IS IT TRUE ?? - Sajha Mobile
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Recent Survey Conducted by 20 panel European Union team concluded that the #1 reason why Nepal lacked behind compared to rest of the world is Nepal has too many political parties with different views & ideologies and due to frequent interruption by the opponents none of the party in government gets enough chance to put their theories in practice. The team also concluded that the man named “Girija Prasad Koirala” is the biggest curse for Nepal and Nepali people. The last 15 years data shows he is the mastermind in toppling the elected government and leading the country into instability and chaos.

Speaking at the meeting organized by the Rotarary Club Lalitpur EU chief Mr. Clint Eastwood claimed that Nepal has more leaders than anywhere in the world. Recent college poll shows 1 out of every 10 students is a leader affiliated with some political parties.


Source: NayaNepal Saptahik

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It's 100% true.
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That's so true. It's so obvious that it doesn't even need any survey or any conclusion drawn by anyone.

More politicians than actual citizens........That's our NEPAL !! woohoo!!

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HAHAHA...EU chief Clint Eastwood re...and who else was on the panel? oh wait, here it is:

John Wayne

Jack Palance

Feroze Khan (watch his movies)

I cannot go on, this is too funny.


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