Ma Janchu] Sangamm SarNam Gachhami [Ma Sangha Ko Saran Ma Janchu] Dutiympi Budhham SarNam Gachhami Dutiympi Dhammam SarNam Gachhami Dutiympi Sangamm SarNam Gachhami Tatiympi Budhham SarNam Gachhami Tatiympi Dhammam SarNam Gachhami Tatiympi Sangamm SarNam Gachhami PANCHHA SHEEL 1. PaNatiPaata BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaami [Maile Prani Ghaat Nagarne Sikcha Ramro Sanga Palan Garda Chu] 2. AdinnaDaana BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi [Maile Choori Nagarne Sikcha Ramro Sanga Palan Garda Chu] 3. KameSumiChhaChara BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi [Maile Para Estri/Para Purus Gaman Nagarne Sikcha Ramro Sanga Palan Garda Chu] 4. MusaaBaada BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi [Maile Jhutha Nabolne Sikcha Ramro Sanga Palan Garda Chu] 5. SuraMerYe MjjppmmadhTthannaa BermNi ShiKhaaPadh SmadiYaammi [Maile Rakshi, Jaad Adi Nasalu Padhartha Sewan Nagarne Sikcha Ramro Sanga Palan Garda Chu]
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Posted on 05-03-07 12:31
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http://www.kantipuronline.com/pdf/kanti1.pdf Thursday, May 03, 2007