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 What is your input on current housing market?
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Posted on 05-27-21 12:08 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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What is your input on current housing market?
Posted on 05-29-21 1:29 AM     [Snapshot: 203]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It's hot. Super Hot.  but will be warm for sometime. 
Last edited: 29-May-21 01:50 AM

Posted on 05-31-21 12:39 PM     [Snapshot: 513]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Housing been real rough lately. I’m trying to but few investment properties condo or small house, and outbid number of times. I closed on one property, but I did not wanna overpay for the house. My realtors keep telling me it be go up, but I have different theory. Inflation and institutional investors have killed the market .The cost lumber, wood and ply have skyrocketed 200-300%. You can’t find the tools and labor to build the house so the inventory is short. And, the govt lower interest rate have caused the demand so high that people are willing to pay 30-49% above the asking price. People buying the houses with out inspections . Am I seeing foreclosure in few years? Definitely. I feel like govt have to raise the rate a bit, just to control inflation and doing that could impact the economic growth. Just raising the federal rate to 1% would stir the housing market. I would suggest to stay clear from this maniac situation unless you moving out of state

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