Dr mahato re-elected in NRN's president - Sajha Mobile
Dr mahato re-elected in NRN's president
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विश्वभर छरिएर रहेका प्रवासी नेपालीहरुको साझा संगठन गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघको काठमाडौमा जारी तेस्रो विश्व सम्मेलनले संघको सांगठानिक संरचनामा परिवर्तन गर्दै वर्तमान अध्यक्ष डा. उपेन्द्र महतोलाई नै सर्वसम्मत अध्यक्ष चयन गरी बुधबार सम्पन्न हुने भएको छ।



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what Dr mahato and other candidate told ,recent video  in http://namasteeurope.com/news/index1.php?Action=Full&NewsID=4127 

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Hey I am also NRN, I haven't voted anyone as my leader; I think I am not the only one..........
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i am not sure, the donations from  NRN  will be sufficient to build significat infrastructures in Nepal as promised by mr . NRN... i am nrn but i don't think he can represent me , like any other Nepali leaders he has overpromised . It is a good start .

from neps i have seen here , i was hoping he would bring some  "rahat to neps in america" form anywhere  like washington or Soros, U.N or ACLU but he/she is back in Nepal and lecturing from what he read in books on general policies that have been over read / told  and just another repeat.


Just to add a point ;  Easier said than done.

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Well. he won because the choice was unanimous. Other candidate pull out from the nomination so its only him left.
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Kehi Garna lagekalai ta garna deu yaar.......!!! yes Duke......u r right EASIER SAID than DONE.

Computer agadi basera sajha ma type garna matrai ho sajilo....
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I think Dr Mahato is a very good, dynamic leader, and no wonder he is getting unanimous support. kahilekahi bolda ali hosh nagare pani he is the great man, very kind, and goes to every country where they invite him.

I used to think negatively about him, specially because of his deal with rajako jwai in mero mobile, but I do feel that I was wrong.

A lot of madhesis complain that they can't be elected, can't be president of Nepal or things like that. However, I think they don't get it. Ram Raja Prasad Singh was elected among graduate students, and was one of only two leaders to be elected at the time nationally. ANA president is also from Madhesi community. NRN president is also from Madhesi community. Kirtipur TU prez was also a Madhesi last year. The lesson is clear: if Madhesis want to be voted to be the ruler of Nepal, they should speak something that rest of Nepali can identify with. Ram Raja Prasad Singh spoke against the king's barbaric system, and we felt we found our leader. On the other hand, if a Madhesi leader's mother tongue is Maithili, but demands that Hindi be national language, we naturally become suspicious.

Among the current crops of leaders, I have found Upendra Yadav to have that X factor to win Nepali votes, but he had already made a lot of mistakes also. He speaks Nepali without any accent, and he has the ability to convince us. I think there were mitigating reasons for Gaur massacre also. He needs to try to attract Pahadiya voters, at least of Terai. Sadbhavana once did that, by fielding K.I. Singh's son from Rupandehi. I also think that leaders such as Ram Baran Yadav and Chitra Lekha Yadav, or writers such as CK Lal also have the ability to lead Nepal, if they don't goof up in future. Overall, I see a bright future for our country to live in harmony if these leaders realise their potential.

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NRN , please try to do something to the nation and its unlucky inhabitants first before demanding something like the right to dual citizenship.

तर आफ्नो स्वार्थ सिद्द गर्न र मौका मिलेमा बिदेशमा जम्मा गरेको पैसाले नेपाली राजनीतिको जोडघटाउ किन्ने सामर्थ्य आर्जन गर्न दोहोरो नगारिकताको फोहोरो र लोभी मागमा नलागौँ । पहिला काम गरेर देखाऔँ अनि मुलुकवासीले भनिहाल्छन ' यिनीहरूको पनि देश हो यो' । पहिला धन र क्षमता भएका बिदेशमा स्थापित नेपालीको नियत सफा भएर आफ्नो पूर्ख्यौली मुलुकका लागि केही दिने सोच व्यवहारमा आउनु पर्‍यो अनि मात्र मुलुकबाट उनीहरूले अपेक्षा राख्न सुहाउँछ । अहिले नै दोहोरो नागरिकताको माग गर्नेहरू र पूरा गरिदिन्छु भन्ने दुवै सोचहरू स्वार्थपरक मात्र छन् ।

अनि कामरेड भट्टराईले भन्देछन ' आप्रवासी चिनीयाहरूले लगानी गरेर अहिलेको चीन विकसित भएको हो' । यो पाखण्डी कम्युनिष्ट दावा हो र कम्युनिष्ट सोचको संकीर्णता यति मात्र सोच्न सक्छ । FDI ( Foreign Diorect Investment) यस्तो पोथे कम्युनिष्ट बाटोबाट मुलुकमा भित्रिन्न ।

पहिला मुलक बनाउने हो भने माओवादीको जोरजुलुमबाट मुलुकलाई उद्दार गर्दै स्थायी शान्ति, सुरक्षा, दिगो राजनैतिक स्थिरताको प्रत्याभूति गर्न सक्नु पर्छ । त्यसपछि वातावरण बनायो भने विदेशी लगानी भित्रिन्छ किनभने आजको संसारमा लगानी गर्न खोज्ने व्यक्ति र समूहको कुनै कमी छैन

अत: व्यवहारवादी भएर हेरौँ , भावुक भएर हैन । नेपालको एनआरएन भारत को एनआरआइ जस्तो बन्न सय वर्ष कुर्न पर्ने छ अझै पनि , केही नदिई सबै खोज्ने यो स्वार्थलम्पट सोच लिएर बिदेशमा बसेर टाइ लगाउँदैमा नेपालमा बस्ने मान्छेहरूलाई 'केही हैनन , हामीले गर्न पाए जान्याथ्यौँ ' भन्ने ९८% बकम्फुसे एनआरएन को डंका पिटेर मुलुकले तिनको प्रचार सिवाय केही गरेको हुँदैन । यो कन्सेप्टमा झुसिलोपन बढी छ ।

यिनीहरू मध्ये उपेन्द्र यादव अलि बढी दामवाला हुन , उनले चुनाव जित्ने मात्र हैन चाहे भने केही लगानी पनि गर्न र गराउन सक्छन् , अरूको कुरा खुट्टी देखेर पत्याउने तालका हुन । यो देशमा यस्तै कुरा बिक्छ ।
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Loved your analysis and positive look at things. Wish everyone (especially Nepalis in Nepal) would think like that...
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