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Posted on 11-13-14 10:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I had been reading a lot less poetry and writing even less. Those days were one of those kinds of days where you crawl onto some space and you just want to sit there waiting for an epiphany. Everything else continued to be in motion but I stayed still and watch everything come as they go. I watched the sun set and the moon shine; I listened to the winds scowling and the birds chirping. Nothing changed.

I let the days pass and let the thoughts flow. I had once read somewhere that we are but a dot compared to the universe and I realized how hauntingly true that statement was. I stared at nothing, terrified if this was my epiphany- to realize that I was nothing but mere dust. I shrunk.

I read and reread poetry determined to fight with the argument that compared me with dust. And I encountered so many poems that made my heart shrink and so many that made my heart expand. I read biographies of many people, known and lesser known that made a difference. And then I realized that we may be just dust and one day there will be nothing of us but if we leave back an imprint, big or small, we shall remain here as long as the mighty universe may last.

Now I am not terrified of one of those days, when I shall crawl back again in some even deeper and darker space. I am not ashamed of being compared to a dot or dust. I readily and happily accept that one day I shall die and disappear from this world. I am fine with not being mentioned in the pages of history and I am just as fine with being forgotten. But I refuse to be just another soul that ceased to exist. I will leave my set of imprints. I will write wherever I can, about anything and everything I can. I may be lost but my words won’t. And I am satisfied with that.

So my dear friends, if you are in that space now or if you ever find yourself in that hollow space, force every cell of your body to crawl out of it. Read poetry, if that helps, listen to music or do anything that makes you feel good. Set your mind in leaving back an imprint and work towards it. Don’t let anything go to waste. Sketch, paint, write, sing and dance every thought of yours. Challenge the arrogant universe to try and omit you out and leave imprints on its arrogant back to remind it that you won.

Posted on 11-14-14 12:46 AM     [Snapshot: 44]     Reply [Subscribe]
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We all are but dust, and what surrounds us is nothingness, but still we breathe, we think and above all we thrive.
Don't stop your musings, evanescence, you are always a wonder to read!
Posted on 11-14-14 6:04 AM     [Snapshot: 80]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i hope to continue. :)
Posted on 11-17-14 8:18 PM     [Snapshot: 307]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hello Evanescence,

Long time! 

As always, it is a treat to read your pieces, more so when your words so aptly capture the situations and sentiments of so many. Needless to say, you are not alone in feeling that way and this fight is not yours alone to fight. I think there is an epidemic of neglect, anxiety and egotism in the world today. All three are strongly connected to one another. More people will die from depression than Ebola but Ebola is so much more enthralling to talk about :) 

Let's face it, the first lesson in becoming an adult is realizing you are not special.  No one is. You may be special to your parents, spouse and close friends  but to the rest of the world you are no one. Unless we accept this reality, we can never grow up, and unless we grow up, we can never be happy. 

But feeling insignificant may not be as terrible as it sounds. Think of it, the world ignores you and makes you feel small not because it hates you (or because it thinks you are Kafka's insect) but simply because other people are too caught up with their own lives to have a clue about what you think, who you are, what you do, what foods you like and the countless other things that go on in your head every second that you are awake. If they knew the self-narrative you have written for yourself, I am sure you would be flooded by  notes of love and support sent by countless others who could instantly relate to your thoughts.

And besides, being small and insignificant come with it's perks. For one, you can live your life in peace without the glare and scrutiny of others. You are free to make decisions about your life without the pressure that someone of social or political prominence might feel. More choices to try different paths and find fulfillment.

Yes, writing, as you mentioned, and speaking up are two great ways to stir the pot. Your voice and your words are what you use to create, occupy and expand your space. They are the best tools against everything that life tries to rob you of. In fact, your words, more than your genes, are your best shot at immortality :)

Live on.

Last edited: 17-Nov-14 08:22 PM

Posted on 11-18-14 11:32 AM     [Snapshot: 391]     Reply [Subscribe]
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hey vivant

its nice to read your comment after a long time. your comments always trigger a new thought in me. its a treat to read your thoughts and i am so glad you take time to spill them. and i loved your last line about words and genes. what a thought!
Posted on 01-09-15 6:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1061]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Always a pleasure, Evanescence. Write more.


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