The Moron!! - Sajha Mobile
The Moron!!
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8 - De Edernet a Moron

8 - De Edernet a Moron


 Can you imagine...Moron is actually a damn beautiful place locate in District of Hentii in the country of Mongolia ..................

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natyavaruval, just wanted to let you know (which I assume you already know) that you are a really pretty girl
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Thankyou broda Nas, what more i should have to say then, danyabat Sir!

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I wish is guarded by strong, , dedicated and ramro like this picture towards the peace and harmony of  all its kanchi and kali`s........

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hey jatha gay haru.
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You may not know but Mongolia is a very beautiful country with diverse geographical features. Its a big country(nineteenth in the world) with low population(139th in the world). By the way Gobi desert lies in Mongolia.
Last edited: 21-Mar-08 09:25 AM
Last edited: 21-Mar-08 09:26 AM

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Aditya Archana....

Aditya, another name of Surya or the Sun, is center of creation and is one of the three chief deities of the Vedas in the  Hindu`s .

The physical Sun is the celestial form of fire; source of light,warmth, knowledge and therefore life...

The Sun is visible divinity, the eye of the world, the maker of the day and the source of time.The Sun is envisaged as perpetually creating, supporting, and destroying life, pleasing all by its multifold brilliance, the power of enchantment of the Supreme Being, The Sun is deserving of adoration.All that exist was born from the Sun.

The Sun is the source and the  End.When the Sun rises, all turn toward Him!!!!




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When ever things goes wrong everythings will be goes  wrongs!!......previously (third pic of this threads) the picture recaptured glimpses of the elusive guard of Divine Kingdom of AZTEC stands stout overlooking actually to Sun God thats not be seen there in the period of ancient Kingdom of AZTEC when the world is in darkness before Sun is beform  prehistory;....

"Darkness threatens the world, and with it the extinction of all life. But the Aztecs, beloved of the great god Huitzilopochtli, have the answer. With enough sacrifices, their god will gain the strength to fend off the gathering darkness and preserve humanity. AZTECS: EMPIRE OF THE DYING SUN brings you and your players to the glory of the Aztec Empire. New prestige classes like the noble Eagle Knight and the stealthy Jaguar Knights appear. The magic of the Nagual is here, and fearsome beasts like the Serpent Quetzal, the Lobison and the Guardian of the Toltecs: the mighty Chihuahua."..........


Hajur, none of my intention to degrading the Gay community by means of the shown posted  pictures, I dont understand enough why sometimes people lack of knowledge simply  expliciting matters make things to worse.....or in other realm of manifesticized  themself as out of the .......


"Nepal intellectual society" for "Nepal Buddhijibi parishad"



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