Do you think Nepal should be declared as Hindu Country - Sajha Mobile
Do you think Nepal should be declared as Hindu Country
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Today I read this news in
Well I agree with their opinion that Nepal should be declared as Hindu country but I don't agree that monarchy should still exist in Nepal. What's your opinion?

Please don't just give your opinion also express why you think so?
If you ask me here's my reason

Currently 85% of the population in Nepal are Hindu. So, I think it's nothing wrong to declare it as Hindu country. Also I consider Buddhism and Hinduism as one religion. You may not agree with me but I have never found any Hindu person who thinks Buddhism as a separate religion. Just think how many times you have been to Swoyambhu, Baudha, even Lumbini.

Now, you have ever been to Mosque of Ghantaghar?

How many times you've celebrated Buddha Jayanti? Why any Hindu gets mad when some media says Buddha was born in India. It may not sound like legitimate reason for you but think carefully you still think there is/was a difference between Hinduism and Buddhism.

So, I strongly support the fact that Nepal should be redeclare as Hindu country. But monarch should be out of Nepal because they were/are corrupt. They never thought about country they just thought about themselves. Now, it seems like in the name of religion they want to re-enforce the monarchy, which I think is wrong. Shame on those people who use religion for such thing.
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Samashan, the recent election showed ppl don't care. And you are right to have your views for your reasons.

Let me ask you question number one. Make Country ? What does this mean and how is it done? Does anyone have an answer to this? .. sabai milera bikas ko mool futau... Bikas comes from ppl choosing to do things that will enrich their lives, brings them happiness and peace. And MONEY does all that and bit more too. How far did Nepal go without money but a lot of deshbhakti over the past 50 yrs?

Now let me ask you question number two. Why is it important for foreigners (or the rest of the world for that matter) to identify or know Nepal in a certain way? Most of the (western) world ppl don't care, and don't know who/what/where Nepal is. And they couldn't be bothered to find that out. They have their own set of problems, Nepal has its own. Oh, don't say I am closer to the west, because YES, considering alternatives like Africa, Latin America, Mid East, etc, west is relatively calmer and stable, so is a good stick to measure by.

My friend, there is no shame in the past or the present of Nepal. Utter shame is to stay in a state of denial, wrapped by a blanket of patriotic myths.


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No any country have to be described in terms of religion.

Nepal needs to be a secular state.

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Keep religion out of Nepali Government, No favortism to any raligion. Will only entangle governmant into unnesessary arguments. People are starving and these idiots want to discuss religion. WTF
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My parents are christians and i know the hardships they went throught because they were christians. We had police come to our home for no reason. My mother was harressed by other neighbors as they blamed her for eating beef (where in the earth would you get beef in Nepal first of all), my father was jailed many times and all this my friend in the name of religion and in a country where you all think nothing such happened few years back.

When you name a country after a religion, there are some people who would try to take advantage from it. I think it is one reasons why all the pundits exploited the people of low caste. If you name Nepal a hindu country then what about the caste system? i know you would say Hindu religion does not allow it but ask your pundit or someone who is of Hindu authority or in a village and if they agree?

I hope Nepal will remain secular and will give a space also for a christian like me....


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Hindu is a word coined by westerners, there is no such word in any of the texts related to sanatan dharma.

Nepal should be a secular state and all religions should be kept out of government.

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Religion? I guess it would depend on what effect it would have on the masses. If you make it a Hindu country, will it be easier to control the people through religious petitions and such other propaganda? If you do decide NOT to declare it a Hindu country, there better be an alternative to pacify the masses.

The reason my answers are so bare and insensitive is because, THAT is how the government operates and I had my doubts for a while but now I'm pretty sure the government is only there to act like they're there for the people, while actually making profit for their greedy asses.

The final answer rests on the issue of control. Let us hypothesize. IF we act in righteous fury and "free our brethrens" from the evil clutches of a self interested psychotic government and give them true democracy, meaning:

1. Freedom of speech, movement, thought, religion and CASTE!
2. Right to vote (which is already there)
3. Individuality (a coffee shop owner in rural Kathmandu can go out buy himself a nice set of bras and panties and wear it for the world to see)
4. Protection and enforcing of all these rights.

And many more, but just these four suffice to raise most eyebrows. Freedom of speech, is there to an extent, but the press isn't free yet. Freedom of caste? what does that mean? No bahun, jyapus, bhotes, or any other derogatory terms to be used on innocent victims who have ABSOLUTELY no idea WHY they are in that particular caste but defend it on natural instincts anyways.

