Yomari punhi today.. - Sajha Mobile
Yomari punhi today..
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Hey guys its yomari punhi today.. ghar ma yomari pakyo hola... bihana bihanai khuwa ra chaku ko yomari khainthyo.. i am missing my home.. sathi haru lai kattiko mann parchha yomari? 
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i misss those yomari .....................

miss home

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mmmmm YUMMY !!!


Thanks for the thread and reminding us today is Yomari Punhi, otherwise I wud certainly miss it.


Gotta go make delicious Yomari. I am going to prepare chaku from jaggery, and then rest you know how to prepare Yomari with chaku.


Do you know how to get khuwa ?

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Yooo mari Punhiii

Ukeyy duneyy haakuuu

Byuuu saaa Lyaashey

Mabyuuu saaaa Buriiii Kuti.
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योमरी च्वामुउ
उके दुने हाकु
ब्वुमा ल्यासी
मब्युमा बुरी बुरी
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I prepared khuwa this way:

Boil 200 cc of whole milk, and stir regularly until it gets thickened enough. When it looks like slury, then add three teaspoon of light cream cheese and keep steering and boiling 3-4 minutes more. It will turn into thick paste once you turn off heat.

Then use the paste instead of khuwa and prepare Yomari.

Yummy!!! it tastes great. 

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OMG m missing my home..    :(
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