its well said " It's never late" - Sajha Mobile
its well said " It's never late"
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nep ko biswas
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we all are familiar with this proverb-" It's never late" but there comes a time when you are so frustated, nothing seems to be working for you and even  your good friends start neglecting you and especially when you are in aboard and you are completely broke at that time this proverb bangs on your ear and mind thousand times. Do you guys agree with me?
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Kind believe in luck and all those things......well my friends are not ignoring tho. They have their own problem and we have to understand as well.
Prem Charo
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It's never late when you are broke as long as there is Mastercard (or visa or discover or amex).
nep ko biswas
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nice idea but wahat about later on when you have a huge bag of loan to pay ......

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"It's never late." ya that's true but how long you have to wait?

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