Madoff - Sajha Mobile
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 He was a nice guy until found out. He is always doanting, giving public speaking, speaking good abt others. He might rot in hell as well

He didn't leave our steveee.

One of American's biggest fraudsters, Bernard Madoff was sentenced to 150 years for his massive $65 billion scam in December 2008.

He was arrested for orchestrating a $65 billion Ponzi Scheme, the biggest fraud in US history.

He fleeced more than 14,000 investors, many of them lost their life savings. Two notable victims were filmmaker Steven Spielberg and actor Kevin Bacon.

Madoff founded the Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC in 1960. He was its chairman until his arrest.

So far $1.5bn has been recovered for the victims of this fraud. More of his valuables will be auctioned to raise more funds.

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It should be taken that long to caught him, it is a surprise.

Why the auditor could not catch the scheme for a long time? I think the auditor should be treated as Enron's CPA firm if their involvement is confirmed. How the CPA firm could not caught the Fonzie Scheme until 2008?

I salute him for his brain though it was used badly.
Last edited: 15-Nov-10 04:57 PM
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We shouldnt appreciate bad brain at all. Do you appreciate netas of nepal, who just illusioned nepali ppl for 20 yrs. Do you say wht a brain , they are just able to fool ppl for long time and still fooling.

Do you appreciate hitler's brain, who just rise from a simple boy to cruel human being. Do you say wht a brain.One day you might be saying if someone lures your wife and convienced her to perform bblowjob, and she did, You will say, wht a brain, so convincing power.

Madoff should rot in hell. he just wiped the dream of millions of ppl.

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