Hillary running against time? - Sajha Mobile
Hillary running against time?
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Captain Haddock
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Captain Haddock
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Yeah, it is unlikely to stick.

And Deval was quoting King and others for crying out loud. What's next - the King family accusing Deval of stealing King's  lines ?

bikash kc
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mr. cuptan plz. remember the race is still far from over

ohio is no wisconsin

i ask you  onething, plz. tell me if you remmeber what's the one accomplishment he did as a senator i?

plz. dont search on internet or anything

talk straight out of ur head

for clinton,even opponent like you can count many achievements

like mccain said other day its not about empty rhetoric of hope but abt. the experience and who is the better commander-in-chief on day 1?

clintion is a come-back kid and i am sure she will bounce back and prevail,not perish



Last edited: 20-Feb-08 02:45 PM
Captain Haddock
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Oh come on, dont give me that cable-news  clap trap.He has passed ethic reforms, opposed Bush tax cuts, voted a certain way on Iraq  etc but given that he's been there for just two years, he doesn't have much of a legislative record to run on. Now if I really did look up the internet, I could prolly come up with a list. But I have no problems with his meagre legislative record. He isn't running on his legislative record alone. I think that's a strength in many ways. He is running on his plans for the future, his ability to reach out to all sections of society and his message of bringing a different tone to politics. You want ten point plans? Check out his website.

Captain Haddock
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Obama opens 14 point lead - certainly not good news for Clinton. Is closing the gap in TX and OH and can still stay in the race without winning either.

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Although I like Hillary better than Obama, I think he is now in total control of this democratic primary.  But with too much media love, the bar is set very high for him, if he is elected as President.  He has given a lot of feel good speech and all of those will be pretty hard to achieve.  Let see how this thing will go and how he will he defends the 527 commercials from republicans.  His numbers are pretty good against McCain but I won’t be surprise if polls start favoring McCain pretty soon. 

Captain Haddock
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Yes, it's going to be interesting how the general election campaign turns out. We are on unchartered territory if  it is McCain vs Obama because both parties will have selected someone with decent cross-over appeal. I think we might potentially see the red-state blue-state dichotomy turned on its head
Last edited: 20-Feb-08 03:30 PM
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You're asking to talk straight from head, you don't seem to have one. If you talk or think from your head, at least at this point, you will not support Hillary. She is a cry baby. She is not a come back kid. She has lost the legitimitacy to be in race. She will not win any of the remaining states. Her run is now like of Rudy who waited for Florida to quit the following day.

Dude use some common sense when you talk in a forum. I urge you talk a sense if you want to make a point. I have been a very big fan of Barack since the year I know him in 2003. That is when I came to the US in Chicago.

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If you want to talk about legislative records, then we can put both Obama's and Clinton's accomplishments on a table and see side by side. His time in Illinois as a state senator does count, when talking about legislative experience; her time as the first lady of Arkansas or the US does not (take out 16 years from her 35+ years of experience). That's not the argument that Clinton will win. Just because one of your supporters wasn't well prepared does not mean that Obama doesn't have any accomplishments. Get over it! The Clinton camp is getting pretty desperate now.

I don't understand what people are saying here about "feel-good-speeches" of Obama. Obviously many people love listening to him!! He hasn't promised people that he will make everyone rich or he will have free healthcare for all. He is as realiistic as he can be while at the same time inspiring people to sacrifice. On the other hand, Clinton thinks that she will have healthcare to ALL, which is a promise that will be mighty difficult to put into a reality.

I don't think there is much difference between the two when it comes to immigration. And you guys are talking as if the final immigration bill that comes out of the congress will be verbatim of the President's plan!! Talk abou the reduction of number of H1 visa holders, it was during Bill's presidency that they reduced the number of H1-B visas.

Last edited: 20-Feb-08 04:32 PM
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For the 10th time for god's sake.. Hillary is not Bill.. Bill used to be the come back kid for what I think was long long time ago.. I have lost respect for both of them. You can't compromise your integrity to get elected for the position which stands on the pedestal of integrity.. No never!!

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One thing about Barrack, and most Americans see in him as well, is in the lines of the young Senator from Massachussets who became the lone voice of change in the country, running against cynicism, running against the secrecy of the system and his lone fight against democratic principles and norms. It was more than 45 years ago that JFK got elected and I can tell with full certainty that Senator Obama is no Jack Kennedy.

