Nepali in Cyberjaya, KL, Malaysia - Sajha Mobile
Nepali in Cyberjaya, KL, Malaysia
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Any Nepali in Cyberjaya? I will be in Cyberjaya for 2 weeks all by myself.
So, If you know/live in KL - Cyberjaya can you please suggest me any places to see, any Nepali restaurant and tips on visiting the city.
Any help is appreciated....
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It looks like there are not very people in KL - Cyberjaya area.
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There are lots of Nepalese in Cyberjaya, Putrajaya Area. Let you remind that most of the Nepalese over there are hardworking and have to work for about 12-14 hours a day. In addition to that, majority of the Nepalese people working there are unskilled workers. So, it is less likely to get reply to your question.

However, I have been there on this winter and met bunch of Nepalese over there. I didn't go to Nepalese restaurant. However, malaysian food is quite close to nepali, so you would enjoy Malay food. They are very cheap as well.


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Thanks "deathisafteru",
I just came to know that my CJ office guards are Nepali.
I will ask them about the place.
Did you stay in Cyberview lodge?

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