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 Live secure first and then think of democracy
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Posted on 02-03-05 12:21 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I representing one of the nepalli suffered from maoist crisis ongoing in Nepal, go out of KTM and u will see. I support kings move and hope the solution for the maoist crisis in nepal. If u can live secure then u think of democracy. SAVE ur LIFE then think of being FREE. I am not neglecting the fact that media is affected communication is hampered. I am not receiving emails but i am receiving phone calls ..latest being this morning ,but out of two Phone lines only one is working ...I dont beleive in that DHOTI NEWS and their ass**le talks they are machi***e , who cares what they say. DHOTI will say always wrong and create propaganda about nepal. The BBC and others are quoting them so i dont beleive in that too. China is just stating the fact they dont have much to do w/ nepal and its internal affairs. Also who cares about the neighbours if ur house is in fire.

Posted on 02-03-05 12:26 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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PS. grammatical and spelling mistakes may apply.
Posted on 02-03-05 12:29 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Well if Gyanendra is the one who shuts down the press and does not let news out of the country and therefore creates an environment where fifty people say fifty different things and no one can verify what is genuine and what is not, why blame the "Dhotees", Brits or anyone else for the information coming out of Nepal ?

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