Agreed that he has the same oratory skill as JFK, but JFK was already 11 years as a Congressman and 2 years as a Senator. He was a seasoned politician before he threw his hat in the ring. 

People donot need false hopes and empty rhetorics. Yes, people are hungy for change, but change what? What exactly is the message? People have already had enough hope, promises of hope and empty rhetorics. He needs to be much more specific than that to win the general election and he has a long way to go before he can come anywhere close to JFK.

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Jack?? Who is Jack? ha ha what a hipocrisy.
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Oh! I thought his name was Jack Kennedy? Isn't it? I guess I am a hypocrite!! Sorry man!! ;-)

bhakunde bhut
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Of course EXPERIENCE counts but that's not the only requirement.

I can tell you Obama's "presence of mind" will help him in his presidency. It's not that the president alone is going to make decisions. What is more important is the President's ability to  foster the good ideas.

Mr. Bush Jr. has seven years of experience as the president, 5 yrs as Governer of Florida and 4 years as  'First son" . I am sure  he would make a good president for another four years if he is allowd.  

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What experience are you talking about? Just being in the Senate and House doesn't count as expeirence. Obama has 11 yrs of elected office experience compared to 8 years of Hillary. Well if you count Hillary's experience as First Lady of Arkansas and White house then I don't have anything to say...
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You guys are emphasizing the no brainer experience that Hillary and Mccain have. They have experience of doing things wrong. Hey see the age difference. He would have served two terms as the US presidnet at the age of Hillary or Mccain.

You have to have charisma, enthusiasm and right knowledge for change and development. You pessimistic fells who support for Hillary and Mccain. Nell if you talk about experience, I think you are not old enough (experienced enough ) to make points here in Sajha. However, I believe, you are brillant, you can come and make points here as Barack is doing in political field.

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Few points:

-Iran is preparing for a nuclear missile that could reach Israel and kill millions of people.

-Pakistan is collapsing as we speak and Al-Qaida are gaining momentum.

-Chinese are making new threats against Taiwan and in desperate measure to stop the collapese of summer olympics.

-Russia has just stood up and Putin has decided to declare that Russia is back in the forefront of world affairs.

-We all know what happened in Kenyan election. Africa is as dangerous as ever with darfur crisis.

-UN, the so called body to police world state of affairs, is breaking.

-Muslim population is at the boiling point and as hostile as ever against the west.

Its a darn dangerous world out there and what we have as the potential leaders of the free world are community organizers and lawyers that have no experience in world affairs. Just heavy rhetorics that lacks any kind of substance.

Bob Marley
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Amen to Nell. Bull's eye.

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Nell, I have the same answer. You at your teenage, how come you can argue with the individuals like me who are in their 30s and still make a point? You don't have point since you don't have experience to make a point.

Being old and having experience in doing things wrong do not give you license for an office. Mind this. If you think Barack is not experienced enough for the office, please don't drop a line here to make a point. People are fed up with dirty politics. Why it was okay for America to vote for Bill Clinton when he didn't have experience in 1992? George Bush was in office for 4 years then. Why was it okay for son Bush to run for president and win 2 terms without having sufficient experience? He defeated 8 year long vice president Al Gore then. Hey guys use a common sense. The inexperience card is not working here. All you need to do is to inspire people. I am sure he will make a great president. That is what he is making sure to make people comfortable for what he offers.

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Nell said : "It was more than 45 years ago that JFK got elected and I can tell with full certainty that Senator Obama is no Jack Kennedy."  Well following US politics for some time I have to agree with you on this.  The only similarities between them are they both give good speech .  The major difference is that JFK fought Castro all his life and Senator Obama wants to meet Castro during his first year as President.  JFK was some what central, not soo conservative, not soo liberal.  Obama was the most liberal senator last year. 

Captain Haddock
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Good luck to those who want to make this about experience. At a time when people are sick and tired of the establishment, running on experience might not yield dividends. HRC has lost 10 elections in a row -across diverse demographics - that surely says something about the role of experience in this campaign. I think Obama's supposed lack of experience is an asset in many ways as it tell people that he doesn't have the political baggage that comes with such experience.

In other news, Hillary's campaign is running up a  debt

Not the sign of a campaign doing well.
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