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Posted on 03-28-03 9:29
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Tukche Thakali Kitchen: OK, admit it: You are so out of shape due to your hectic work schedule (or sheer laziness), and cant hike all the way to Mustang to enjoy some twakka jibro padkine, matra mileko thakali meal. But, the temptation is way hard to resist. In your sheer desperation you add extra chili powder to your bikashe-kukhura ko masu, but still it doesnt taste like the real thakali food. Even if you make some thakali food, your kitchen is full of chahine nachaine and kaam-nai-nalagne accessories and that take away the fun of enjoying a nice thakali meal in an authentic setting. You feel like breaking down your kitchen and replacing your gas-stove(?) with a chulo and your dinnerwares with steel ko thaal but you know its like wishing your maths teacher ill when you were growing up. What should you do then? Well, you have two choices: a) you stay home depressed and get more out of shape b)head straight to Tukche Thakali Restaurant and Bar in Durbarmarg Now, if you ask me, I would say go for the second and heres why: Tukche Thakali Restaurant and Bar in Durbarmarg is an interesting place. As soon as you enter this place, you feel like you have arrived in a thakali house in Mustang. The walls are painted with kamero and rato-mato. Then you look around and you see utensils that are used to prepare thakali food. You look up and you see kathko daleeen& and you look sideways munto ghumayera.. you see a nepali chulo (daura balera pakaune neplai istove), with utensils that give you a clear idea of how food is cooked in a nepali village household, especially in a thakali home. Then you enter the main dining hall and occupy one of the tables. The first thing you notice is that the table is quite spacious.. and the chair is quite comfortable. Now, you look at the menu and order your food. you have some time to kill before your desperately sought food arrives. In that waiting period you look around to see who else is eating here. Not guaranteed but you might see and hear: An American couple telling their Nepali friend how to utilize the water resources while inserting the good news of Sam graduating with an advanced degree on managing Nepals water Resources from the prestigious Rip Off University in a small town of Wyoming, a group of happy Chinese tourists who are exploiting the vast economic opportunities due to our economic boom brought forth by the 7 years of Maoist insurgency and a thakali couple discussing the problems of alcohol in Nepali, Thakali and English while sipping on their Tuborg&You will soon realize that watching people and over-hearing Sams graduation news to problems of alcohol to the business ideas are quite entertaining and enriching. Then you are on your second bottle of Carlsberg with sukuti.. and piro aloo..You have already drank your probably one of the best beers in the world with what our Ashu bro likes to call the juciest momo in town and are waiting for your mass-ko-daal, bhaat, saag and khasi ra kukhura ko masu while you watch the Chinese tourist eat their dhido and masu. OK, your food is finally there&served on a Nepal-steel ko thulo-thaal and kachaura haroo (bowls). You now dont care about what the others are doing. You attack the food like Bush Dai attacked Iraqfrom everywhere imaginable! Aha, now you are done. All that Carlsberg and tato masu-bhaat is making you dizzy, but dont worry, get a cup of nice warm cup of Nepali masala chiya. It will perk you up.then after that, just clear your bill and walk around the Durbar Marg area, you wont regret. [I would like to express my sincere thanks to Ashu bro for introducing me to the off the beaten track restaurant in Durbar Marg (and a nice off the sajha discussion on Politics and Economics). It's a little inside and un-noticeable unless someone takes you there or tells you about it]
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Posted on 03-28-03 10:00
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IF jee, I enjoyed reading your latest update of live narration series of restaurants in the valley. Mukhai rashayera ayo!! piro alu ra masu, aha!! But why do you write only about those relatively 'tourist-destination type' or Bikasewallahharu-Ko-Matra-Akhada type restaurants. Please also write sometimes about local type momo ra sekuwaka dokan like the one called SK Momo in Baneshwore.
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Posted on 03-28-03 10:02
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I will definately write on those too. Others, please let me know which/what restaurants you wnat to be reviewed.. i'll try my best to go to those plkaces and write.
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Posted on 03-28-03 10:02
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Sayad tapai pani bikasewallah parera ho ki ke ho? Hatti Chahine thauma afu ta jaidaina, gaida sammale chalne thau samma sochna sakinchha
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Posted on 03-28-03 10:04
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heheh hoina bro.. ma sabai thau ma janchu.. khanchu.. hehe aaba tapaile bhaneko thau haroo pani aauchan.. patan ko bara pasal, bhaktapur ko choyela.. gorkha ko didi ko daal bhaat pasal aani pokhara ko chipledhunga ko kancha dai ko chiya pasal...tyo second round ma ni. ma tyasto bikashe parina..kyarnu bro..
