is it necesary to have bf n gf? - Sajha Mobile
is it necesary to have bf n gf?
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nep ko biswas
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positive and negative bichar haru both accepted?


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Do you have any?

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No i dont think so
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Nepwanted are you his wife? just curious
nep ko biswas
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wat the heck do u mean by that?

i was trying to have some views not any trash talks.

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Ask jerry of Dr.phill they will answer your answer with professional views.

nep ko biswas
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that means you are a regular viewer of that show so why don't you put some his that i don'y have to waste myu precious time
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cowboy you are not his gf right
Prem Charo
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not necessarily!

you can have either. yo can be a boy and have a bf instead of gf. Likewise, you can be a girl and have a bf or a gf or both...It's all upto you and what you want.

Last edited: 18-Dec-07 08:02 PM
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