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 जनजाती भन्नाले खासमा के हो?
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Posted on 08-09-11 8:02 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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आजकल जताततै जहासुकै जनजाती भन्ने सुनिन्छ| जनजातीको पारीभाषा के हो? यसमा को पर्छन र को पर्दैनन र किन? साझाका विद्वानहरुले प्रकाश पर्दिनु हुन्थ्यो कि?

कुनै एक जातिको बारेमा होच्याउने र कास्टिस्त टाइप को कमेन्ट गर्ने जमातले यो धागोमा  कष्ट नगर्नुहोला| धन्यवाद|||

Posted on 08-09-11 8:41 AM     [Snapshot: 27]     Reply [Subscribe]
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नेपाल मा हरेक क्षेत्र मा हामीलाइनै ठुलो भाग   ,आरक्षण चाहिन्छ भनेर सधैं जुलुश ,हो हल्ला गर्ने जमात लाई बुझिन्छ |
आफ्नो कल्चर राम्रो ,आफु मात्रा ओरिजिनल नेपाली अरु दुप्लिकेत भन्ने उनिहरुको सोचाइ हो |
Posted on 08-09-11 8:58 AM     [Snapshot: 51]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 From what I have heard, the word janajati refers to all jaats except [Disallowed String for - castist references disallowed]s and chettris.  I am not saying this is the right definition, generally or in particular as per Nepali leaders.
Posted on 08-09-11 8:59 AM     [Snapshot: 43]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 जनजाती भन्नाले अरु एक दुइ जाति मात्र अगाडी गयो , आफु चाहिँ उनीहरुको  कारणले  पछाडी पर्यो, तर किन आफु पछाडी पर्यो भनेर नसोची आफुहरुलाईपनि अगाडी बढेका जति जातिको जस्तै status  चाहियो भन्ने हरुको जमात हो !!!
Last edited: 09-Aug-11 09:13 AM

Posted on 08-09-11 9:03 AM     [Snapshot: 56]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Who has one sort of caste to market themselves, who are well set for creating reverse discrimination, who  sells their religion and identiy to hand of foreign donors, who does not love their country but only their community, who think thier unsmartness and dumbness is a result of someone else hardwork, education and smartness, who does not like free competition and democracy, but in the name of caste they want to impose aristocracy!!

Posted on 08-09-11 9:08 AM     [Snapshot: 69]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Is the word baahoon (intentionally mis-spelled to get around Sajha's censor mechanism) derogatory?  The reason I ask is I mentioned it above in my post and it was obfuscated.  If it is, I apologize, but I was never aware of that before, even in Nepal.  People used the baahoon quite freely, without any malice and even by the baahoons themselves.  Has that changed?  Is this a new trend?
Posted on 08-09-11 10:26 AM     [Snapshot: 108]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 I like Tmobile views. he is absulutly right.
Posted on 08-09-11 11:40 AM     [Snapshot: 150]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Dear frens lets not talk about caste..talk bout the nationality..No matter where we live and what we do firstly we are Nepali..United we stand divide we fall..
 here is speech given by the Commander in the movie "We were Soldier"

Look around you. In the 7th Cavalry, we got a Captain from the Ukraine. Another from Puerto Rico. We got Japanese, Chinese, Blacks, Hispanics, Cherokee Indian, Jews and Gentiles -- all American. Now here in the States some men in this unit may experience discrimination because of race or creed, but for you and me now, all that is gone. We're moving into the valley of the shadow of death, where you will watch the back of the man next to you, as he will watch yours, and you won't care what color he is or by what name he calls God. Let us understand the situation; we're going into battle against a tough and determined enemy. I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive, but this I swear, before you and before Almighty God: when we go into battle, I will be the first one to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off. And I will leave no one behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together. So help me God."

Posted on 08-09-11 12:16 PM     [Snapshot: 150]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 Kam Napaye pachi chahi ne na chahine topic ma.  kunai Nepali torilaure ko dimag ma gobar cha bhanthyo,sachai ho ki kya ho?? baru yo pakhe-pan dekhaunu bhanda, sab le aa aafno geda kanayera timepass garne ho ki??
Posted on 08-10-11 7:04 AM     [Snapshot: 284]     Reply [Subscribe]
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आजभोलि जनजातीमा घुसख्वाउने र खाने जमात बाहेक सबै जनजाती । अनी त्यो साझामा हुँडारले झै चर्को स्वर गर्ने जनजाती बिरोधी स्वाठ , एमाले ।

Posted on 08-12-11 11:06 AM     [Snapshot: 402]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I was just trying to get some legal/constitutional definitions. Any resources in the web?
Posted on 08-12-11 11:31 AM     [Snapshot: 426]     Reply [Subscribe]
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 legal/constitutional definitions says: Ghhoos nakhane ra desh lai maya garne sabai Jana Jati---->now go and check in Nepal government(sarkari) office n report back how many "Janajati's" are there???))

Posted on 08-13-11 9:09 AM     [Snapshot: 559]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Regarding government employee are mostly those whose brain is groomed for centuries and had the right tools and networking.
I think It should be taken people as secetoral wise not  only with the race.

Posted on 08-13-11 3:33 PM     [Snapshot: 632]     Reply [Subscribe]
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JanaJaatis, are ethnic groups who are native to a land or region, especially before the arrival and intrusion of a foreign and possibly dominating culture. They are a group of people whose members share a cultural identity that has been shaped by their geographical region. A variety of names are used in various countries to identify such groups of people, but they generally are regarded as the "original inhabitants" of a territory or region. Their right to self-determination may be materially affected by the later-arriving ethnic groups.               -wiki

The main factor of discrimination toward the marginalized groups, including the JanaJaatis, was Ba-h-u-nbad. Ba-h-u-nbad was defined as domination of hill 'upper-caste' Hindu males in the state apparatus and society, including the supposedly progressive realms such as media, academia and human rights groups, and formulation, implementation and legitimization of public policies and social attitudes that favor the dominant group through such domination in most of the influential realms of the society. Extensive domination had been made possible by adopting the hill Hindu religious ideology by the state, and communalization of the society by Hindu norms and values.

Now the things have changed, some remnants are still there and their comments are still defamatory and racist as you can see at the comments above.


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