Eye donation as wedding gift - Sajha Mobile
Eye donation as wedding gift
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Eye donation as wedding gift

KAVRE, MAY 14 - Sushil Dhungana, 28, and Sarita Thapa, 21, have tied their nuptial knot in a style. Amid a wedding ceremony organised on the premises of Banepa-based Chandeshwori Temple on Saturday the couple gave a clear message-do something good for the social welfare.

After their engagement Sushil-Sarita decided not to receive anything as wedding gifts but to urge the invitees to donate eyes if they wish. Accordingly both the sides sent the invitation cards to their neighbours, friends and relatives.

The wedding attendants help the novel dream to get materialised as 100 invitees willed to donate eyes after their demise. They filled up the forms available at the wedding venue and handed over to the couple willing to donate their eyes.

"It is requested in the invitation card for the eyes donation as the wedding gift. I decided to donate the eyes thinking that it is real a great work," Madhu Poudel told the Post after she handed over will paper to the newly married couple. Poudel, a resident of Baneshwor in the Capital, attended the wedding as a guest.

Sushil, a permanent resident of Panchawati-4 of Udayapur, said that his dream came true as 100 of the marriage attendants, from both bride and bridegroom sides, willed to donate eyes as the wedding gifts. He said he happened to visit Capital-based Tilganga Eye Hospital and witnessed the suffering of the visually impaired people there.

"I then thought to do something so that the visually impaired people will get their eye sight," Sushil told the Post. After their engagement he shared his idea with the to-be-bride and she agreed with great pleasure. According to Sushil, he will hand over the forms to Tilganga Hospital soon and the hospital will proceed forward over the matter.

Shankar Narayan Twayana, manager at Tilganga eye bank, said that Sushil took some 150 forms from the hospital some days back. "The eyes donation by 100 people is the great thing. It will certainly help in providing treatment to the visually impaired patients," he said.

Sushil, a bachelor degree holder, has been involved in various social activities. Lately, he has been working for the welfare of Nepali migrant workers in the abroad. He is the chairman of Migrant Nepali Workers Welfare Centre, a recently registered social organisation at District Administration Office Kathmandu.

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