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Posted on 04-22-06 6:08
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अहिलेको सात दलहरुको आन्दोलनको स्वरुप हेर्दा उनिहरुको कानुनि राज्य वा डेमोक्र्यासिमा यस्तो यस्तो गर्न पाइने देखिन्छा। आफ्नो राजनितिक माग पुरा गराउन जबर्जस्ति अरुको पसल, कार्यालय, स्कुल, बिजनेस आदि बन्द गराउन सकिने। कसैले पनि अरुको आवतजावत् रोक्न पाइने, यदि अटेर गरेमा कुटपिट र सवारि साधन जलाउन वा तोडफोड गर्न सकिने। सरकार मन पर्दैन भने कर तिर्न नपर्ने। कर्मचारिहरु र बिद्यार्थिहरुले फुलटाइम राजनितिमा लाग्नुपर्ने, जनताले तिरेको करले चल्ने कार्यालय र शैक्षिक सस्थांहरु काम गर्ने र पढ्ने भन्दापनि राजनितिक कार्यकर्ताहरु उत्पादन गर्ने थलो बन्नुपर्ने। सरकारले लगाएको कर्फ्यु, निषेध-आज्ञा आदि पालन गर्न नपर्ने। पुलिस, सैनिक र कर्मचारिहरुले सत्तामा रहेको सरकारसगं राजनितिक असहमत भएमा सरकारको आदेस नमानि बिपक्षिको आदेस मान्दा हुने। राजनितिक प्रतिद्वन्दिहरुलाइ गालिगलौज गर्न पाइने, आफुमात्रै जिन्दाबाद, आफुसगं असहमत हुने अरु सबै मुर्दाबादको निति लागु हुने। सबिंधान् र कानुनको ब्याख्या गर्ने आन्तिम अधिकार पार्टिहरुलाइ हुने, कुनै फैसला चित्त नबुझे मान्न कर नलाग्ने। आफुसगं राजनितिक असहमति हुनेलाइ जबर्जस्ति सामाजिक बहिष्कार गर्न सकिने, कालोमोसो दल्ने र जुत्ताको माला लगाउन पाइने। आफ्नो राजनितिक उद्देश्य प्राप्तिकोलागि हिँसात्मक वा अहिँसात्मक जस्तोसुकै बाटो पनि अगाँल्न पाइने। आफुले नरुचाएको चुनाबमा अरुलाइ पनि जबर्जस्ति रोक्न पाइने।
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Posted on 04-22-06 9:44
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I agree to one point of urs, Karmarana. If king wants to do poilitics, he should leave the throne, form a poitical party, get majority and rule for 5 years. Why is he crying to rule for just 3 years?
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Posted on 04-22-06 9:45
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SPA can't exist together Karmarana.....They are working together to achieve the common goal...oust the King...Once the king is ousted.....Their idealogies are different...there demands are different.....Oh...once thing they all can agree on...Keep corrupting the system.....Make fortune, and turn the table to others....
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Posted on 04-22-06 9:49
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Knightcrawler, This mass is not on the street to dethrone King and crown the party leader to rule their fate. As far as I understand, people want change where they have their voice heard , no matter how dim it is. They want due respect to the people's sovereignty. Not the "indifference shown in kings speech' and not the tag of "exploitable uneducated suburb youth". Don't blame me for being romantic. I am dreamer.
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Posted on 04-22-06 9:57
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Nice choice of words.. " Exploitable Uneducated suburb Youths"......it does seem like it though right???
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Posted on 04-22-06 10:15
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Dear chakku and rein, democracy won't die, even if there are no parties. You can still think and do things democratically. Democracy is a way of living, its not just about political parties, election, protests and so on.
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Posted on 04-22-06 10:55
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To add more, democracy needs only democratic parties. One of the reasons for failing democracy in Nepal is that parties are not democratic themselves. Its ridiculous, these parties are demanding democracy when they don't know what it really is.
