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Oops i did it again
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Posted on 03-13-25 11:09
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एक जना भारतीय नागरिक असाईलम् जितेर घर गएर फर्कन क्रममा सी बि पीको फन्दामा परेका छन्। पहिलो चोटी चै झुक्काउन सफल भए तर दोस्रो पटक फोन जाच गर्दा एउटा सानो गल्तिले रुनु न हास्नु bhayaycha इंडिया पुग्दा फोनमा you have arrived in india notification metna birsaycha . CBP officer le greencard jafat gari puna interview dinu purnay bhako cha. La hera fasaad.
Oops i did it again
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Posted on 03-14-25 10:30
AM [Snapshot: 240]
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There are so many nepali people who faked their asylum to get greencard . Should they be investigated ?? What do you guys say about it?
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Posted on 03-14-25 1:23
PM [Snapshot: 408]
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It all comes down to- living true and honest life! The biggest luxury in life is to live a true and honest life...not everyone can afford it. The fake asylum seekers just didn't have the luxury in life to live a true life..they had to fake things. Now that same fake stuff will haunt them their entire life. no question about it! They know that truth is not on their side. I don't care what anyone does just menioning how things are. This is a land where justice is given to whoever can afford a more expensive lawyer..just look up what they did with epstein victims and how they are safeguarding epstein cleints. That's just one example.
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Posted on 03-14-25 7:12
PM [Snapshot: 616]
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Oops, I did it again... Now tell us everything you've ever done in your life. And hey, those who faked it—feel free to chime in on whether your own actions should be investigated too!