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 Fast Track and Naubise Naghdhunga tunnel
SAVE! for ease of future access.
Posted on 07-08-21 6:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I still remember our night bus going through curvy road of Thankot when we used to visit our grand parents in village. The tunnel in Naubise is going to shortern the travel by hours going in and out of Kathmandu. I wish they had tunnel 30 years ago. Better late than never. Kathmandu seems to becoming quickly accessible after the construction of fast track and Naubise. It seems that you may be able to drive to New Delhi and back in a day after that.

Do you have any interesting traveling stories? Did you have a favorite restaurent that you always ate in Mungling? Man, I don't know but I used to love dal bhat and masu of Mungling. Man that was so good 😋.




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