Nepali Clerk shot dead at DeKalb, Georgia - Sajha Mobile
Nepali Clerk shot dead at DeKalb, Georgia
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Shooting at BP Station Leaves Clerk Dead

Updated: Tuesday, 10 Jan 2012, 7:02 PM EST
Published : Tuesday, 10 Jan 2012, 6:29 AM EST


DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. - A DeKalb community is demanding justice following the murder of a popular store clerk.

Police say the man was shot and killed during an armed robbery at the BP gas station on Cedar Grove Road in Ellenwood late Monday.

Friends and customers gathered all morning at the store where the clerk was shot. Police continue to investigate the shooting, looking at surveillance video of the incident.

"Pete would have given you the shirt off his back," said customer Winifred Farria. "He didn't deserve to be shot."

Farria said whoever shot the clerk should get life in prison or the death penalty.

DeKalb police say two men came into the store around 11:30 p.m. Police said they grabbed cash from the register and fleeing.

“We believe that the clerk then went after them in the parking lot. He confronted at least one of the individuals and that’s when he was shot,” said Mekka Parish of the DeKalb County Police Department.

Authorities say the 39-year-old clerk was found with a wound to the chest. He was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

Friends identified the victim as Damodar Pathak, known to many customers as Peter.

Friends and customers say Pathak was a good man and a hard worker who loved people.

It is not known if police will release the surveillance video.

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I am extremely sad about this news. As i knew him he was a nice and a hard working guy. May his soul rest in peace.
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Again !
Hamrai bali matra kina chadna parne !
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so, sad to read this news.
may the departed soul rest in peace.
these sh/looters when they rob, they don't think cuz they're under the influence of the drug and drug's what giving them their cowardice courage to rob people off their money.

· Snapshot 642
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Huge mistake! You should never go behind the robbers; they will shoot you. If they steal cash or beer or ice cream don't follow them; just enjoy the scene how they run and report to police.
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Very sad to hear especially when you know he could have been saved. Rest in peace!
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Nepali haru lai marerai sakaune bhaye kale haru le america ma....

Gas station ma kaam chodau sathi ho...not worth of your life.
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अमेरिकामा नेपालीको गोली हानी हत्या

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काठमाडौं, पुस २७ (नागरिक)- एट्लान्टास्थित डेकाटुरको ग्यास स्टेशनमा कार्यरत दामोदर पाठकको गोली हानी हत्या भएको छ। ड्युटीमा रहेका पाठकमाथि रातको समयमा नजिकैबाट प्रहार गरेको गोली छाती र पेटमा लागेपछि उनलाई तत्काल अस्पताल पुर्‍याइएको थियो। ग्रेडी मेमोरियल अस्पताल भर्ना गरिएका पाठकलाई चिकित्सकले बचाउन सकेनन्।

९ जनवरीको राति गोली प्रहार हुँदाको दृश्य स्टेशनको सीसीटिभीले रेकर्ड गरेको छ। रेकर्डअनुसार पाठकमाथि गोली चलाउने व्यक्ति कालो रंगको देखिएको छ। ग्राहकको भेसमा आएको व्यक्तिले केहीबेर भनाभन गरेपछि गोली प्रहार गरि हिँडेको देखिन्छ। हत्या हुनु केही क्षण अघि मात्र पाठक दुई तीन पटक स्टोरबाट बाहिर भित्र गरेको देखिएको छ। पाठक काउन्टर भित्रै रहेको भए बुलेटप्रुफ सिसाको कारण गोलीबाट बाँच्न सक्ने स्थिति रहन्थ्यो।

गोली प्रहार हुँदा स्टेशनमै काम गर्ने स्टाफ जोसेफ स्टोर भित्रै काम गरिरहेका थिए। जोसेफले नै पुलिसलाई खबर गरेका थिए। घाइते पाठकलाई पुलिसले तत्काल अस्पताल पुर्‍याएको थियो।

हत्या गरिएका पाठक परिवार ललितपुरमा बसोबास गर्छ। १३ वर्षीय छोरी र ११ वर्षीय छोराका पिता दामोदर सन् २००७ मा अमेरिका पुगेका थिए। दुई वर्षदेखि उनी कृष्ण देवकोटा मालिक रहेको डेकाटुरस्थित सोही ग्यास स्टेशनमा काम गर्दै आएका थिए। नेप्लिज एसोसिएसन अफ जर्जियाका वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष समेत रहेका देवकोटाले पाठकको शव नेपाल पठाउने बारे परिवारसँग सम्पर्क गरिरहेको जानकारी दिए। पाठकको शव हाल ग्रेडी मेमोरियल अस्पतालमा राखिएको छ।