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Posted on 04-22-06 10:55
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आशुले उनी बदलिन थालेको संकेतहरु दिदै थिए, माथिको एउटा पोस्टिङ हेर्दा त उनी अझै पुरानै रक्सिको नशामा धुत रहेछन् भन्ने देखियो । काकरभित्तादेखि महेन्द्रनगर सम्म, जुम्ला-हुम्ला देखि विरगञ्जसम्म, गाउँ गाउँ देखि शहर शहर सम्म, १६ दिनसम्म अविछिन्न प्रदर्शन गर्ने लाखौं लाख (करोड भने हुन्छ ) जसले राजतन्त्रको समाप्ति भन्दा घटि र बढी केहि चाहेका छैनन्, लाई एउटा राष्ट्रको राजनैतिक चेतनाको अभिव्यक्ति नदेखेर अल्लारेहरुको राजनैतिक चेतनाविहिन भिड देख्न लगाउने नशा दिने रक्सि चानचुने रक्सि होईन । राजतन्त्रका विम्वहरुलाई सामान्य तोडफोड गर्नु बाहेक कुनै प्रकारको लुटपाट र आपराधिक काममा नलागेको यो मानव महासागरलाई देखेर सद्दे होस-हवास भएको जस्तोसुकै पटमूर्खले पनि 'ऋतिकरोशन काण्ड' र ईराक हत्या पछि तोडफोड लाई स्मरण गर्ने छैन । आशु बेलाबखत ज्ञानगुनका पुस्तकहरुको नाम लिन्छन्, तर तिनको गुदीलाई आत्मसात गरेको भने कहिले देखिन मैले । (यो मेरो व्यक्तिगत पढाई हो है आशु, यसमा स्पष्टिकरण दिईरहनु पर्दैन) । आशुले तलको पुस्तक पनि "पढेकै" होलान्, गुदि मात्रै आत्मसात गर्न नसकेको होला । The Wisdom of Crowds: Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations By: James Surowiecki - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0385503865/102-3327904-7953719?v=glance&n=283155
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Posted on 04-22-06 11:10
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>> Nice choice of words. Credit goes to Ashu. >>> .....it does seem like it though right??? Not just seems. It has beeen proved ( Statistics to second this claim) . Who can challenge this ? I don't have universal definition of an educated person. This is the same attitude that compels "Educated" person ( I am one from my definition) to raise the fence even higher around his home with piercing glass pieces and nails on the top.
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Posted on 04-22-06 11:50
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>> We are polite and friendly on the surface, but the Nepali temperament, as far as my limited experience goes, is very violent, prejudicial, conspiracy-believeing and uncompromisingly bitter over the smallest of slights.<< - Nepali temperament? Or Human? The above sounds like an accurate description of the median human (whatever that may be).
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Posted on 04-22-06 11:52
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*another nepali - tii kuraaharu bhawisyamaa chahin khyaal garumlaa ni hunna? aafno aawaz chahin banda nagarnus. tara sabaibhanda pahile, bolna sakne, bolna hune nai sthiti khadaa garum na. kaso?
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Posted on 04-22-06 12:08
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Dear no more, I disagree with you. You can't create a democratic society by supressing people's very basic rights. Your statement implies: "Let me do whatever I want, and I will give you democracy". That's totally a wrong idea.
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Posted on 04-22-06 12:12
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>how then do you _fight_ undemocracy?
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Posted on 04-22-06 12:14
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>how then do you _fight_ undemocracy? obviously, there is no movement towards democracy by observing the rules in place right now.
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Posted on 04-22-06 12:19
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>>especially young semi-urban males<< oh man, i can smell (soft) bigotry from here to the high heavens. what the heck is a "semi-urban" person? sidhai bhannus na, all the people out on the streets are "paakhe", "gaawaar" and "asabhya" - tetti bhanna khojyaa haina?
