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Posted on 10-19-11 12:31
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I seriouslly don't understand why these bunch so called NRN(Non reliable Nepalese) want dual citizenship. Why are they thinking dual citizenship is prerequiste for them before they invest in Nepal. They are free to invest in Nepal. Their is special ID card for NRN already. [http://www.nepalembassyusa.org/nrn_id_no.php]
Even though NRNs had announced to form a collective fund of $100 million to invest in Nepal during the first NRN Global Conference, no such fund has come into being even after 9 years of the NRN movement.[ttp://www.myrepublica.com/portal/index.php?action=news_details&news_id=37036]
They are no better our politicans running our country if you look closely at their organizational structure.
I did some research with what NRN were doing or any projects. All i could come up with is...and dats it!!!!! I was expecting more..
Ongoing Projects
Nepal Public Library
One Village One Product
Open University Initiative Nepal
Projects on Pipeline
Nepal Investment Fund
75 Home Districts Project
Projects Completed
Construction of Kriyaputri Bhawan at Pashupati, Kathmandu
NRN Devghat Bridhhasharam Project
Trade School
NRN Airport Trolleys
Seriouslly after all these noise they make in news media...dats all their contribution for the name they stand..WTF
I am not trying to belittle their contribution towards our motherland but seriously...it is way too less than what you would expect from people involved in NRN and kind of things they are demanding.
Okie so lookup at 4.NRN Airport Trolleys
It is 100 trolleys donated by 5 NCC organization around the world..dat didnot look like much...Looks genuine okie..
Okie so lookup project 1..which they have completed... Construction of Kriyaputri Bhawan at Pashupati, Kathmandu

Something doesnot look right. People should start doing more digging into this. A single person is contributing and it’s a single building, a mere Pdf is listed and touted as project completed by NRN.
I was looking at one of the ongoing project.. http://www.aec-fncci.org/One_Village_One_Product/
Oops..there is nothing there.
I started digging deep. I felt bad I was looking with so much doubt with contribution of NRN. So I started taking look at Nepal Library Foundation. Please don’t get me wrong on this 1. I know it is wonderful project but I am more interested in contribution of so called NRNs and the progress of the project.
I felt sad going through the webpage. Hardly any significant contribution or progress…WTF
I started looking at updates of Nepal Library Foundation on website…all it had was
Dats it! Facebook account..twitter account..I want some real work done..
I really felt it was good project run by some volunteers and then hijacked by NRNs to tout as their contribution.
I was glad atleast something good was happening..no matter who was doing it. I wish this project to catch up some speed.
"For the last two years, Dr. Shiva Gautam of Nepal Library Foundation(NLF) has been lobbying the Government of Nepal (GoN) to allocate funds to start an ICT based education pilot project and e-library in Nepal. NLF believes that ICT based learning in all Nepali schools will be impossible without GoN’s unreserved commitment. The foundation president Naresh Koirala and board member Dr. Shiva Gautam recently flew to Nepal for a meeting with GoN in this regard."
Back to government...I thought it was NRN project...donated ten bucks...it is a good project tho...u guys should also donate
Finally i took a look at Open University Initiative Nepal..
I dunno why This is even listed as NRN project when actually it was started by Canada Foundation For Nepal. Even the links goes to http://www2.cffn.ca/openu/resources-for-benefactors which isCCFN website.
The project has nothing susbtantial to be presented other than an idea and the responsibility is shifted back and forth to governement of nepal again. There hasnot been any update since Jan2011 which is good 9 months and it talks about momentum gathered. Looking at the contribution oF NRN..If u see these bunch of NON Reliable Nepalese asking for dual citizenship..please show them middle finger
Last edited: 19-Oct-11 01:10 PM
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Posted on 10-19-11 12:40
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Vasudev you have a different political perspective. Please read from my layman's perspective
Most people have to leave Nepal because govt cannot and will not ever provide the infrastructure for a commoner to succeed.
These people struggle hard in Nepal and they decide to go abroad to try to make some money and to support their families in Nepal. They have to put extra struggle and hardship in the new country they immigrated to because it is difficult for foreigners to work in any country. But even then, they work hard to support themselves and their families in Nepal. They suffer from many restrictions in the foreign country and the only way to make it easier for them is to try to get citizenship of the country they work in.
