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Decaying Sajha
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"San, Needs to Flush Low Life Imbeciles" if he wants to maintain the integrity and stability of sajha. This time i rated Mysansar to be more informative, persuasive and meaningful as compared to sajha. Though they support maoist, they got certain ideas, creativity and meanings. Day after day i feel so bad for sajha, since it has lost its charm. No more Nepe, no more Timer, no more Geology Tiger, no more Dekchi Driver ...
Here, i see thread where people talk about masturbating at the weekend. Simply pathetic,..

San, it is up to you. I am sorry, i hate sajha these days.

Little notice...
If any imbecile happens to stumble upon this thread and tries to vomit any expulsion of feces be it known,
Don't know about San, but
I am more powerful then him to delete any piece of shit.

Last edited: 26-Feb-10 08:41 AM
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kukhura chor
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Afai post garyo. Afai like garyo. Achamma chha baa yo sajha.
Last edited: 26-Feb-10 03:19 PM
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Newly New,

That is the way I talk, Yes I swear a lot, I might even call you an Moron when I am frustrated. But that is all part of being a human being. Nothing personal.

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बाथ्रूमभैया, अब इन्टरनेट्को कुरो पनि ब्यक्तिगत रुपमा लिएर हुन्छ त? ठिकै छ तिमीलाई पनि उत्तम हप्तान्त |||
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Bathroom Coffee,

Tell me bro since how long have you gone talking like fagot. Believe me once i subscribed to your page so that i could learn and share certain ideas from you. It is more than disgusting and jaw dropping that you have radicalized yourself into the group of Hogs, didn't expect this from you.

Geology Tiger
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साझा प्रति तिम्रो चिन्ता र चासो प्रसंशनीय छ। जहाँसम्म साझामा वाहियात र अनावस्यक लेखहरुको मात्रा बढी हुन थाल्यो भन्ने तिम्रो भनाई छ त्योसँग म सहमत छु। तर म साझामा यस्ता लेखहरुको ओइरो लाग्ने प्रकृयालाई चाँही सामान्य नै ठान्छु। मलाई लाग्छ एक किसिमले साझाले हाम्रो समाजमा भएको वैचारिक विविधतालाई प्रतिनिधत्व गर्छ र यो तितो सत्य हो कि हाम्रो समाजमा राम्रो विचार भएका भन्दा नराम्रा विचार भएकाहरुकै संख्या बढी छ, उनीहरुकै बोलबाला छ। होइन भने नेपालमा सिद्दान्तबादी नेताहरु सतालोलुप नेताहरु भन्दा पछाडि पर्ने थिएनन् होला, इमान्दर र कर्मठ कर्मचारीहरु कामचोर कर्मचारी भन्दा पछाडि पर्ने थिएनन् होला, मिहेनती किसानहरु ठग ब्यापारी भन्दा पछाडि पर्ने थिएनन् होला। तर हामी पढेकालेखेका र जानेसुनेका भनाउँदा ब्यक्तिहरु, देशलाई माया गर्ने भनाउँदाहरु देश बिग्रिएकोमा चिन्ता त गर्न सक्छौ, तर यथार्थमा केही पनि गर्न सक्दैनौ। तर विचारको मन्थन गर्ने यो थलो साझामा भने स्थिती त्यस्तो छैन कारण यो हाम्रो देश जस्तो हल्लाको पछाडि दौडनेहरुको जमातबाट सन्चालित छैन। यो केवल एक ब्यक्ति(सान दाई)वाट  नियन्त्रित सन्जाल हो। हामी साझामा आफ्नो विचार पोख्न र अरुको विचारमा बहस गर्न रुचाउँछौ किनकी हामीलाई लाग्छ यो हामी सबैको लागि लाभदायाक छ। यहाँवाट हामी केही नयाँ कुरा सिक्छौ, केही आफुले सिकेको कुरा सारा समाजलाई बाढ्छौ र आजसम्म हामीले साझामा नै यो सबै गर्दै आउनुको पछाडिको कारण चाँही सान दाईबाट पटक पटक साझाको उद्देस्य र संचालक सिद्दान्तहरुको बारेमा दिइएको आश्वासननै हो। जबसम्म सान दाई साझालाई सिद्दान्त र बिचारको मन्थन गर्ने साझा थलोको रूपमा बिकसित गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ तबसम्म हामीहरु आफ्नो बिचारहरु यहाँ पोखी नै रहन्छौ। तर यदी साझामा जथाभावी सामाग्रीहरुको बाढी आउँदा पनि त्यसमाथी केही कारबाही हुँदैन भने चाँही हामीले साझालाई पछ्छाई रहनुपर्ने केही आवश्यकता रहँदैन। तर साझाप्रति अथवा साझा व्यवस्थापनप्रति कुनै पनि अन्तिम निर्णयमा पुग्नु भन्दा पहिले साझामा आइरहेको नराम्रा सामाग्रीहरुको बाढिको बिषयमा साझा व्यवस्थापनलाई सचेत बनाउनु, घच्घचाउनु हाम्रो कर्तब्य हो र मलाई लाग्छ तिम्रो यो थ्रेडले पनि गरिरहेको छ। साझामा वेलाबखत ओइरिने विकृत मानसिकताहरुलाई हामी सबैले नै मिलेर सफा गर्नु पर्छ। बिशेष गरी जातभातमा आधारित भेदभावलाई प्रश्रय दिने लेखहरु, कसैको ब्यक्तिगत चरित्रलाई हमला गर्ने लेखरु र अश्लील यौन वर्णनले भरिएका लेखहरुमा नियन्त्रण गर्ने कार्यमा भने सान दाईले पनि बिशेष चासो राख्नुपर्ने अवस्था देखिन्छ साझामा। आशा छ सान दाईले राजुको कुरा सुन्नुहुने छ। 
साझामा देखापर्ने अनुहारहरुहरुको बिषयमा भन्नु पर्दा समय अनुसार चेहरा बिस्तारै बदलिदै जानु एउटा नियमित प्रकृया नै होला। पुरानाहरु जान्छन् अनी नयाँ आउनेहरु अझ बढी प्रतिभशाली हुन्छन्। तर मेरो कुरा गर्नु पर्दा चाँही मैले साझालाई माया मारेको छैन।   

