Who Would You Save First: The Mother or The Baby? - Sajha Mobile
Who Would You Save First: The Mother or The Baby?
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Say you are at the hospital when your wife is delivering a baby, and you are are in charge of her, and the doctor tells you: "I am sorry we cannot save them both! Who do you want to save, the mother or the baby?" This situation is extremely sad, but it is a quick decision you have to take, which one will you save?

 This would a tough decision for any man but I would save my wife. Wife whom you love and have a relationship with; someone you would never want harm or wittness harm done unto will die.I definitely love the baby but there are chances of having another baby again. eventhough, the child is saved,the child might have remorse thoughout his life for terminating his mom's life. I have seen cases like that where child regrets for taking his mom's life away. Life is full of hard choices but good thing is, its all up to us.

  What do you guys think?who would you save?

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I recommend the poster cease watching bollywood flicks for a while.
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Mother, 150%. You can make baby again. But you cannot replace the wife that you have been loved with for long and have promised to live with.
Last edited: 20-Apr-10 03:45 PM
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Say u had to make a quick decision and save either a monkey or the original poster of this thread, who would you save? I would save the monkey, atleast he didn't waste my time by asking cliche'd hindi movie question.
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^the baby is pissed with yawll.
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That choice is an illusion created by hindi movies.A doctor will never ask you to make a decision, if he can only save one person.He is legally and morally bound to save the mother.Even if the husband asks for the baby to be saved,the doctor will not do so.Even if the mother asks for the baby to be saved,the doctor will still save her.This is one of the situations where a pateint does not have the right to a decision.

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depends if my wife is pain in ass as most women after getting married. will save the baby and get married to another girl take a chance if she might turn out good wife
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Kiddo, WTF ya think? i was just asking people for their opinion. why do people trynn be a smart ass? And one more thing, i m not talking about hindi movie scene: in fact i m not a bollywood fan. 
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This is a really real question. Recently there was a similar situation to friend of mine. I don't know the disease name ( keep bleeding after the baby's birth due to back of something on blood or something, i forgot the medical term) but the guy and his wife knew that there is less then 99 % of survival of women if they are infected with that disease. Doctor warn them but they didn't go for abortion. the women decided to have a baby @any cost. if the guy loves his wife he should force his wife to have abortion at early phase. But they didn't choose that option. Finally, the women gave a birth to a baby and she died after couple of hours not even seeing the baby. Baby is healthy and fine.

Now, you guys who love your wife answer whether you choose your wife or baby !!!

Its definitely a very difficult decision to make..
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Peacesoul: In that case, it is a calculated risk in a case by case basis. I don't think you can make a blanket statement one way or the other. What I mean by that is it is never as dramatic as the original poster put it. I think the whole thread is motivated by those 70's, 80's and maybe some 90's bollywood flicks.
Last edited: 21-Apr-10 08:11 AM
Last edited: 21-Apr-10 08:18 AM
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Newlynew, i think ya have been watching bollywood movies for too long. I didnt start this thread just because i m a bollywood lunatic. Actually, i was having conversation with some gurls and some body brought this issue. I was arguing to save my wife's life but one gurl pointed out sth i never thought. She was in favour of giving her life if that  would save her baby. She said "I hope I would marry somebody who will choose my baby to live instead of me." That answer made me think a lot. What would you do if you wife says when her labor starts? Would that gurl choose her baby over her husband's life (i know this is not pragmatic but i m putting into consideration)?  That gurl may not hesitate to die for her child but is she bold enough to say "i want my baby no matter what happens to my husband"? I am just trying to say "Its whole lot easier to die than look your near or dear ones dying." People who are dying do not cry. The people who live around the dying person cry.
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which BOLLYWOOD movie is this syd_acid? this sounds familiar but doesn't quite ring a bell. is this the movie where the hero dies in the end?
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what a dumb Q?
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Syd_AcidBro: If I said that I was not influenced by bollywood growing up in Nepal, I would be lying my head off... And this probably applies to majority of us who grew up in Nepal. I see this trend continue with Nepali families that bring their children up in other countries too. These children grow up watching bollywood as their parent usually cannot live without it. So let's not kid each other... It's a hypothetical question over dramatized by bollywood flicks. I guess we both can agree on that much. As someone else pointed out, during labour, this is not a decision you would be making. I think doctors will have to go to medical ethics and procedural norms in such situation. I am not an expert on that. If there is risk recognized in the early stages, as I said it's a calculated risk and what really happens in the end is upto the ethical standards...
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I don't know where this thread is heading, which Bollywood movie you guys are talking about. But if I had to twist the scene a little bit.
How about YOU, your MOTHER and your CHILD in a sinking boat, who would you save first?
These questions might sound stupid to begin with, but personally I believe it says a lot about certain group of people, culture and the value inherited in them. Here's a breakdown of the answer.

