Posted on 02-08-15 1:56
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Guys I like you all men because of your honesty, hard work and ofcourse sticking with your offer in that kind of pressure situation. Basically you guys wanted sharktank goodwill added in the business than money which would been easy for marketing, its all good do not regret you guys will rock
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Posted on 02-08-15 7:05
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Sorry to say but this is bull shit. One thing Nepalis are good at is lying. $$ 5.6 million is a lot of money. Show me your tax return first, then we will talk.
Don't be fooled. This was nothing but a publicity stunt.
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Posted on 02-08-15 10:36
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शाही बाबा,
शार्क ट्यांकमा उनीहरु ले "ओके ओके" भनेर हात मिलाउंदैमा पार्टनर हुने होइन | प्रिजेन्टेसनमा भनेका कुराहरु सबै अफ क्यामरामा भेरिफाई गर्नुपर्छ | अनिबल्ल उनीहरुले सहि गरेर पार्टनर हुने हुन् | त्यहि भएर उनीहरुले जे जे भनेका छन उनीहरुसंग कागज पनि अवश्य छ |
"Show me your tax return first"
I am pretty sure, when they said 5 millions in sale, that is their global sales. (nepal , india, Pakistan, etc combined too where if need be sales data can be manipulated) and if their company is registered in any country other than in USA, the company does not have to report to IRS.
Their sales figure does not seem impossible though.अलि धेरै हो कि जस्तो चै लाग्ला , सियोर थिंग | But not impossible. Lets give these young man all the credit they deserve .
Posted on 02-08-15 2:02
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They took wise decision by not giving away equity neither 15 to nor 10 percent. Since their business is already booming and doing well, I do not think they need more at the moment from those outsiders sharks. Like they said and realized later they need to work more harder and marketing, Like one of the tv businessman advice then " they can get help from bank" which is true. Well good luck to them and it's one of the fresh idea and motivation for we all.
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Posted on 02-08-15 4:14
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कुन चै तोरी लाउरेको हिसाब हो यो ? FYI , ५ milion dollar भनेको पचास करोड नेरु हुन्छ पाच अरब होइन....anyway I smell bullshit here. This whole show is a farce.
Posted on 02-08-15 5:59
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तान तान, आफ्नै गाउँलेको खुट्टा तान. नानि देखि लागेको बानि कहाँ छुद्छ?
They went there for publicity it seems, which is good strategy. If they had any interest in securing a deal, they wouldn't have stated that they wanted to get paid from the money raised - if that was not intentional, then that was pretty silly thing to ask for. Nobody asks for more money from investors telling them the plan is to pay themselves.
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Posted on 02-08-15 6:07
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Yup. No matter what the numbers are, if I had a dog I would definitely buy their Dog Chew! Keep it up brothers.
अनि मेरो भोलि को वाटर कुलर गफ्फ चै यो साथी हरु को हिमालयन कुकुर चपन कम्पनी को प्रोमोशन भयो. लौ जा त. मेरो के काम छ र साझा मा बसेर डीङ्गो जुत्ता लाउने बाहेक बरु यो साथी हरु ले राम्रो थालनी गरे छन्. Good for them.
Posted on 02-09-15 9:35
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Shahi Baba,
You are just an idiot, who believes on fake scam-er Dhoti as God and changed own name as Shai Baba ,doing negative comment about guys who have done awesome job at least to bring name of Nepal in Popular show. How it comes publicity stunt ? Do you even have that much of capacity ?
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Posted on 02-09-15 1:04
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Great Product guys. Keep it up. Its always great to see Nepali product exported to outside world. Not only these guys make money but there are alot of other job opportunities in Nepal created by them. People who criticize them fall under the category of money who doesn't build their house and destroy others.
Posted on 02-09-15 6:05
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It good product, dogs love those churpi. But I don't see it being big mass scale product. It will remain niche product and they will make some money. And I don't think there is patent or anything for this, so anyone can market it and sell it. Question is who will capture market and sell more.
Posted on 02-10-15 11:15
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I don't know why people in here are giving negative comments. Nepali haru ko khutta tanne bani kahile jadaina ki kya ho? They have a plant in WA. They are supplying literally every pet store. People in america loves their dog so much. And I won't be surprised if anyone gets $12 chew for dog. Afule kei garna sakincha bhane garau aaru le gareko kura lai negatively naherau! dhanyabaad!
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Posted on 02-10-15 12:24
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उद्योग ब्यबसाय गरेर पैसा कमाउनु त आफ्नो ठाउँमा छँदै छ, ‘शार्क ट्यांक’ मा प्रस्तुत हुनु मात्र पनि ठूलो उपलब्धि हो | नेपालीहरुले यो काम गरेर देखाई दिए – गर्वको कुरा हो | बाँकी रह्यो, ‘खुट्टा ताने नेपालीले’ भन्ने कुरो – साझामा दुइ चार टून्टेहरु ले गरेको नेगेटिभ कमेन्ट लाइ ‘खुट्टा तानेको’ भन्नु जुम्रोलाई भैंसी देख्नु हो |
Posted on 02-10-15 1:23
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Very smart guys... Kudos! Mark was right that they came for PR.These guys will be famous like 3 sisters online company 'Coffee Meets Bagel',who had declined offer from mark..
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