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Posted on 12-24-24 9:10 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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While Democrats rage against Elon's "unelected influence" for exposing wasteful spending, a recent bombshell report reveals an unprecedented usurpation of executive power: Biden's presidency has been largely run by proxies, with cabinet members rarely gaining direct access to their commander-in-chief.

Even Treasury Secretary Yellen – traditionally one of the most important cabinet positions – was kept at arm's length, forced to communicate through intermediaries.

Defense Secretary Austin's regular briefings became increasingly rare, even as wars erupted in Ukraine and Gaza.

Cabinet members stopped requesting presidential access altogether, knowing such requests would be denied.

This wasn't mere delegation – it was institutional coverup.

Where Obama actively engaged with his cabinet to debate policy, Biden's team created an impenetrable barrier of handlers who issued top-down directives with little presidential involvement.

Yet when Elon used X's transparency to trim a 1,547-page spending bill to 118 pages, these same Democrats decried his "shadow" influence.

The hypocrisy is staggering – Washington would rather have unelected staffers secretly running the executive branch than face public scrutiny of its bloated spending.

The message is clear: the establishment will protect its own while fighting those who dare to lift the veil.
Posted on 12-24-24 2:57 PM     [Snapshot: 93]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Who cares son ??
Posted on 12-25-24 3:47 PM     [Snapshot: 373]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sampurna Pokharel the bearer of good news, don’t you care about the fact that you used to have a puppet president who was being run by corporations who care more about themselves than your and your kid’s lives?

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