H1B visa stamping in Nepal - Sajha Mobile
H1B visa stamping in Nepal
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I am going to Nepal for two weeks in the mid June. Although I have H1B status (academic) valid until 2010, H1B stamp has expired in October, 2007. To apply for visa stamping, what should I do? How can I schedule an appointment for interview? Instruction says I should submit all my documents to NABIL Bank for scheduling, and I would hardly get time run after visa processing. Is there a way to schedule interview before I leave USA? Please, provide me with information if you have any. I would highly appreciate your cooperation.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited: 23-May-08 08:26 PM
Last edited: 23-May-08 08:31 PM
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i don't think you can do anything from here. you have to be there to get your appointment. if it is canada it is different case you can get appointment from here but not for nepal...sorry bro
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you should be able to get an interview date within 2 weeks. Get all your paper work ready from here. Apply next day or same day you reach ktm. I dont think that there is a way to apply in advance .
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Thanks guys for your advice.

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