Why the terrorists hate India - Sajha Mobile
Why the terrorists hate India
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International Herald Tribune
Monday, December 8, 2008

LONDON: As an open, diverse and at times chaotic democracy, India has long been a target for terrorism. From the assassination of Mohandas Gandhi in 1948 to the recent attacks in Mumbai, it has faced attempts to change its national character by force. None has yet succeeded. Despite its manifest social failings, India remains the developing world's most successful experiment in free, plural, large-scale political collaboration.

The Mumbai attacks were transformative, because in them, unlike previous outrages in India, the rich were caught: not only Western visitors but also Indian bankers, business owners and socialites. This had symbolic power, as the terrorists knew it would.

However, I recently saw a televised forum in which members of the public vented their fury against India's politicians for their failure to act, and it soon became apparent the victims were poor as well as rich. One survivor, Shameem Khan - instantly identifiable by his name and his embroidered cap as a Muslim - told how six members of his extended family had been shot and killed. Still in shock, he said: "A calamity has fallen on my house. What shall I do?" His neighbors had helped pay for the funeral. Like most of India's 150 million Muslims, Khan is staunchly patriotic. The city's Muslim Council refused to let the terrorists be buried in its graveyards.

When these well-planned attacks unfolded, it was clear that they almost certainly originated from Pakistan. Yet the reaction of the world's news media was to rely on the outmoded idea of Pakistan-India hyphenation - as if a thriving and prosperous democracy must be compared only with an imploded state that is having to be bailed out by the International Monetary Fund. Was Pakistan to blame, asked many pundits, or was India at fault because of its treatment of minority groups?

The terrorists themselves offered little explanation, and made no clear demands. Yet even as the siege continued, commentators were making chilling deductions on their behalf: Their actions were because of American foreign policy, or Afghanistan, or the harassment of Indian Muslims. Personal moral responsibility was removed from the players in the atrocity. When officials said the killers came from the Pakistani terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, it was taken as proof that India's misdeeds in the Kashmir Valley were the cause.

These misdeeds are real, as are India's other social and political failings. But there is no sane reason to think Lashkar-e-Taiba would shut down if the situation in Kashmir improved. Its literature is much concerned with establishing a caliphate in Central Asia, and murdering those who insult the Prophet.

Its leader, Hafiz Saeed, who lives on a large estate outside Lahore bought with Saudi money, goes about his business with minimal interference from the Pakistani government.

Lashkar-e-Taiba is part of the International Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders (the Qaeda franchise). Saeed's hatreds are catholic - his bugbears include Hindus, Shiites and women who wear bikinis. He regards democracy as "a Jewish and Christian import from Europe," and considers suicide attacks to be in accordance with Islam. He has a wider strategy: "At this time our contest is Kashmir. Let's see when the time comes. Our struggle with the Jews is always there."

As he told his followers in Karachi at a rally in 2000: "There can't be any peace while India remains intact. Cut them, cut them - cut them so much that they kneel before you and ask for mercy."

In short, he has an explicit political desire to create a state of war between the religious communities in India and beyond.

Like other exponents of Islamist extremism, he has a view of the world that does not tolerate doubt or ambiguity: His opponents are guilty, and must be killed. I have met other radicals like Saeed, men who live in a dimension of absolute certainty and have contempt for the moral relativism of those who seek to excuse them. To achieve their ends, it is necessary to indoctrinate boys in the hatred of Hindus, Americans and Jews, and dispatch them on suicide missions. It is unlikely that any of the militants who were sent from Karachi to Mumbai - young men from poor rural backgrounds whose families were paid for their sacrifice - had ever met a Jew before they tortured and killed Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, at the Mumbai Jewish center.

America's so-called war on terror has been, in many respects, a catastrophe. In Pakistan, it has been chronically mishandled, leading to the radicalization of areas in the north that were previously peaceful. Yet links between the military, the intelligence services and the jihadis have remained intact: Lashkar-e-Taiba is merely one of a number of extremist organizations that continues to function.

The prime solution to the current crisis is to force the closing of terrorist training outfits in Pakistan, and apply the law to those who organize and finance operations like the Mumbai massacres. Hafiz Saeed and other suspects should be sent to India to stand trial. The remark by Pakistan's president, Asif Ali Zardari that he did not think the terrorists came from Pakistan would be funny if it were not tragic.