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Posted on 03-28-03 11:36
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What a pleasant review Iso ji! They say if you marry a thakali, then you'll live happily for the rest of your life and perhaps there's something to do with the food they make ;-) Anyway seems like you missed out on some of the specialties. Next time you go there, do ask for the special "yak ko butter misayera baamboo ko blender ma mauteyko taato noon chiya" sanga thakkhola ko Oowa ko pitho which is also known as "Saatu" and "Phini ra sukuti ko tarkari" A perfect combination for diuso ko arni as they call it. And if you go for dinner then do ask for "jhwaii khattey" the best drink that'll warm you up especially in the cold cold ktm. :)
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Posted on 03-28-03 1:27
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Ke ho, Dilaasha jyu? Thakali lai aankha launu bha jasto chha ni? ;) ramrai ho...tara khana pakuane ta feri thakalini matra holin ni... :P ISO...timmur ko chhop thyo ki thiyena? nistho bhaat sanga tyo Thakali ko timmur ko chhop...mmmmmmm...bholi palta tapain ko pet ko khairiyat chai thaha chhaina, but ajai majja garne bhaye you should try that!
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Posted on 03-28-03 1:29
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Dilasha ko bya bho? eif eu dan main?
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Posted on 03-28-03 2:12
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Dilasha !! hmmmmmmmm..Yeso bichar garda tapai katai Thak khola ko basinda ta hoina? Thakali ko kura gareki mero yek barshako Pokhara basai yad aauncha...kastao ramrilo thiyo.. nicely done IF jyu, yespala ghar jane sur cha..pakkai gaincha tya pani..aru pani jawashna ..
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Posted on 03-28-03 11:46
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Dilasha wrote: "They say if you marry a thakali, then you'll live happily for the rest of your life and perhaps there's something to do with the food they make ;-) " Hmmm . . . In that case, I am heading to the Kali Gandaki regions next Saturday. Any recommendations, Dilasha? :-) On another note, I thought about ordering the drink and later the tea that you mentioned here, but it was quite warm last evening. [On other occasions, I've had them!] Maybe will have them again some other time soon . . . after all, the Tukuche Thakali Kitcen's menu is extensive, and I'm only half way into it as of now. :-) BTW, one of the partners of this restaurant is Jyoti Man Sherchan -- he of GAA, Boston and the UN fame. Jyoti Dai, who has just been appointed the principal of Panauti's Malpi International School, has also just opened up a new Thakali Fast Food Cafe in New Baneswor. I haven't been there yet; but I hear that the momos and sukutis and the rest of it are worth dying for :-) Thanks IF for this nice piece. This restaurant -- a little tucked away on Durbar Marg -- is worth visiting for excellent Nepali/Thakali meals. The decor, as IF wrote, is like ghar ko rato-mato-ko bhancha. oohi ashu ktm,nepal
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Posted on 03-29-03 1:47
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Dalisha ji, Tyo Jomsom pari ko Thini gaun ma oowa ko sattu khane hunda sarkera dhannai jyan gaa cha ni hajur.( Oowa lai english ma ke bhancha??) Poonte ji, Timuur ko chop ra yak ko sukuti, YUMMMMYYYYYY!!!! Mukhai rasayo. IF ji, bela bela ma yo alino bilino swad le lattiyeko jibro lai tato piro parikar ko kura garera ryal jhari dunu bhayeko ma Bhakkari bhari ko dhanyabad hai! :)
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Posted on 03-29-03 5:46
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IF ji Yum Yum!!! Delicious writeup! :) Ashu ji I remember Jyoti Dai, a pleasant and an intelligent man. Hey, I did not know he was is Nepal.
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Posted on 03-29-03 6:38
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Iso bro, Mookh ma paani aayo!! Tyo khasi ko maasu email garna mildaina??? One thing is for sure. Kathmandu ma paaila tekeko first day, you will see me munching Thakaali pakwaan!!! eeeeeeeee-- aaang siringgga bho!!! (Bro, Try "Jagate ko chwela" in Bhaktapur. It's a small place somewhere near durbar square in Bhaktapur. Unlike any other chwela, his golveda haaleko fresh-cooked chwela is mindblowing. Jaad ra chwela -- kyaa deadly combination. I'll try to find the exact location, and email it to you.) Have a good one!! PremPUJARI
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Posted on 03-29-03 7:31
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Ky ho kya ho.. Ammamama aajkal ta, restaurant lko value pani. Khana re.. ?, Eagles ko geet yaad ayo,HOTEL CALIFORNIA,Saano ma school padhda dai haru le hawa taal ma chord handai welcome to the hotel california,such a lovely place vandai.Ky ramro guitar ani swor pani, Ani halftime bhaye pachi momo khani vandai thotro cycle liyera taap dida , bicha ma chain futkyo ani momo ka aasma half chhuti nai biti sakthiyo.Ani ma baseko ahileko bazaarma na thukpa na sukuti .carlsberg pauna ta garho..!! Ek din SAN MIGUEL dekhya ta MA TA PATRIOT vayera kini hale. kina vane san miguel ko advertise yaad ayo. MASU ra bhaat ...............wow.Ek choti euta kuireni mori lai saki nasaki banayera khuwako ta jhan Ahhh..! what's that..? vanche mori .Ani maile tin din bhoko jaso gari sabai swaha pari diye.hereko herai bhoi. Aba,nepal aye pachi ISO FREAK lai khoji recommendation linu paryo.Tara kata bhanda sajha mai...? :). ARU UPDATE JAOS NA TA .
