Visa Assisting agencies in kathmandu - Sajha Mobile
Visa Assisting agencies in kathmandu
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Nepali hero
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Hi there,

Does anybody know if there's any Canadian immigration consultant or agency or lawyer in Kathmandu?




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Nepali Hero,

If you're trying to apply for the PR in Canada, I suggest you consult a Canadian Immigration Attorney in Canada. That will help you get first hand information on different things and will smooth your process without spending any extra consultancy money. A friend of mine is starting his Canadian PR process through a Canadian Immigration Attorney; if you want more info on this, write in this thread and I can e-mail you his contact info. The attorney's policies seems to be pretty fair and reasonable.

Good Luck to you.

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If you are looking for immigration to Canada, please visit official Canadian immigration site. No need to hire any lawyer. I recently moved to Canada and I did not spend penny for any consultant. I have summarized my experiences by creating this simple web site. Please click on Immigration to Canada in the front page.

I hope it helps and good luck my friend.


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