The United States gives around $1 billion a year in military aid to Islamabad; that is leverage. It does the people of Pakistan no favors for Washington to allow their leaders to continue with the strategy of perpetual diversion, asking India to be patient while denying the true nature of the immediate terrorist threat. I received this e-mail message recently from a friend in Karachi: "Nowhere can get more depressing than Pakistan these days - barring some African failed states and Afghanistan."

Patrick French is the author, most recently, of "The World Is What It Is: The Authorized Biography of V. S. Naipaul."

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just like USA declare war on Al-Qaeda and invaded Agfanistan and Iraq, India should too declare war on the Lashkar-e-Taiba and invade Pakistan.

But we will never see that happening because Indian mens are wimps.



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Guys we should not forget that India in someway  also breeding terrorist for Nepal. See Jwala singhs house in India. When there was fight between Madeshi and Moaist which killed 40 people, those madeshi came from India in number of tractors.
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i really want to see India invade Pakistan and flush out the terrorists. Pakistan is the nest for breeding Terrorists but India have no guts or balls to go after them.

Indian are only good at cricket and dance around the trees, flirting with woman.

nepali shaan
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If anything goes wrong in India, Pakistan is always the first to be blamed.. Saying that I don't mean to support the recent attack on Mumbai . But India also needs to stop supporting terrorism in its neighboring countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal and ShirLanka, couple of months ago i had read a article here in Sajha which talked about the Indian intellegence agency commited to cause trouble in it's neighboring countries.
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No doubt that India is responsible for creating and harboring conspiracies against its neighbors be it Nepal or any of its neighboring nations. I understand frustration with India, this does not mean that such terror attacks can be justified!
Pakistan is virtually ruled by its military. The civilian government is only a show case.
I believe these terror camps are secretly supported by Pakistani intelligence. There are plenty of officials who hate India and they have fought three wars so far!
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  "Indian are only good at cricket and dance around the trees, flirting with woman"

hey sajhaKHOherO, That was funny espcially the 2nd part.......They are not even that good at cricket..they are so called 'kagazi sher'....2nd part is true through....

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Aba arkako desh sarlakkai nila pachhi teha ka manchhe bahulaudainan ta.
People of kashmir cannot match the armed might of indian govt.So aba ke garne.
Banduk bokne.

Have anybody ever thought what we would have done if India had engulfed Nepal?????????
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Good that this happened in India. Now they will think less of harboring Maoists terrorists and ways to infiltrate Nepal’s order from 60 different locations. They will divert their attention to Kashmir and our brothers in Gorkha Land, Assam and Sikkim could get their freedom at the end. I say, what goes around comes around.


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i am not happy about the attack but yes they have habit of sticking their nose in neighbouring countries business and they think they are supreme power of south asia. somebody has to do something like this to make them weak and not to get too involved in other countries business. who knows maybe nepal was their next victim as in past they have always stopped nepal in moving forward. whether its koshi bridge or attack at palace they have always affected our politics.I feel sorry for the loss of innocent civilians but yeah this kind of stuff should happen once in a while so that they will mind their own business

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well, i agree with most of the guys views.. the only country who can kick hard back in the ass of india is Pakisthan.. the government of pak is not as cowards like our nepal..but the thing is that pak supports all those terrorists org who are againts india and the world.. its same with these Dhoti India.. they support and funds all the terrorists org who are againts Nepal, Sri lanka and so on.. So, as there's a saying what goes a round, that comes a round.. Its just a starting of bad days for india, worst is still to come.. but lets pray and be positive for our country...  

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I hate civilain casulities. The parleament attak was much better. They should targed the gulty the next time around.
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Hey wat u give wat u get..they gave us maoist/JTMM and all so Pakis r giving them all

i feel sorry for all the innocent lives lost either its in Nepal or India..Coz of india this terrorist group flourished in our country..including maoist ..they killed 14000 innocent lives according to the official figure but real figure would be 30,000  + so who supported this India..they are the one always playing with..Srilanka,Bangladesh n Nepal so wats wrong Pakis playing with them..feel sorry for the victims civilian but not India i just hate India,,only reason there treatment to our country our home,,i boycotted indian movies songs for yrs ,,,Y pay for those stupid movies anyway, i rather give my Rs 1 to poor kids in the street,,I think as wat Bangladeshi we nepalese citizen need to start boycotting indian product as much as possible support ours ...

