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 Democrat lies revealed
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Posted on 02-24-25 12:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Democrat Lie:


Posted on 02-24-25 12:53 PM     [Snapshot: 63]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why do you need Democrats when Elon can EFFICIENTLY F**K around MAGA so hard left and right. LOL!!

Last edited: 24-Feb-25 12:55 PM

Posted on 02-24-25 1:03 PM     [Snapshot: 77]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What do you have against Elon?
I really don't think his personal life where he engages with consensual adults is any of our concerns. I am sure everyone has skeletons in their closets if you dig enough.
Posted on 02-24-25 1:23 PM     [Snapshot: 90]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Why do you care so much about Hunter Biden's personal life and his DI*K pics in his laptop or his baby mamas ?

Hunter was never a part of federal govt nor was Hunter instructing what federal govt employees should do or should not do.

Posted on 02-24-25 1:42 PM     [Snapshot: 136]     Reply [Subscribe]
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There was corrupt activities captured in the laptop like selling his dad's influence to the highest bidder. And there were pictures of minors.

Even his father granted him blank pardon for anything he did between 2014 and 2024. A pre-emptive pardon because he knew he committed multiple crimes. Otherwise why was such a blanked pardon necessary?

So you think Elon's private consensual affairs are in the same category as Hunter Biden's stuff?

Elon was deputized by Trump to become DOGE so he is an employee of the federal govt and everything he is doing is legal under Trump's power as the president.
Posted on 02-24-25 2:21 PM     [Snapshot: 176]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Pretty much every charge about Hunter Biden was made up by MAGA conspiracy theorists/influences because the MAGA incel crowd was so eager to take a look at hunter's di*c pics and his baby mamas.

MAGA was not at all interested in Hunter's gun related charges not was MAGA interested in Hunter's tax evasion charges because Trump Org itself was previously convicted of tax charges in the State of New York and MAGA gun fanatics got in very awkward position having to advocate for putting someone in prison for exercising the 2nd Amendment rights.

And, why the hell Trump felt compelled to pardon January 6 insurrectionists ? Many of these insurrectionists had not even gone on trial. Why was such a blanked pardon necessary?

Posted on 02-24-25 2:44 PM     [Snapshot: 250]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Unlike Biden who pardoned his family showing what a selfish person he was, Trump actually pardoned common citizens who were practicing their rights to protest which was agitated by the police and fbi to enter the capitol, then calling it an insurrection. Wow an insurrection by using bare hands against a nuclear superpower. Such a believable story for some.

Trump showed compassion towards common citizens in his pardon while Biden pardoned his son who funneled millions from the chinese and the ukrainis and the pharmaceutical mafia that funneled millions thru fauci lies to sell useless vaccines and to defraud the public.
Last edited: 24-Feb-25 02:47 PM

Posted on 02-24-25 3:02 PM     [Snapshot: 290]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Democrats have lost their ability to focus on an issue. This post was about the lie that was being spread about Elon Musk. Then comes blind democrat supporter who instead of focusing on the issue being discussed wants to overthrow the conversation by making it about Hunter Biden and then about the Jan 6 insurrection the talking points of democrat media funded by taxpayer money to brainwash people like him.

If you cannot stay in topic then please stay out. I have discussed the other things multiple times in different threads. I am not interested in beating a dead horse.
Posted on 02-24-25 5:15 PM     [Snapshot: 475]     Reply [Subscribe]
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when president Musk and his side kick Trump lie about anything - you will say they make mistakes nothing to worry about, they can say whatever they want spread lies and not get fact checked. I do not even know who this Joshua person is. probably only has few hundred followers and you lose your shit? i do not know if you are just trolling, or you are just trying to get a reaction or if you are really concerned about this.

Elon is literally firing federal American workers/ American jobs left and right without any proper reasoning in the name of saving federal money and removing fraud and corruption. I am not trying to argue here ---- i am totally in support of getting corruption,fraud out and use it to better the life of all Americans, I am just concerned how they are doing it and that you support a billionaire who was NOT even elected by American citizens, who gets billions of dollars of subsidies from the federal government, who targeted all the federal departments who were questioning the funds that his companies were getting without any question or thought.
Posted on 02-24-25 5:35 PM     [Snapshot: 507]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Lol President Musk and side kick Trump. I bet you did not come up with that from your own intelligence. You got it from the propaganda media, a lot of whom were found to be funded by USAID by buying millions worth of subscriptions to be anti trump and pro democrats. Even Trump and Elon were talking about how these media are trying to create a division among them. They are laughing at dumb people who take that seriously.

