Need help in finding RN job in Texas - Sajha Mobile
Need help in finding RN job in Texas
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Hello everyone,

I need some help from sajha members. I graduated on spring and passed my NCLEX-RN board exam in July 28. I have BSN degree. I have been looking job after my graduation. I had an interview once but no luck. I applied 4 places before passing my board exam but still I got negative response saying that job is given to internal. Now, I wana move to Texas either Houston or Dallas where I would find job. I applied some hospital but got negative response saying that I do not qualify because I do not have any experience. I am also applying here but I doubt if I will get any positive response because it tough to get job. My OPT started a week ago. I would appreciate if anyone who can recommend me to find a job or help me to find a RN job in Texas. I have friends in Texas but don’t have anyone who is RN. I heard there are many Nepalese RN in Texas. Mostly the hospitals need experienced people which I don’t have. I hope Sajha members would help me.


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I literally applied to 105 hospitals all over 50 states and did 3 interviews and found 1 job. So best option will be not to look for job only in Tx but try everywhere. Good luck! It took me 5 months to find a job after I finally changed ma status to green card. Its hard but not impossible. I know the feeling. Hope you will find a job soon!
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I suggest u volunteer at a hospital or do something  while looking for a job. It will give u some experience and will also look good in ur resume.

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Hi Thapar20,
Yeah it is very hard to find a decent job as a new graduate specially in BSN. My friends also been through same situation before. There are few things you can try.
Have you tried from Craigslist generally have serious and immediate need openings so I want you to try that.
Also look for a volunteering position in hospital.
Use linkedin for connecting different people. I personally saw lot of people got job using linkedin.
Keep applying!!!
Best of luck
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Hi there!
My wife is also an  RN. She didn't find job in Virginia as a new graudate. She applied to Lubbock TX and was offered job immediately. There are other nepalies working on Op  there as well. Even in Dallas you will have hard time to get job as new Grad without one year of experience. Even local graduates here in dallas wait couple of months to get hired.  Let me know if I can be any help.Good luck.
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Hi, everyone.
I just passed my NCLEX too. I know its pretty hard to find the job. It would be great If someone have any information about RN jobs. Still applying in different states.
Thanks ...Sargam.
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Hey Sargam,
You can apply in Baylor in Dallas. They hire international students. Good luck :)
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Thanks a lot for suggestions guys. I had an interview last week and I am waiting for their call to proceed for 2nd interview. However, I have applied TX, NY, MA, MI, NC.. but the luckly i had an interview in NY, Buffalo where i had my clinicals. I know i do not have any options where I should work. But I prefer to med-surg unit in hospital. I talked with some people in texas, they told me that getting job in home health care agency is good and easy coz they will make H1. But, as being a new grad, that wont be my prefrence coz I wont learn the skills that I need to assess or know the difference between normal N abnormal.. The problem is my opt has already started and its been a month N there is nothing extra job that I can do in free time. It looks like i might end up working in home health care agency. If i get job for a year in hospital in med-surg unit and home health care job that makes H1, I would choose hospital job. But as you guys said, I have applied many places and gave them call, but they dont even reply. can't they say that they already hired someone.

Thanks a lot guys... Looks like I will b moving to texas soon frm NY...
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Try Methodists around San Antonio ,Texas and see if your luck works out . They are usually hiring BSN's .
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Hello cyberknief,
i need your help finding job in Texas. I moved to texas from New york this week beacuse a home health care agency (Indian owner) told me that she will give me job. Now she told me that she cannot give me job anymore and I should look forward for another job. I am so stressed beacuse of my OPT and loans that I had to pay on. I havent transferred my license to texas yet beacuse I am also looking job in other states as well. But, If you can help me, It would be great and I would really appreciate for that. This is my Email id:
I am looking forward for your email and I can give you my phone number as well.

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