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 Nepal bans 'PUBG' over concerns kids are addicted. Social Media and Yotube next.
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Posted on 04-11-19 9:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Reuters, Kathmandu

Authorities and parents in Nepal are worried kids and teenagers are addicted to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. As such, officials have banned the battle royale game in the Himalayan nation as of today.

At the request of the country's federal investigation agency, the Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) has ordered ISPs, mobile providers and network service providers to block PUBG. While there haven't been any specific incidents tied to the game, the NTA's deputy director told Reuters parents were worried their kids were getting distracted from their studies and other day-to-day duties.

The ban comes into effect from Thursday, he said.

Following a request from the Himalayan nation's federal investigation authority, the regulator directed all internet service providers, mobile operators and network service providers to block streaming of the game from Thursday onwards, Adhikari said.

It's not the only nation concerned with game addiction among kids. PUBG is also banned in the Indian state of Gujarat, where dozens of people have been arrested for playing.

Last edited: 11-Apr-19 09:39 PM

Posted on 04-11-19 9:44 PM     [Snapshot: 16]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ban people travelling abroad to study and work and using western tech next??
Last edited: 11-Apr-19 09:51 PM

Posted on 04-12-19 12:39 AM     [Snapshot: 91]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Good thinking Itahariko.
Posted on 04-12-19 1:30 AM     [Snapshot: 114]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ya? Since you are so much against the western influence why you still using almost everything made by them and perhaps even living in their land. Is this what you learned?Jun thali ma khane tesaima hagne?
Posted on 04-12-19 2:11 AM     [Snapshot: 130]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I haven’t eaten for free except some gurudwaras nor have I pooped in the same plate I ate in a foreign land. They should be thankful that Smart Brains like Itahariko from Nepal are working for them, paying taxes and contributing for the development of their country.
And Itahariko yes this is what I learned, I learned after all the influences and using almost everything made by them that I was sick. I am thankful that I learned I got sick and I got rid of my causes of sickness. And I don’t want my Nation’s upcoming generations to fall sick like me. I want my Nation to prosper and I will do my best to teach my Nation’s Kids what is right and wrong through what I learnt and realized.

Last edited: 12-Apr-19 03:56 PM

Posted on 04-12-19 9:57 AM     [Snapshot: 219]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Man! AdrianDaju you are so full of shit. Everything I read from you sounds so out of touch and hypocritical. I think you should let go of your modern life and take sanyas in himalaya. But I doubt even that would make you feel happy.
Posted on 04-12-19 10:30 AM     [Snapshot: 249]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I never heard of PUGB till Nepal banned it. Nice job Nepal
Posted on 04-12-19 3:57 PM     [Snapshot: 418]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Shelvey Thank you. I am already happy and thank you for your suggestion.

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