Where did Lynix Gang disappear ? - Sajha Mobile
Where did Lynix Gang disappear ?
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He Guys,
I couldnot trace back to the Lynix thread I saw few weeks ago.

Although I used to play around with other Live CD a lot, never had installed Lynix on my machine before.

Prompted by suggestion here at Sajha , I recently installed Ubuntu Desktop Feisty Fawn as Dual-boot with XP on my laptop and I am really enjoying the experience.

Just want to Thank you guys and encourage others to try and do the same.

The interesting thing is because of dual-boot functionality, you don't even have to touch your XP if you don't want to. And there are hardly anything that you cannot do with free softwares nowadays. Ubuntu 7.10 which is coming up in 7 days is another great revolution.

Go Ubuntu ....
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Firstly, its LINUX not Lynix.
sed 's/Lynix/Linux/'

You can also install linux using virtual machine like vmware within windoz like any windoz application.
Vmware workstation is free for trial, you can download from http://www.vmware.com/download/ws/ .
After 30days of trial period, you can again ask for new keys. They will easily give one.
After installing vmware, you can create a guest OS ( New OS inside windoz) and start the linux installation.
Particularly, I like opensuse(opensuse.org) as it is more complete but Ubuntu (or Kubuntu or Xubuntu)
is good for beginners.

Linux is not only free, it is famous because its Stable and Secure OS. Linux is far ahead of windows.

Saying this, I don't want to hurt windoz users. Windoz have some things that are good for desktop.
It is good for playing solitaire.......lol and sending email using Ms outlook. I haven't found a mail client
which is as good as MS Outlook in Linux yet.

So, I suggest all the students to give it a try. There are lot of things to learn from Linux.

Linux is the future.
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Not trying to start an argument here. I have been hearing that linux is the future for years now.My question is, when is the future? I don't see linux taking over windows for regular users in the "future", considering the future is supposed to be here by now.
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Howdy Cowboy,
Yes, you are right. Windows is still there for "regular users" IE desktop users who use MS office daily . I too use Outlook through RDP for my email and calendar even though my profession is in linux systems.

I don't have the accurate figure but if you see the server market, linux has captured about 55% of the market and is still growing. Desktop market is also growing but not as fast as server. Dell started shipping ubuntu laptops, microsoft started supporting linux in their virtual pc, Novell started making enterprise linux desktop (suse), oracle started shipping their database with their own linux, linux driver is one of the requirement for hardware manufacturer nowadays.
Just as saying goes "Rome was not built in one day". Lets have some patience.
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