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 Sajha awarded as best website of the year 2008
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Posted on 01-02-09 10:42 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sajha.com awarded Best website of the Year 2008

As we enter the new year 2009, I would like to take a brief moment to congratulate Sajha.com for being selected as the best website (with lots of  advertisements ) of the year 2008. Thanks to Sajha.com  for giving me chance to take part in discussions or simply participate as a reader, website has added to the diversity of thoughts and ideas in sajha.

Although this award does not come with any prizes please note that it comes with gratitude from the 8848m and Users for spending your valuable time developing advertisements to bring together Nepali communities from near and far, and for helping user aware about the cheap flights, kamana magazine and many other stuffs in amazon. Sajha has become one of the richest website in terms advertisements about anything that is in amazon or google or cheap tickets or any other products. Users are bored and excited a lot in 2008 due to participation from visitors like yourself, Nas, Chor, etc and goddess Sita.

I wish you a very happy, prosperous and satisfying new years 2009, and look forward to see more advertisements and sexy Pics in the near future.

Jai Sajha, Jai 8848m and Jai Nepal!

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