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Posted on 03-29-03 1:28
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kyaarne Poonte dai, thakali lai ankha lagaa ta ho, phutya ankha ley herna mandainan.."timi jahti baauni bajai lai hamri amai ley mun paraudinan, khana ramro pakaudinau timi tesailey" bhanchan aphno ta pitta chitta sabai dukhera ayo, launa kyaarne ho kunni? :) Ani Deep babu, kaan ata bya hunu? ti mora thakali ley mutu chiya chiya parey si ta behuli haina budii kanyey bahne athot garey ni maile baru timro bihe kuro chindai cha bhanney sunchu ma ta, palla gharey patali ki ama ley khet aan makai ropna jaanda kaanaa sutukka bhaneki thiyin, haina ko hun ti bhagyamani aimaii?? ;-) Dumbhass daju, thakkhola ko haina pokhara ko basinda hoon tara thakkhola janey thuloooo rahar cha aphno, kya arney ti mora ley saath dya bhaye aaja haina ahtiii nai pugisakthiyen aba budeskalaan kalley lanchan ra? Areey oh Ashu baboowa, hamri Lopsee Bhagat ke saath apka bichadwa hoigawa kaa? jo aap hamse recommendation magawa rahath!! Hum aapka agent thodi na hoon, aisee kaam hamar gaun mein koi naahi karath. Tauba tauba kaise kaise log bich mein aaigawath hamri to samajh mein naahin ghoosat :) And finally Vivid ji, khaney pani tarika huncha kya&tyo jammai phukka saatoo pahila gwam gwam khayera pachi chiya suruppa piyera kahan huncha ra? Chiya sanga saato milai milai besmari phitera ani chamcha ley bistarai surup surup gardai khanuparcha, bujhnubho aba? :) btw, Iso/Ashu, is there a website for this Restaurant? would love to check it out if there is. thanks!
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Posted on 03-29-03 8:34
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Hyatterika! Tyo Thakali babu ko karma futeko ni! Haamri layak ki Dilasha nani lai haapera chai kasti paune bichar ho kunni tyo babu ko? Khopadi ma bhus bharechha ki ke ho? Haina...tyo palla ghare Champa ta boksini bhanera suneko...katai tesaile mohani ta laayeki hainan? Jhakri bolaam? Dhyangro pitna lagaam? Tyo babu lai kucho le pitteeee pitee tyo Champa boksini ko mohani jharna lagaam? Ki haami ni euta mohani haaleko buti banauna laune ho Trikal baje kahan bata? Sajha ko bhanesi discount ni dinchhan ki?
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Posted on 03-30-03 10:02
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IF, tero review haru gajab cha yaar. Khoi afu Nepal khaldo jhareko bela ta sanga jana parla teta tira pani. Pokhara tira ek dui choti khaeko ho thakalni le pakaako dal bhaat. Kaadi khana paunu testa khana yo amrika ma? IF, ta Northfield Cafe gaeko chas Thamel ko? Afoo tyaha ek choti gaeko thie, ramro lagyo thau. La lekhdai gar hai aru pani.
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Posted on 03-30-03 7:55
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"Ani Deep babu, kaan ata bya hunu? ti mora thakali ley mutu chiya chiya parey si ta behuli haina budii kanyey bahne athot garey ni maile baru timro bihe kuro chindai cha bhanney sunchu ma ta, palla gharey patali ki ama ley khet aan makai ropna jaanda kaanaa sutukka bhaneki thiyin, haina ko hun ti bhagyamani aimaii?? ;-) " -- malai Thakkali ko mai khako jasto lagyo :-)
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Posted on 03-31-03 6:06
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Thanks all for reading and posting your kind comments. However, I was looking for some critical constructive criticisms. Will try to come up "more" polished in the next review. Thanks to all who read it and commented on it. Dilasha, I will certyainly get the "tea" next time I am there.