That does not mean they have any less love for their motherland Nepal. Why does nepal govt, which cannot provide any security or infrastructure in the first place, have issues with giving Dual citizenship so that these hard working immigrants can come back to their own home to their families as proud Nepalis?
What do they have against these immigrants? Please help share this to other immigrants like us so we can ask the imbecile government WHY NOT?
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Posted on 10-19-11 1:09
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wonton, is dual citizenship really necessary to invest in Nepal? i agree that NRNs work hard, maybe harder than those who are in Nepal but that doesn't give NRNs innate right to get dual citizenship, does it?
first thing, who chose to go abroad and work their but off to get rich? NRNs! Neither government, nor the society forced them out.
Secondly, who told them to denounce Nepali citizenship to get foreign citizenship? They themselves! Nobody made them denounce Nepali citizenship. And btw, the law clearly states the consequences of denouncing Nepali citizenship and accepting foreign citizenship. If the NRNs were not aware of that, then that's their fault for not reading the rules/laws properly.
Third, Now that NRNs have progressed so much in foreign lands, why do they even care about Nepali citizenship? I bet most of the NRNs have their families with them where they are, why do you need a Nepali citizenship? I don't think NRN's are going to leave everything they have where they are now and go back to Nepal to eat that dust and smoke.
I'm sure that all those foreign citizens, social workers, and organizations who don't even know about Nepali way of life but still are serving Nepal free of cost through their money and labors don't have a Nepali citizenship and I haven't heard any of them asking for a Nepali citizenship.
Dual citizenship so that these hard working immigrants can come back to their own home to their families as proud Nepalis?
- A quick note about this statement: you become a true and proud Nepali by heart, that little citizenship card doesn't matter.
And you are blaming the government for not providing infrastructure, let me tell you what, there was no infrastructure in the past as well. And there are are millions who are thriving in that environment, you could have thrived there too but YOU decided to leave the country.
There are orphans, dalits, and other minorities who don't have citizenship yet, they are the ones that government needs to focus on, not the NRNs who have everything at their disposal. And I heard that NRNs have special ID that allows them to invest freely in Nepal; what's all this fuss about dual citizenship? If you guys (NRNs) really wanted to invest in Nepal, you'd have done that long ago. Nothing has/is stopping you from investing in Nepal.
Give me one good reason why I should support the cause of dual citizenship, and I will follow you blindly to promote the petition for dual citizenship.
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Posted on 10-19-11 1:24
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Jantare if some laws were made 100 years ago, we need to revisit them and make amends.
For example, thesedays when a woman gets married she can choose to keep her maiden name or keep her husbands name along with.
For example we see many women who choose to have names such as Sangita Karki - Subedi or Paula Smith Shrestha or Ramita Sharma - Shrestha.
What kind of husband would forbid a wife to keep her maiden name? That is exactly what Nepali government is doing to Nepalis abroad by disallowing keeping their citizenship.
I am not talking about any organization called NRN, I am speaking for ordinary Nepalis like myself living abroad.
It's not about investment at all. It's simply about being able to come home to Nepal as Nepalis.
WHY NOT? Do you have any reason to deny dual citizenship? Are you simply jealous that someone else has a citizenship in another country so they can't be Nepalis anymore?
It is not an act of treason to take up citizenship of another country, why should we need to have to give up our citizenship? Hundres of countries have dual citizenship why not nepal? Is the thinking of Nepal lawmakers so backwards that they have to keep embracing laws made 100s of years ago?
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Posted on 10-19-11 1:29
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I have a question since we are in this subject:
Are NRNs not allowed to own any property in Nepal if they denounce their Nepali citizenship? I have heard of stories, now not claiming this is true or not, that some property belonging to NRNs have been unfailry looted (lack of better term) by people who have no rights over the property. Can anyone claim the inherited property if it belongs to a NRN? does the state have the right to strip the ownership or can any stranger make claim to such properties?