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Posted on 04-22-06 12:28
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>another nepali. i agree with you in "what you sow is what you reap". however, i think that is more true when we are operating in the same paradigm - when we are "normally" progressing. what is going on here is a change in the paradigm - of our traditional society and/or values. and it seems like the new paradigm is set to make an entrance whether you and me like it or not. whether you and me want it or not. and that transition is bound to go out of bounds, sometimes. afterall, there is no childbirth without labor. unless you opt for a c-section, i guess. that doesn't make it right. absolutely. but i do not claim to be a righteous person. but one cannot fight the system without breaking rules. it is just a question of where each of us draws the line.
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Posted on 04-22-06 12:31
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.oh actually it isn't like "Let me do whatever I want, and I will give you democracy" - it's more like "Let's bring a "democratic" paradigm - of course, it costs something, there's no free lunch - and then set in motion the self-correcting mechanisms possible within the democratic framework."
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Posted on 04-22-06 1:23
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Dear no more, the palace is also saying the same thing - "Let me break the rule, I will give you democracy". Then, what's the difference between parties and the palace? They have same slogans and same ways of achieving democracy. Doing things king's way, parties are effectively legitimating king's rule.
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Posted on 04-22-06 1:29
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.we tried the king. now we're trying the political parties. who knows, if were intellectually promiscuous enough, we'll even try the maobaadi (god forbid) sometime in the future.
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Posted on 04-23-06 5:14
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Baaf ray baaf, katro gaali ho yo? Opportunist ray. Poonte lai kina gaali garya ray, as though Anil Jung Shahi (i.e. he has used his REAL name PUBLICLY here on Sajha to explain that he is indeed Ponte, so I see no harm in using his name interchangeably) were above any critical comment over his own PUBLIC announcement here several months ago. Uneducated bhanyo ray. "Wisdom of crowd" padya cha ki chaina ray. Baaf ray baaf. Gajab cha, baa. Let others criticize the king. They are doing it wonderfully. But I, as a mere citizen, am going to remain critical -- in the spirit of some Civil Liberties Union -- of the UNdemocratic behaviours of so-called democrats (who usually escape scrutiny because they seem to saying the right things most of the time), and fearlessly hold a mirror to their face so that their contradictory behaviours appear clear to all. Sure, this is no way to get popular, but, hey, who says protecting democracy has to be some popularity contest? The price of democracy, now or ever, is eternal person-agnostic issue-based vigilance on a case-by-case basis. If some people -- in their infinite wisdom -- see it as this or that, FINE. Other than that, some poor choices of words aside in my earlier posting, my FACTUAL concern is this: We do have a critical mass of young, semi-educated, disenchanted citizens in Nepal. These people WILL bring changes. Demography is destiny. How Nepli netas find a way to address their gerivances now or later is GOING to be one of the biggest challenge in Nepal soon. Now, what's so political about that factual concern? oohi ashu
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Posted on 04-23-06 8:33
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Ashu, >>> How Nepli netas find a way to address their gerivances now or later is GOING to be one of the biggest challenge in Nepal soon. If the country could establish a strong, fair and effective justice system, I don't see these netas as challenge. So I have a wish. The " critical mass of young, semi-educated, disenchanted citizens in Nepal" that WILL change the fate of the country to step ahead in this critical state to ensure scuh environment instead of waiting until this "stupid" movement ends. However, I am not much worried a bit either. I am confident that this movement will establish such environment where this "critical mass of young" can work toward prosperity of our country. Netas will get their due paid. Nothing less, nothing more. As feared by many, communist took over is kid's howguji. That's not happening. See how CPN UML is communist only in name. Maoist will also have to follow the same path to exist. Nepalese has always fought against dictatorship. Worst come worst, more blood and lives will be sacrificed in the name of country. Whatever happens to this movement, this is the battle, inevitable one , if Maoists want to impose their idealogy over nepalese. Get ready for that. I wil see you Ashu there in that warfront. Don't blame me of being romantic. I am a dreamer.