Save MOTHER first - This will be the answer of cultures where parents rule the society.Care less about future, past values and present life is more important. They follow the old values and live in a homogenous society, marring among themselves, following same religion and practices, mostly living in a joint family, very loosely organized society in terms of politics, law and security.

Save the KID first - Independent, much more organized society with desire to succeed, think outside of  the box, more creative. They beleive in future more than the present and past. Youth make their own decision, live the way they want, very diverse society in terms of religion, values "action and consequences", stability in terms of law and security, more powerful and successful as a nation.

It all depends where you come from and your values.

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In this case, i would save my Mom, put my kid in my back,and swim across the river...How is that?
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I have another question for everyone. How many momos can you eat at a time?
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I think folks in sajha could not  talk anything beside girls,sex & humiliating sb. I have nothing against nobody. This was a serious question to know the perspective and see how people think but my effort went down the drain. There are some issues where you need to show seriousness eventhough ya dont want to. I was trynn say sth and folks here made me a Bollywood lunatic. Oh boy!
   I just think some folks are really smart than they think. Good for you guys!!
Last edited: 22-Apr-10 10:21 AM
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"I just think some folks are really smart than they think." so ur claiming ur smater than you think.. too much thinking going on
Last edited: 22-Apr-10 10:29 AM
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I think ^ this question has more weight than the original question. Atleast you can have a good debate; I can't imagine anybody answering "I'd save the baby" for the original question (with a sane reasoning).

So, answering the only legit question in this thread: 5 if it is from Everest momo, 9 if it is from Ranipokhari.

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I am sorry for being so late replying to this thread.But i think there are a few medical things not being taken into consideration here.

It is the privilege of the mother to choose to continue a pregnancy even if it is detrimental to her health.But the issue here is of saving 1 life out of 2 during labour,in an emergency. And in this situation however,the mother does not have the privilege of deciding who lives.The doctor will try everything to save both of them,but if only one can be saved,then it will be the mother.

Somebody else said there is a 99% chance of dying for the mother after delivery when mother is infected sometimes.Firstly that percentage is way off.Secondly amount of post partum hemorrhage(bleeding after delivery) is very difficult to predict.Some young women can withstand significant amount of bleeding while others show symptoms with a little bleeding.And doctors know babies are the most important thing in the world to parents,thats why most times they let pregnancies continue even if there is a little danger.But these pregnancies are closely monitered,and at the 1st sign of danger,action is taken.Only in a few situations is a pregnancy absolutely contraindicated,most times they can be continued with a resonable degree of safety.One faces more chances of being in a car accident,if one takes into account the odds.

Infact if a mother insists that the baby come first and her health come second,during labour,the doctor can place her under arrest in the hospital until  she is out of danger.The patient will lose patient privilege if the doctor deems that that person is a danger to herself or to other people.In this case the doctor is free to contact the police.

If a doctor still chooses to save the baby's life and not the mother,this is what will happen

-his licence to practise will imediately be suspended.

-in a few days a review will be held about the case.If it can be proved that he could have saved  one of them and he chose to save the baby,then his licence to practise will be permanently cancelled by the medical association of that country.He will not be able to practise for the rest of his life.

-with resonable proof he will be taken to court,and again if it can be proved that he chose to save the baby and not the mother,he will face 1st degree murder charges and could be in jail for 10+ years.

So contrary to what hindi movies have taught us,in an emergency ,during labour ,if only one can be saved,then the mother will be saved.Even a presidential order from Obama asking that the baby be saved and the mother's health be considered second will not work.Mother comes first. 

Last edited: 24-Apr-10 12:19 PM
Last edited: 24-Apr-10 12:22 PM
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