Last edited: 27-Feb-10 10:46 PM
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I agree with you completely. Sajha used to be my favorite past time but I am sure sajha has brighter days ahead.
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Stop this B.S., nothing gonna change....change yourself if you want...all your focking ideaological sajha, keep that with yourself....its just fun in sajha...trying to revolutionalize in sajha modafockers....fock you...worry about something else in life...San will worry about sajha cocksockers.
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Raju u day by day feel bad about sajha.........ha ahah ah ah ah a......ha aha hah aha ha.......hahah hahaha....i feel bad about you day by need to change, instead of talking shiatt in sajha everytime, get something to do in your life...take care now brother....happy holi to all ya all
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8848 m nice to see you broda, i don't think i should have to explain where i stand right now as compared to you. It will be a waste of a valuable time and matter of self proclamation  if i start explaining my accomplishments to you, so i won't do that. Nevertheless, i created this thread because i want sajha to be informative not a mere waste of time. Let me share the ideas that i figured out after creating this thread, there are two sorts of people in sajha
1) who want sajha to be persuasive, informative, and civil
2) who gives a ratsass about sajha,
So if you think about me, i like sajha as if it is the former.

happy holi to you too.

Last edited: 28-Feb-10 01:31 PM
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yo ta worst nepali website ho.

nepali cheli beti lai nagyaune..kura ani la..pu...ko bahek kurai nahune site ho..

kaam chaina aba yesko miti pugyo jasto chha.. hami haru le lekhne..hami haru ko sabai kura le nai yo chaleko chha ani kamaune chai hamro time ani yema pokheko bichar ko saab achhar chai shajha re ani hamilai chai murkha banayera sajha kuni ke of the year re fokat ma sabai lai ani [Disallowed String for - use not allowed] haru cchai je garda ni kamaune re...kati sorchha yesle month ma guess??

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LOL @ never replied on your other thread.......raju broda i am glad for ur accomplishment....stay tight broda.
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Raju191,"Tell me bro since how long have you gone talking like fagot. "

You should ask your own AassHole that question.

Raju191,"Believe me once i subscribed to your page so that i could learn and share certain ideas from you."

Tell me Son what did you learn ? ha ha ha Apparently Nothing.

Raju191,"It is more than disgusting and jaw dropping that you have radicalized yourself into the group of Hogs, didn't expect this from you."

Dood I do not belong to no social, political, or religious group. I am not here to please you or appease anybody but for myself.  


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ok downvoting a thread system is in place...good job san dai....please let us know how many downvote will boot the thread out of the home page?
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indeed was a waste of my belief to trust a fagot...
Nevertheless, you opened my eyes thanks a lot for that.
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Just like its a waste of time to talk to an AssHole ? ha ha ha

I am glad I opened your eyes for you. 

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Raju and all,

There were a lot of significant issues raised here in this thread. This, coupled with the goodwill shown by few sajha friends have prompted me to put in a system of 'downvoting' or 'disliking' a post so that it does not show up on homepage which represents sajha to the world.

Thank you again for your goodwill towards sajha, which has, time and again, helped sajha become different from other Nepali sites and helped make it stand out in a class of it's own.

