I m offered a Job in Bank in Nepal, should i go back ? - Sajha Mobile
I m offered a Job in Bank in Nepal, should i go back ?
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Here's my scenario:
I have completed my MBA in US and no good luck finding a REAL job here in US. Have been working some shady jobs to survive and maintaining status joining community college right now. Recently, I have been offered a Job from one of the Private Banks in Kathmandu and they're offering me  Rs. 30,000 per month...Personally, i think it's better than working here low paying jobs. I've a house in KTM , so don't have to pay any Rent..I don't really want to stay in US.

What worries me is: All my friends are here and i won't have lots of friends in Nepal.
I know it's always good to go back to Nepal but i don't know how i'll feel in Nepal. I am scared as well.
What should i do ? Should i return home ? 

I am also scared that after seeing  pictures of my friends going to Beach here in US, partying, driving nice car on Facebook will drive me crazy and unsatisfied in Nepal?

Any inputs will be appreciated. Positive or Negative.

Nice Guy with MBA.

Sorry about the ($) typo instead of Rs.
Last edited: 22-Aug-11 03:09 PM
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 I heard Food & Beverage manager - or similar - at 4 or 5 star hotels in Kathmandu make excess of 1lakh per month.  That's pretty darn good, yes?
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Greetings from Nepal once again. 

It's been a while since i logged in to Sajha....Just wanted to update what i am doing these  or whether i am liking living in Nepal after i returned back from United States.

I must say Life here in Nepal is beautiful. It will take some time to adjust back but eventually it'll be worth it. Loving my life with my beautiful wife, parents....and visiting sasurali sometimes on weekends is just a great feeling. ! sasu le pakayeko khana ani saali sanga guff- gaff....that's completely different from my frustrated busy life in US.

If you're thinking of returning back to Nepal, yes you can do it too !

Nice guy with MBA !
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@NiceGuyWithMBA: That's all good but how do we know that you are telling the truth?
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sasu le pakayeko khana ani saali sanga guff- gaff....

Creepy at best!
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Rs. 30,000 per month is not much. With a MBA degree, you should at least get twice a much starting salary
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Hi there,
Nepalese always live on others expectation. "Nice guy with MBA", don't others ask you ~ why you returned back to Nepal? Don't people say you could do nothing in USA and returned back. Its very challenging to answer those questions because people don't understand how hard to get green card or maintain status.
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Good for you, my distance relative returned to Nepal but he has not been working but awaiting for a handsom salary, for last two years.
No body is giving you big salary because of you have a degree from Overseas, rather you have the talent.
Any updates.
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Now there's a lot of Nepalese who have returned to Nepal. It's not like in the past where it was very rare. I personally know arkeast 7 peope who have returned . And the those people tell me there's a lot of like them . People with degree from USA has become very common. Now only a degree from USA is not enough . There are also far more talented peopeo in Nepal itself . So let's stop thinking that USA ma Lang Garna Saath job huncha bhanne. Returning to Nepal needs courage. And a long term plan . Or atleast you know Shld make youe plan on fall that might come ahead
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You just said, you don't want to stay here. Home is where the heart is bro. Although 30k is not that big amount of a money , but its starting salary so you can only go up from there . Regarding friends, I am sure you will meet a lot of people at work. if you value things 24 hour electricity, clean roads and all that stuff over social life, Nepal is not for you. If not , it should work out
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stale posts
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Last edited: 10-Jun-15 09:47 PM
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Last edited: 10-Jun-15 09:46 PM
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It is your life and you should be able to decide yourself after getting your MBA, you suppose to be matured enough for that. If you are not moving well in one place you should look for another alternative but it is all up to you. Furthermore in the age of facebook, viber and skype it is not difficult to get anyone around the globe. Internet is almost all most everywhere in Nepal and much much cheaper in reach of every common Nepali.
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केटा हरु को आँखा नि कता छ ! ४ -५ वर्ष पुरानो थ्रेड मा कमेन्ट हान्दै बस्छन ! यो केटा नेपाल गाएर जागिर खाएर बिहे गरेर छोरो पाएर छोरो १ मा पढ्ने भै सको होला केटा हरु बल्ल सुजाब देदै छन् !
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HCI - offshore office in Biratnagar,Nepal is looking for Software Developers and Human Resource/Recruiters.