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Posted on 10-19-11 1:41
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It's not about investment at all. It's simply about being able to come home to Nepal as Nepalis
As I said earlier, you become a NEPALI by heart, that piece of paper doesn't make you Nepali. Sorry sir, simply being able to come home to Nepal as Nepalis is not a valid reason to get dual citizenship. You can go home without having a Nepali citizenship card, can't you? If you think that card is the only thing that will make you a Nepali, then God help you ammend your thinking before he makes the politicians ammend the law. Why would I be jealous towards people who want Nepali citizenship? I already have one, man; there is nothing to be jealous about! But to be honest, you (and all other NRNs) really don't need one.
Talking about the law made 100 years ago, US still abides by the Bill of RIghts proposed back in 1789. Now you might say, well that's for good of all people and that's what makes it still effective. But all might not think so; some might think that some points on the Bill of RIghts are not what they want. But the law is law, either follow it or get a really good royal spankin from the law enforcement for not following it. Same is the case with this dual citizenship. It's not important, NRNs don't need it to go visit Nepal so stop crying over it. If you really want to go home and stay there, denounce foreign citizenship, and keep your Nepali citizenship.
Btw, I know what maiden name is; I've written my moms maiden name many times on forms, thanks for the demo though.
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Posted on 10-19-11 6:28
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I don't have any other countries citizenship but still i'd say not giving dual citizenship is being jealous. Malai chodera gako thiyis ni jastai and what is the article trying to prove don't give them dual citizenship because they are not investing in our country, that is a bull crap, they are nepalese by birth. On the other hand, NRNs shouldn't lie
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Posted on 10-19-11 6:47
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Seems like wanton is very naive . NRNA (not NRN) wants dual citizenship because in furture they can go to nepal and become neta, stand on election and loot nepal . Government have already given all the facilities(NRN card) to NRN like Nepalese citizen except
- right to vote
-right to stand on election
Recently there was election of NRN UK and you would be suprised some were reresenting congress, some UML, some maoist. In foreign country nepalese runs election in the name of political parties. How sad , is that?
Only 5 percent of the NRN are member of NRNA . That shows nepalese outside nepal does not actually support this organization.
-Real NRN are the hundreds and thousands of nepalese working in Arabs. The are the one who actually pour money into nepal. Sadly, when I read NRNA manifesto none concentrated on them. Many nepalese in Arabs have been cheated by the employer, many died working there, many woman sexually harrased. However, rich NRNA don't have time to look at their demand.
J. F keneddy said " ask not what country can give to you but what you can give to the country". Unfortunately what NRNA has done is only asking . Even in recent conference Nepal government invested 30 lakhs on them. If you count all the NRNA conferences in last ten years the investment on NRNA by nepal government would be in crores. What have they got in return. More demands for citizenship , money for conferences, pay less tax than foreigners. If they want to make nepal rich why they don't want to pay tax.
Nobody has stopped NRN from investing . I know few NRN who invested in nepal but who does not want to be memeber of NRNA. Why be member of this badnaam group. In nepal general public don't like NRNA.
I think upendra mahato should pull out of NRNA. He is the only one who has invested . There are about 300-400 netas who are boasting on his investment. Those people are leaches and oppertunist. If they beocome neta in nepal they will loot .
Ojaswi rana
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Posted on 10-19-11 6:52
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@ Wonton Analogy about women keeping middle name is out of context. What about a husband divorcing wife and getting new one. Now he wants both wifes. This analogy sound more reasonable. What kind of wife will allow husband to be shared????
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Posted on 10-19-11 7:12
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NRN are nepalese citizen by birth. If they want nepali citizenship nepal govenrment will give them with open arms. But will they be renounce citizenship of US, Canada, Europe or Australia in order to get nepalese citizenship?
They didn't think twice renonuncing nepalese citizenship for foreign country.
Secondly,concept of NRN is based on NRI. India don't give dual citizenship. And if you look at NRN , it does not spend anywhere near what NRI does.
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Posted on 10-19-11 9:23
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I don't know the limitations of NRN card, if it allows them to travel to nepal without visas, fees and limitations and they can own the property and like someone else said, do everything except vote and be candidate for office, then NRNs don't really need dual citizenship.
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Posted on 10-19-11 11:52
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When Nepal government announced " Nepali Green Cards" for NRNs, verry few applications were received for the NRN card. This explains that most NRNs do not care about entry/reentry into Nepal crap. These are some of the motives i have observed from NRNs and its supporters.