N i get shocked wit all the nepalese spending so much money on useless Indian movies..magazines and songs..Lets reduce Indian product uses


Jai Desh...

Last edited: 10-Dec-08 04:36 PM
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These are India Sponsored Terrorist in Nepal

Sarरकारले तराईका सशस्त्र समूहहरुसँग वार्ता गर्ने तयारी गर्दै गरेको खबर तिहारअघिदेखि नै आएको हो। तराईमा सशस्त्र गतिविधि गर्दै आएका समूहहरुसँग आजदेखि औपचारिक वार्ता हुने भनिएको छ। कुन समूहसित हुन लागिरहेको छ त वार्ता ? तराई अर्थात् मधेसको माग उठाउने समूहरुसँग ? तर, त्यस्तो होइन रहेछ । तराईमा सशस्त्र गतिविधि गर्दै आएका ३ दर्जनभन्दा बढी समूहहरु मध्ये केही राजनीतिक समूह छन् त केही आपराधिक । त्यो कुरा पनि सरकारले छुट्याउन सकेको देखिएको छैन । आजदेखि हुने भनिएको वार्ताका लागि जयप्रकाश यादवले नेतृत्व गरेको मधेसी भाइरस किलर्स (अर्थात् हालको नयाँ “मधेसी जनमुक्ति मोर्चा”) को वार्ता टोली हिजै राजधानी आएको छ।

फाइल फोटोः मधेसी भाइरस किलर्सका संयोजक जयप्रकाश यादव (बीचमा रातो टीसर्ट लगाएको) र दायाँ बायाँ उनका साथीहरु पछाडि भारतीय प्रहरीको संरक्षणमा पत्रकारसँग कुरा गर्दै ।

यो संगठन र यसका नेतृत्वकर्ताको बारेमा धेरैलाई थाहा नहोला। करिब २ वर्षअघि सप्‍तरी जिल्लामा माओवादी नेता दशरथ ठाकुरको हत्या भयो। सोही हत्यामा संलग्न भएको कारण बाँच्नका लागि छुट्टै पार्टी खोलेको भनिन्छ जयप्रकाश यादवलाई। उनैसँग सरकारले वार्ता आज वार्ता गर्न लागेको हो। समाचार स्रोत भन्छ,’ठाकुर हत्याको जिम्मेवारी त गोइत समूहले लियो तर, यादवले गोइत समूहका कार्यकर्तालाई लिएर आफ्नो मोटरसाइकलमा गएका हुन् ।’

पछि माओवादीले यादवमाथि आरोप लगाएपछि उनले भारत मै एक पत्रकार सम्मेलनको आयोजना गरी मधेसी भाइर्स किलर्स नामको समूह खोलेर सप्तरीमा सशस्त्र गतिविधि गर्दै आएका हुन्। उक्त पार्टीको अधिकांश गतिविधि गोइत समूहका कार्यकर्ता मार्नेतिर केन्द्रित रहेको पाइन्छ। पछि आएर आफूसँग काम गर्ने शर्तमा यादवमाथिको मुद्दा माओवादीले फिर्ता लिएपछि सप्तरीमा करिब दर्जन भन्दा बढी गोइत समूहका कार्यकर्ताको यादवले ज्यान लिएको आरोप लगाएका छन् ।

के माग छ त यो समूहको ?
१) तराइलाई स्वतन्त्र राज्य घोषणा
२) मधेसीको संयोजकत्वमा तराईमा जनगणना
३) तराईको राजस्व तराइमा खर्च
४) माओवादीको पहाडे मुक्ति सेनालाई तराईबाट हटाउनु पर्ने
५) तराइमा काम गर्ने सञ्चारमाध्यममा तराईवासीलाई नियुक्त गर्नुपर्ने ।
उक्त पार्टी गठन भएको बेला प्रकाशित विज्ञप्तिको आधारमा ।

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Look At them being Protected by Indian Police.
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Not only this Guys even Maoist were supported by India,,,Go to hell india you ruined our country lets someone ruins urs..
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