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Don't go untill you earn 4 lakhs per month in nepal..
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Khotakarma it depends on who you hang out in Nepal. If your social circle is high class families then you will need 4 lakh per month. If your circle is middle class then 1 lakh is good enough.
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Funtush and Khotokarma, it depends. You have a wife, a child and your parents with you..I would say 2 lakhs would be enough (even you hang out sometimes)...Anything better is fine and good...
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३०००० को ब्यांकको जागिरले नेपालमा मुखमा माड़ लाउने कि पिधमा ? काम सानो ठुलो हुदैन , जे भेटिन्छ तेइ गर्ने इमान्दारीका साथ गर्ने, यहाँ कामको कमि छैन, पैसा धेरै फुलमास नगर्ने । status मा समस्या छ भने ओकिलकोमा जाने assylum फाइल गर्ने, काम गर्न पाई हालिन्छ , २० ३० हजार जोडन भए पछि केहि नया काम गर्ने आठ आउछ , ग्यास स्टोर खोल्ने, खुब मेहेनत गर्ने, आफै खटिने ५ वर्षमा काया पलट हुन्छ , स्टक मा लगानी गर्ने ५ वर्ष मा ३ गुना फाइदा भै हाल्छ , तेस्ली घर किन्ने बिहे गर्ने, दुलहीले नि काम गरि हल्चिन, नत्र स्टोरमा खटाउने २ जना मेहेनत गरे पछि फेरी अर्को स्टोर वा घर जोर्ने, भाडा खाने फेरी स्टकमा लगानी गर्ने , नेपाल बाट बुडा पाका घुम्न बोलाउने तिनलाई काम मा लाउने फेरी कमै हुन्छ।

anyhow status बनाऊ पैसा कमाऊ सिद्धान्तमा लाग्ने, अल्छि नबन्ने, assylum नहुने भए U visa , O visa छदै छ चिन्ता नलिने , केहि नलागे २ ४ पैसा खर्च गरेर बिबाह बाट status बनि जान्छ । चरेस खानु, हरेस नखानु । ज्यान सदै तगडा राख्नु ,
म mBA वा phd भनेर ठालु नपलटिनु , तेस्त खोस्र कागज यहाँ आची पुछ्न काम लग्छ । काम सानो ठुलो हुदैन, बस हिम्मत हार्नु हुदैन , अरुलाई नराम्रो सोच्ने वा अरुलाई बिगार्ने काम नगर्नु, येति गरे पछि भगवानले सधा साथ दिन्छन।

यो मेरो कथा हो, येति मेहेनेत गरे पछि म जस्ता गोबरगणेश त सफलताका साथ यहाँ बस्न सक्छन भने २ ३ कलास पढेका ले किन नसक्नु ।
यो कुनै फिलिम को कथा होइन मेरो वास्तविक कथा हो । हेल मेरो २ टा घर र एउटा स्टोर अनि ३ जना नेपाली कर्मचारी छन् । अर्को स्टोर खोल्ने अन्तिम योजना स्टकमा ठुलो घाटा लगेर तुहियो ।

नेपालमा टन्न जग्गा जमिन छ भने MBA डिग्री लगेर नि केहि नौलो गर्न सकिन्छ , होइन सम्पति खासै केहि छैन तेइ डिग्रीकोभरमा पेट पाल्ने हो भने सकिन्न । फेरी कोरियन भाषा सिक्न तिर लग्नु पर्छ । त्यो भन्दा एती बसेको राम्रो ।
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