If we are born free, then we should be able to live free and die free as well. But I guess its quite the opposite once you get past the "born free" phase.

Individuality! Holy crap! Bheda bhakrha! Group Thinking....... " S A M A J". Sound familiar? "Phalna ko chora le, hariyo rang ko gaadi kinyo!" "Phalna ko chori ta, thamel ma kun khate kta ko haat samatera hinirathiyo!" personal favourite " ....!!!! Samaj le K bhancha???" we should ignore this kind of samaj:D

So in conclusion, personally, I feel yes Nepal should be a secular country, but politically it might be easier to handle if it was a hindu kingdom.

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Yes, and it is a Hindu Nation. I Don't care whatever the constitution will say. For me it is and will remain the only Hindu Nation in the World.


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I favor secularism.
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It was a Hindu kingdom for past 200+ years. It is now a secular country. I don't see much difference. Dhesh bhikhari ko bhikari nai cha.

Lets focus more on education and social justice through economic development rather than focus on religion.

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Nepal should be a Hindu nation as it was in the past.  Nepal has been a safe haven for people of all faith for centuries as a Hindu nation and should continue to be so.  Historically inhabitants of Nepal have been Hindu and Buddhist;  people from other religions migrated knowing this fact and interestingly they preferred a Hindu nation over a secular nation south of border.  Does this fact not show that we can be a Hindu nation and still be safe haven for people of all other religion?  

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Yeah dig from our past to enslave our future !! Great thinking...he he

We do not need another religious institution influencing our governmental policies.

This will only create more problems not solve them.
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We should convert everyone to scientology:D lol!
Hari Dai
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It should be becoz we are and u know other countries where there are such a huge population of any religion they are declared why not us??
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Hari dai, for your reference I already said in 2nd post of this thread. India has 83% Hindu population but stilll its a secular country. Widen your general knowledge.
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I agree with the most of the people here who say that the state should be independent from religion. The state should be secular and should not favor any particular religion.

f22, you say that Nepal has been safe haven for people of other religion. But as Sheetalb has pointed out, Christians have always been prosecuted in Nepal. Ever since Prithvi Naryan Shah exiled the Capuchin priests from Kathmandu, Christians were not allowed to set foot in the kingdom for more than a century. Until the demise of Panchayat system, Christians in Nepal had to hold their services in small rooms with the doors and windows shut.

And calciteko, I don't agree the Hinduism and Buddhism are the same. It was only after Buddhism started spreading rapidly in India that the Hindu scholars in India, especially Vivekananda, began promoting Buddha as one of Vishnu's incarnations. I wonder if Jesus Christ was born in the Indian subcontinent he would have been another incarnation of a Hindu god. Some hindu scholars, including Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, believe that Shakyamuni Budhha and Vishnu-avatar Budhha were two different people. They believe Vivekananda made a mistake when he referred to Shakyamnu Buddha as the original Buddha.

Having said that, there is no denying that Nepal will still be known as a predominantly Hindu nation. However, the constitution and the government should be free of any religion. Secularism is the best option. And since, in these modern days when more and more people are becoming agnostics or atheists, religion should not be thrust upon anyone nor should any follower of any religion should be prosecuted on the grounds of his faith.

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Apart from India and Nepal, Mauritius also has more 50% Hindu population and Mauritius is also a secular country.
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i think people are stupid, this is no more debate. i don't care if Nepal is hindu kingdom or secular. Its all bullshit. F#$k all of u.
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Jarekopaat, what P.N Shah did was to stop British infiltration.   He banned Christianity because the religion and whites were synonymous at the time.  I believe it was a good decision.  I think St. Xavier’s and Mary’s were around during the Panchayat.  I still remember my elementary school teachers from Darjeeling bragging about Church and Christmas in class.  The incidents described by Sheetalb don’t really qualify to be persecution.   That’s isolated case of profiling and we know it happens even in U.S where initial settlers came to practice religious freedom.  Apart from the inconvenience of finding beef, I don’t think anyone has been harmed just because Nepal is or was a Hindu state.

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this is bullshit thing dont put country on hindu or any other .... if they say nepal is hindu country then is will war in there is much better we just say is dmocracy country ... there is somany religion and different culture ...
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