अमेरिकाको साउथ क्यारोलोना स्पार्टवर्ग काउन्टीमा रहेको सिट्को ग्यास स्टेशनमा बुधबार राति दुई जनाको हत्या भएकोमा एक जना नेपाली भएको अमेरिकाबाट सञ्चालित नेपाली पोस्टले जनाएको छ। राति साढे दश बजेतिर भएको हत्यामा ग्यास स्टेशन सञ्चालक नेपाली रवीन्द्र शर्मा छन्।

नेपाली पोष्टले उनको उमेर करिब ४० वर्ष रहेको जनाएको छ। अर्को सोही ग्यास स्टेशनमा काम गर्ने ३५ वर्षीय मेक्सिकन गुमारो गोन्जालेसको पनि हत्या भएको छ। गोन्जालेसको स्टोरमै मृत्यु भएको र शर्मालाई भने अस्पताल लैजाँदा मृत्यु भएको वेबसाइटले उल्लेख गरेको छ।

नेपालमा गुल्मी घर भएका कृष्ण कँडेंल र गोली लागी मारिएका नेपाल पर्वत घर भएका रवीन्द्र शर्माको संयुक्त लगानीमा गत जुलाईदेखि मात्र सो ग्यास स्टेशन सुरु भएको थियो ।

सन् १९९८ मा अमेरिका आएका रवीन्द्र लामो समयसम्म डीसी क्षेत्रको भर्जिनियामा बसेका थिए। आफ्नै व्यवसाय सञ्चालन गर्ने क्रममा उनी गत जुलाइदेखि मात्र साउथ क्यारोलोना गएका थिए।

पर्वतको शंकरपोखरी गाविस कुँडापानीमा जन्मिएका शर्मा तीन दाजु भाइमध्ये माइलो छोरा हुन्। हाल उनको परिवार नवलपरासीमा रहँदै आएका छन्।

शर्माका चार वर्षीय छोरी र श्रीमतीसमेत यही नोभेम्बर डिसेम्बरसम्ममा अमेरिका आइपुग्ने क्रममा थिए।

स्थानीय प्रहरीले अपराधीको खोजी गरिरहेको भए पनि कोही पक्राउ पर्न सकेका छैनन्।

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We should always remeber that when some try to rob just let them take what ever they want too. They kill ppl for dollar. The store have their insurance so the owner will get his money back anyway and worst thing is when you die outside the store,the insurance of the company may not cover you.

REM: Your work is of cashier ,not of guard. 
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Police Search For Gunmen in Fatal Gas Station Shooting

Updated: Tuesday, 10 Jan 2012, 11:26 PM EST
Published : Tuesday, 10 Jan 2012, 6:29 AM EST


DEKALB COUNTY, Ga. - A DeKalb community is demanding justice following the murder of a popular store clerk.

Police say the man was shot and killed during an armed robbery at the BP gas station on Cedar Grove Road in Ellenwood late Monday.

DeKalb police say two men came into the store around 11:30 p.m. Police said they grabbed cash from the register and fled.

“We believe that the clerk then went after them in the parking lot. He confronted at least one of the individuals and that’s when he was shot,” said Mekka Parish of the DeKalb County Police Department.

Authorities say the 35-year-old clerk was found with a wound to the chest. He was transported to Grady Memorial Hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

Friends identified the victim as Damodar Pathak, known to many customers as Peter. They said he was originally from India and had worked at the store for around four years.

Friends and customers gathered all day at the store where the clerk was shot.

"Pete would have given you the shirt off his back," said customer Winifred Farria. "He didn't deserve to be shot."

Farria said whoever shot the clerk should get life in prison or the death penalty.

Friends and customers say Pathak was a good man and a hard worker who loved people.

"He was very respectful. He was a very nice guy," said Alfredo Haynes.

Friends said they will hold a candlelight vigil for Pathak at the store on Friday.

Police are reviewing surveillance video of the incident.

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