I feel that the test of time has shown that sajha has been able to retain many Nepalis who have a common attribute of deep, unwavering love for our motherland. Nepalis who are concerned at their core at the faltering state of politics and the increasing lawlessness that our land is witnessing. Nepalis who are dismayed at the rate of decrepitude of humanity. A lot of Nepalis visiting sajha are mostly based outside of Nepal and the discussions in sajha serve to keep a lot us living abroad, connected to the Nepali way of life and thoughts. One very common bond among each one of us is education - for it seems like an adequate amount of education has kept us longing for what someone else comes up with to share, or for us to personally share what we know amidst the realms of the sajha virtual world.

I believe that most visitors of sajha are much different from visitors of sites where they have model pictures to attract crowds or list of nepali tv serials to attract visitors who like to watch tv serials or simply to read news. I would not be wrong to say that sajha attracts a "thinking" crowd - who thrive on thinking of new opportunities and open to different means of open communications rather than just be a mere watcher of tv serials or page through model pictures. I believe that the repetitive visitors of sajha are the ones who will not follow politicians blindly into ratnapark  - without questioning or believing in what they stand for.

Yes we have a lot of fun here. Fun loving does not necessarily mean one is lackluster in intelligence. In fact a healthy level of fun is good for everyone. It is the ones that do not respect the right of others, that become concerning. I think most of the time these kind of outbursts in sajha subside on their own because those are not encouraged by the combined interests of the visitors here who thrive more on intellectual stimulation and not by cheap comedy or cheap activities which only show the involved person's inability to get a grip on reality.

Someone remarked earlier in this thread that sajha does not have any fans in facebook and I wanted to briefly address that. It was never sajha's goal to be the number one visited site or the number 1 popular site. If sajha wanted to be a number one visited site, it could easily become one by implementing visitor attracting strategies like having sections for modelling semi nute pictures of girls, news, recording TV programs and showing on site. Quantity is not what is interesting for sajha. For me, quality is more important and with the law of averages the average quality tends to go down with increased quantity. Hence the main focus of sajha is the kurakani which promotes more of the thinking and educated crowd who love Nepal, rather than trying to bring in visitor demographics who are more interested in looking at tons of semi nude models to pass their time.

This is the reason why advertisers with end up advertising in sajha and paying more than other sites because advertisers get a very small return on their investment on other sites where visitors generally go to consume the pictures or the videos and leave when they are done - unlike in sajha where lot of visitors actually stick around for major parts of their days at work checking and rechecking to see if more interesting things have been shared. In addition the demographics of more educated crowd in sajha are more likely to buy the advertisers services.

Back to facebook fans count, right now most other Nepali sites have 'become our site fan' on their homepage soliciting users to become their fans. It maybe a personal thing for me but I cannot ask you to become my fan! That's why noone is requested to become a sajha fan! Most of us have busy schedules and becoming a fan of some site is not even remotely important in the grand scheme of things.

I think I have digressed a lot in this reply but whenever I see a long thread on sajha, I feel like it's my obligation to write up few things on what sajha is and isn't. Hope this helps answer few of the questions put forward by our astute friends.
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What concerns me the most is that you blip cursed word, which is fine. But at the same time, allow semi-soft pornographic pictures. What's up with that? Few cured word is less concerning that a gigantic picture of a skinny model showing here boobies and vagina (dood and puti, if those earlier words do not show up). It becomes very difficult to open thread these days since so many of them are embedded with nude pictures and videos. If you say, there is no limit to moderate such activities, then I think you should allow foul languages too. At least it is not "on my face", if I want to read, it is my choice.Picture speaks louder than words, as the saying goes. Words Vs picture, you pick.

boobies and vigina---works
how about - F!ck you! (FOCK u). It does not even allow me to post anything with that word saying it is a "bad word".
Last edited: 01-Mar-10 02:27 PM
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Currently technology allows us to programmatically replace certain words when they appear in text.

But unfortunately it doesn't apply to images. It is not possible programmatically to find out if an uploaded or linked image contains soft or hard pornographic pictures.

Hence you are seeing a disconnect in the way text is handled versus images.
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Thanx for the permit of  fun times reallistily still avails at Sajha now Mr.San, as the  traffic threads flows under controlled now,....aint we have dont to worry nothin!!!  . wE  still r on tha right track..... षुन्यमा षुन्यासरी,......  its seems allz like nothings into nothings guyz.... bring back the community in place toGethers......CHeeRS.!!



kukhura chor
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@Natyavaruval - Bro, every time I read something you write, I get dizzy? I haven't been able to figure out if you are way too smarter than most of us or you are high all the time. Help.
Last edited: 01-Mar-10 04:14 PM
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