Graduate School - Sajha Mobile
Graduate School
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Guys..Please help me find any university for graduate studies that does not require GRE. I am planning for MBA or Engineering (Industrial, Manufacturing, Systems). Please post name of the university for fall or spring. Thanks in advance.
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i got my bs in industrial engineering and was working.  and while working as an ie, got my mba.  i did not have to take gre.  my gpa was good enough that they did not require gre.  it is hard to find a school like that.  my gre was 100% paid by the employer.  if i were you i would do the masters in industrial/systems engineering rather than mba.  you will have more luck finding a job with an IE degree than mba.  unless you get your mba from top business school in the us, it is very hard to find a job just with the mba, and especially being in a student visa. 
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Try Uni of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Biggy Small
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Niste be careful applying for MBA schools that don't require a GMAT. I don't think any Graduate Business School accepts GRE in lieu of GMAT (None that I am aware of but I could be wrong). But getting back to the point. A school that doesn't require a GMAT wouldn't be accredited by the AACSB which means finding a job  after graduation is going to be a pain unless you know a lot of people in the industry. Its always a good idea to look for schools that have been accredited for a while and are ranked among top schools for certain specializations. You don't need to go for a Harvard MBA, or Sloan MBA but definitely look for a school that at least has good ranking for certain specialization. For example: University of Florida has a very good Consumer Behavior specialization, whereas UT, Austin's MIS is top rated. Babson College in Wellesley, MA is considered to be the best school for entrepreneurship. With a good recommendation, a good GPA and GMAT score you may secure a full or partial  Graduate Assistantship. They are pretty helpful  because most good schools  will cost you  a lot for an MBA program.

But if you do need a school that doesn't require GMAT for an MBA, the one I know in the east coast is Johnson & Wales, Providence, RI. I am not sure if this has changed because I am taking about 2001-2002. The students there had a saying "When everything fails, there is Johnson & Wales". It was big safety school for a lot of international students who hung in there to keep their status while applying for good MBA schools. It was cheap and easy to get into.

Good Luck!!!!!!!!
"People go to Undergraduate school for a job, but people go to Graduate school for a Profession" so choose wisely......
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hi niste and other thread readers,

i might be just a bit off the topic here but can you do a phd. or m.s. in industrial engineering with a b.s in math?? I wanted to go into industrial/financial engineering with a B.S. in Math.

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With a math background you can break into any area. Just that, you might have to fulfill a lot of core credits (required classes).

If in Nepal, visit USEF and do your research and email them.
Try as much as possible not to trade reputation of the degree program for ease of admission acceptance. If reputation is not of the prime concern then a rural university program might serve the purpose.

Good luck
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I would suggest you to take GRE will learn many things (which you yourself will come to know after taking it) and you will feel proud of it later...
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Apply to Harvard.  HBS.  They don't require GMAT.
Hari Dai
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what's the problem of Giving GRE?? I am sure Good school will never admit u without fulfilling requirements unless u are too extra in some aspects .If you have graduated from NEPAL , it's not a big Deal give GRE and do your best!! rather then trying in a hurry and getting into average schools try hard ,give GRE and whatever required ,be one year late ,get into a good school!! my suggestion from my experience to all,particularly graduates from NEpal. YOu will get nothing here so exciting as u think there be prepared show your strength ,claim your position !! that's how I suggest you to start higher study here, if u are here in USA you must know it well!! good luck!!
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Hari is right...that's why i suggested you take GRE test....

if you fear to take GRE, then later you may fear more here in US...

so accept the challenge of GRE....
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CUNY , easy admission and no GRE needed for certaing courses.

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