1. Getting Nepali citizenship for possible state leadership.
2. Saving fixed properties from their siblings and relatives. Once Nepali citizen denounces Nepali Citizenship, the government consficates their property.
3. Corrupts of Nepal such as " kala bazari & Chor Neta" want to find a proper channel to transfer their black money into the first world for their children and themselves.
4. There are also few honest people who want to bring their worth to the first world.
NRN is nothing but ANA on steroid. And most people already know what ANA is all about. It would be stupid to assume NRN doing any good for Nepal and Nepali.
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Posted on 10-20-11 12:54
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Recently there was election of NRN UK and you would be suprised some were reresenting congress, some UML, some maoist. In foreign country nepalese runs election in the name of political parties. How sad , is that? No_quiero This line sums up the whole story.
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Posted on 10-20-11 9:48
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I don't think there is any issue with dual-citizenship.. India has already implemented it.
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Posted on 10-20-11 11:45
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@ wonton I totally understand people wanting to come back and invest in their country of origin. But why do they need dual citizenship? They have all right to own property and do business.
Does not having Nepalese citizenship make him any less Nepali?
And, yes you cannot not change laws just because you want something to be more easy. US still abides by the Bill of Rights.
Dual nationality is not permitted under Nepal law. Termination is covered in Section 10 of the Nepal Citizenship Act 2006.
Section 11 of the Nepal Citizenship Act provides for any person who has relinquished the citizenship of Nepal and desires to again become a citizen of Nepal to reacquire Nepali citizenship. The person must submit an application, along with evidence of his having been a citizen of Nepal previously, and also of having relinquished any foreign citizenships he has held.
@ chaurey I don't think there is any law that forbids them from owning property or doing business.
For the PNO(people of nepalese origin) the NRN card allows:
To hold on to the property they had in their name as Nepali citizens (no need to sell to Nepali citizens)
To come to Nepal any number of times and live in Nepal any number of days
No visa fee at the time of arrival
Right to buy limited amount of property
Open bank account and do business in Nepal
The card in a way establishes the right of the PNO to have some rights in Nepal, but not the same as Nepali citizens.
@ ans Nopes, please get your facts straight. The Constitution of India forbids dual citizenship or dual nationality, except for minors where the second nationality was involuntarily acquired. There is Provision for Overseas Citizenship for India (OCI) which sometimes mistaken for Dual citizenship.
I seriouslly have doubt this Organization respresents the interest of Nepalese people who are residing outside the country.
I was more pissed off by fake overblown contribution that these people are claiming to make. The whole organization is politically infileterated and claims to represent geunine interest of people.
Next time, you see these people asking for dual citizenship..Please politely show them middle finger,
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Posted on 10-20-11 12:18
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Vasudev thank you for the information. I was not aware of NRN being able to own property in Nepal. How does one apply for NRN card? is there a website or any information out there that would help people apply for it?
Last edited: 20-Oct-11 12:18 PM
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Posted on 10-20-11 12:46
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Last edited: 20-Oct-11 01:01 PM
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Posted on 10-21-11 10:38
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I always felt these NRN were given too much importance. No body ever prevented them from investing in Nepal. They are the ones who gave up Nepalese citizenship for sake of another, not like Nepalese government kicked them out. And since now you are foreigner, you abide by Nepalese law, rather than asking law to change for you. These people genuinely don't care about Nepal. There are thousands of foreign NGOS working for Nepal but do not set pre set condition.
I don't know why they are still blaming government for situation being not business friendly. Hellow...it was never business friendly...Also these people are politically motivated. Same UML,congress and maoist filling up their election positions.
desh bhitra ka ley ta desh chusey..aba bahira basera ni na chodney?? They don't want to pay tax as foreigners.
There are literally thousands of Nepalese who still havenot been able to get their citizenship.but they are mostly marginalized and poor people who have almost no say in Nepal.
NRN special card allows them to do business freely. By isssuing NRN card, government has already made it easy for them to do business compared to a foreign investment.
Is this why you want dual citizenship?
Last edited: 21-Oct-11 10:41 AM
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Posted on 10-21-11 7:06
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Why would you pay tax in Nepal if you are already paying tax in the us? Are you trying to say we need to pay tax in both countries?