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 Is Tesla worth buying
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Posted on 05-15-23 10:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I went for a Model Y test drive last weekend but frankly I didn't enjoy the ride the way I was expecting. First, I find steering wheel hard. It was like I am driving a truck . I own subaru outlook driving of which makes me feel like i am in full control . Second, the interior space feels small. There is a 15 inch monitor on the front dashboard and that's it. I also tested ID4 but I didn't like the ride. Tesla less noisier than ID4 and feels little better but still lacking that vibe. I am now looking at option for audi q4 etron . Did anyone go through same dilemma like me and ended up buying Tesla? Is Tesla worth buying now ? I don't wanna go for another full combustion engine at this time. Cheers for any good feedback.
Posted on 05-16-23 2:28 AM     [Snapshot: 52]     Reply [Subscribe]
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What are you saying my boy ?? How come the steering wheels hard ?? I just sold my model S and purchased the new model Y . Every thing is solid smooth except the stupid triggered alarms . Buy it
Posted on 05-16-23 11:03 AM     [Snapshot: 139]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My wife ended up buying ioniq 5 after having similar issues . Tesla feels so cheap inside out . Porely build . I personally feel electric vehicles are garbage , just good to run errands . V8 trucks r way to go . Vròooooom
Posted on 05-16-23 12:39 PM     [Snapshot: 173]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Have you read past thread on EV and 4 cc car ? EVD2023 declared those drivers are criminals, if they are criminal?
Only ford truck are safe and be American , someone was saying that EV are for grocery shopping? I am not sure why he put his wife's life in jeopardy as a criminal.
My two cents opinion: it is the first EV may be better than new company,
Have you heard " naii mullaaha juaadaa pyaaj khata hai" because new comers may have statutes his/her first day from Texas where bigger is better. I will say have big balls too.

Posted on 05-16-23 1:11 PM     [Snapshot: 191]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Logan , u better not talk about EVs n modern vehicles because everyone knows when u purchased ur last vechicle , it was 1995 right ?

EVs are quick as hell and they peoduce 300hp and 411 pf torque at least unlike ur 1995 camry with 96 hp.

I stick in my words , evs are only good to run errands because u really cant do a long trip without stress ,period .

Posted on 05-16-23 1:26 PM     [Snapshot: 196]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You f**king moron , go back to my post and see the year. Wann be American driving big truck it's your choice also learn the good thing from American culture too.
You are in limbo , want to be American but attitude is not leaving you.
Go and learn numbers, my bad you were not born , but your brother. I mixed up about her family side,
दिदीको टिटी चड्ने भन्ने अर्को रहेछ !
Posted on 05-16-23 1:42 PM     [Snapshot: 207]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Logan , ur mentally unfit . U have short temper disability. First we need to eredicate short tempered disable people , gun violence will come to null.
Posted on 05-16-23 4:21 PM     [Snapshot: 253]     Reply [Subscribe]
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No that is not temper , you are getting my butt, it the reflection.

We had couple Nepalese guys going college and some graduated started buying little bit newer car some bought Accord. Others started competing, and exchanging with little newer car. Those Toppre's upgraded their standard,
Yes, I sold my 2oo5 Camry last year, why that is an issue to you?
When ever you bring that in Sajha it reminds me my ex-girlfriend and you may be her sibling and you are mad of leaving her. What other extreme reason can be? No one has to follow any one's lifestyle or behavior?
Now you feel as an American but you mentality is same as you left Nepal.
We see other down and feel great, that kind of mentality belongs to person pees on pants and enjoys the warmness.

Posted on 05-16-23 5:14 PM     [Snapshot: 279]     Reply [Subscribe]
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logan , "american, nepal , kami , damai , sarki, demo , republics " is what you spit all over , frustration and racism all over ur head . people like you make our school and public place at risk . clearly indicates u need professional help . zillions in sajha only u talk such nonsense .
Posted on 05-17-23 9:19 AM     [Snapshot: 425]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Those old saying will not going another 100 years, Dr Ambedeker fight against cast system, how far it has been worked. Gandhi what we know, he was not ready for cast abolition but in favor.
You are trying to give us you crap, that cast still applies to you and behaving exactly similar to higher cast. Making other down and satisfying as a great achievement.
Go an eat Trump Fusi again if you can get, you wrote about it . How great you feel and felt on writing "fusi kha".
Read the content I have used. Not like you writing " go and Eat Trump Fusi"
I had send you my own fusi , did you drink it. Whom you are referring in zillions? You and your aka account holders?

Ram Bhakte aka evd2023 why you have not jumped in ?
Posted on 05-19-23 8:27 AM     [Snapshot: 600]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I have been wondering about the same for Tesla Model Y. Other than being a fan of new technical stuff like iphone, I am not seeing real worth of Tesla ownership cost as compared to SUVs. Does it really worth Y even with current price of $50K.
Posted on 05-19-23 12:21 PM     [Snapshot: 654]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i am just not sold into EV.I see tons of car around me but i dont know why i am hesitating, may be in future but atleast not in 6-7 years.
Posted on 05-19-23 12:37 PM     [Snapshot: 663]     Reply [Subscribe]
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It takes some time 2 adjust . Subaru junk, poor people car to model y premium is a huge step up .
Posted on 05-19-23 7:51 PM     [Snapshot: 751]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Just got it! Charge garne chai jhanjhat! But once u have a home charger all good.
Posted on 05-20-23 7:52 PM     [Snapshot: 908]     Reply [Subscribe]
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गुड फर यु ,
एक महिना अघि एउटा गोर्खे मेरो छोराले रहर गरेको हुनाले भन्दै सेतो टेसाला तासको थियो , साझाका अन्गुर अमिला छन् भन्ने फ़्याउरा हरु चै यो तरकारी किन्न जाने हुन् भन्दै साझा मा गुईया हाक्दै बस |
Posted on 05-20-23 10:30 PM     [Snapshot: 933]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Nakara suste [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] pagal logan fogan
Posted on 05-21-23 5:31 PM     [Snapshot: 1023]     Reply [Subscribe]
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साझा बसमा एउटाले ठुलो सोर गरेर कुन चै हुस्सुले मेरो बगली मार्यो भन्थ्यो रे . तेरी दिदि लैजाने म लौ भन त भुस्तिग्रेले सुस्ते होस् कि म ? कतिवटा खाता खोलेको छस ? तैले पनि फुसी पठाएन भनि रिसाएको होस् ? मुजी साझामा छिरेर अपशब्द लेख्न्ने गोल्ज्यान्ग्रा हरु यो सताब्दिमा आएर जात भात का कुरा लेक्छस भनि गुहु माथिको सुग्घरी बन्न खोज्छस |साझामा त उपाल्लो जातिले गाउघरमा गर्ने चण्डालि गरेर बसेको झैँ गरि राखेको छस, पाजीहरुलाइ  निर्लाजाता भनेको घुस खानु सरह हो होइन ? तलौ भन कुन थरि को पर्नु भो कुन्नि ?
Last edited: 21-May-23 05:50 PM


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