I am not losing shit over anything. Just pointing out that things like these happen all the time to throw off dumb democrats into believing that kinda shit. Taking things out of context is something that democrat media does all the time. You think people are being fired for nothing? Are you for real? If government workers are not doing their jobs then they should be rightfully FIRED! If people have to work hard in private companies and pay huge amounts of tax. That tax should not be wasted on LAZY government workers who do not work. Do not speak for all tax payers who want their money to be spend on rightful causes. Not to pay for people to not do anything. If that is not corruption what is? Finally, what is this media propaganda about Elon not being elected that people like you keep repeating. Who the hell said Elon is elected? Elon was given a job by Trump. Trump has every right to assign Elon. He did the lawful thing. Elon is doing a great job in reducing wastage and corruption. Billionaires have been getting subsidies since Bill Clinton, Obama. It's not like just Elon Musk is benefitting from those policies. People like Clinton made those policies to benefit their donors and if Elon Musk doesn't use those loopholes that other billionaires are using, then he would be called very stupid. So anyways, how do you propose they get rid of corruption and fraud? You want people who don't work to keep getting paid? You want people in somalia to keep getting 100 million worth of contraceptives while people who lost their lives to Fire and Flood in the US don't get anything?
Posted on 02-24-25 5:49 PM     [Snapshot: 411]     Reply [Subscribe]
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The court didn’t accept the claim that it was a peaceful protest; They were convicted and sentenced anyway. So, who’s really spreading lies now?

Posted on 02-24-25 5:51 PM     [Snapshot: 556]     Reply [Subscribe]
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if you really believe that then i think I will always be wrong whatever i say unless i agree with you.

Power to you brother!! hope you are right and hope you have a wonderful life!! thank you for revealing the truth!!.
Posted on 02-24-25 6:23 PM     [Snapshot: 591]     Reply [Subscribe]
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हाम्रो कुकुर कुकुर, तपाईंको कुकुर टोमी।
What is the exact name and number of the policy created by Clinton and Obama that specifically helped only their subsidies? Provide the policy details and the party responsible so everyone can verify it.

If Republicans were saints, I bet they only used it because Democrats did—otherwise, they wouldn’t have. So why didn’t Republicans issue an executive order to cancel these policies or fight them in court like they are doing against the federal freeze?

Last edited: 24-Feb-25 06:36 PM

Posted on 02-25-25 7:26 AM     [Snapshot: 917]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Anomalities: "if you really believe that then i think I will always be wrong whatever i say unless i agree with you."
Which belief are you talking about? I have said a lot of things here.

@Nepal08: All the policies are available in google but my point being both democrats and republican presidents have had billionaire friendly policies so it is useless to try to single out Elon Musk as the sole beneficiary of these tax loopholes.These tax loopholes for the rich have been there for a very long time but neither democrat presidents cancel them nor republicans.

You said: The court didn’t accept the claim that it was a peaceful protest; They were convicted and sentenced anyway.
We can go back and forth for ever on whether the 2020 election was rigged or not. Or how simple protest was termed insurrection. When you have your own people in power, I guess anything is possible. That's what the democrats did by turning all federal agencies against their political opponents. Even the FBI was against the president of the country. That's how deep the corruption and bureaucracy was. You just cannot claim to live in a democratic country where the elected president does have the full power.

But no matter what, when you compare the MAGA administration right now to the democrats administration during Biden, the democrats never wanted to look into corruption nor excess spending because it was benefitting them.

We are at a revolutionary stage of fighting the corruption in healthcare, pentagon, fbi, and federal spending. The democrats would have continued to fund the national debt while benefitting themselves but we have an administration right now who is doing the right thing.

Bureaucracy needs to end so that we can have a chance at democracy.

Posted on 02-25-25 11:31 AM     [Snapshot: 1051]     Reply [Subscribe]
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We can go back and forth for ever on whether the 2020 election was rigged or not. Or how simple protest was termed insurrection. When you have your own people in power, I guess anything is possible.

With same logic, now If any political is charged for corruption and money laundring and convicted, i guess we can say that's because you have put your own appointees and loyalist in power.
*In that case All criminals are innocent because they couldnt buy the courts or their laywer fcked them*

Regarding the 2020 election, extensive audits, court rulings (including by Trump-appointed judges), and investigations found no widespread fraud that would have changed the outcome.
Posted on 02-25-25 12:22 PM     [Snapshot: 1117]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You have to be really special to believe that someone who could not get more than 300 people in a school gymnasium to beat Trump who got 35000 people to come see him in his campaigns. Also you have to be really special to believe that sleepy joe could get 80 million votes. The highest in the US history.

Anyways these special people won’t get a clue even if they faced massive defeat this time when Maga was more prepared to stop the rigging. It was too big to rig.

Now we have democracy deniers crying cos they could not get it their way which basically is wasting tax money on all these places laundering money to stash into their bank accounts.
Posted on 02-25-25 1:15 PM     [Snapshot: 1181]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I think your "really special cases" argument didn't influence the court's decision.
"You keep bringing up 'money laundering' by the Democrats like it's just a joke—let's see the charges."
And now, per your logic, court decisions can be bought, so why would anyone care about them since courts are already filled with this administration loyalists and appointees.

Posted on 02-25-25 1:30 PM     [Snapshot: 1231]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I cannot be responsible for feeding you all the information. If you have no idea what is going on currently, then leta not waste each other’s time.

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