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 Apply for PR after asylum
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Posted on 07-24-13 2:19 PM     [Snapshot: 16]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Please refer to the instruction of I-485. You can download it from uscis website. Regarding fingerprint you will get it later after u file i-485.

Best of luck
Posted on 07-24-13 2:35 PM     [Snapshot: 54]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 make sure you get your birth certificate. That' the most important thing. And it's not hard to get. Contact your family back home. Good luck. 
Posted on 07-24-13 2:38 PM     [Snapshot: 61]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 And remember, it's very easy to file I-485. Don't spend a single penny on lawyers. Also one important thing, you can apply for travel document for free of cost if you file together with I-485. 
Posted on 07-24-13 2:43 PM     [Snapshot: 61]     Reply [Subscribe]
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As far as i know you dont need any birthcertificate. You passport is your birthcertificate here. Send all the copy of your asylum granted papre plus I94 they gave you after approval. Send the copy of Workauthorization card (EAD) and rest of the required documents listed on I485 form along with some $$ check addressed to USCIS  oh yeah also medical clearence paper which is the most. Go to any of the doctors associated with USCIA medical verification(google it) and pay some money and get it. Send it to USCIS and wait for thier received letter. Sometime your fingerprint notice comes earlier than your received letter which doesnt really matter , take the finger print on their date and wait. (Note; i am not an expert on these, i am only writing what i know and again i might not be correct as requirements keeps changhing so please follow everysouce you can and know of before applying).

Posted on 07-24-13 4:28 PM     [Snapshot: 201]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Its called immigration medical examination you need to find a specific doctor for that , you call always google immigration medical exam doctor  in your area they will charge you $300-$600 .
Posted on 07-24-13 4:42 PM     [Snapshot: 207]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In Houston i know some Chineses doctors they do it for $150 cost depends on where you are i guess.. Its basically all shots records i guess you will have around 8 or 9 and TB test clearence. Find some cheap doctors they will give one copy for you another they selaed it saying only to be opened by USCIS. Good luck.

Posted on 07-24-13 6:16 PM     [Snapshot: 303]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The birth certificate thing is important, but it is not that important as lopchand dai says. Source: two of my pals were in the same boat as you and didn't submit that invented "Ward ko chitthi".They attached copies of academic certificates along with copies of passport and citizenship (nepali and translated versions of c/ship) to attest their birthday claims and got their GCs. On a side note, if you were filing I-485 under a different scenario, say H1, then the fireworks start for real. Hope that helps. Good luck!
Last edited: 24-Jul-13 06:44 PM

Posted on 07-24-13 7:46 PM     [Snapshot: 392]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Hi jimi_paudel,
  Medical report is mandatory. No exceptions!!! Make sure you get it from the USCIS approved doctor. You can google or search on USCIS website as well. Birth certificate is optional. please kindly go over the instructions for filing i-485 to get a checklist of required documents. You will be fine if you can follow the instructions. 
Posted on 07-24-13 11:51 PM     [Snapshot: 520]     Reply [Subscribe]
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