Traveling Abroad while on F-1 OPT - Sajha Mobile
Traveling Abroad while on F-1 OPT
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Hello all. Was wondering if anyone would have information on whether one can travel abroad while on OPT and be able to return on F-1 visa or other visa type? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Makar Tantra
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I don't recommend at all to travel while on OPT.
Kanchha dai
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short answer NO. Unless you have an I 20 for further education and can apply for Visa and you know you can get it. Other than that Don;t bother...Stay in the land of oppertunity and take an advantage Hehehehehehhe
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Dan, I had done it and am still in the land of opportunity! I was in the same situation as u r... i'd just graduated and was on OPT status.. however I still did had a valid visa.. So, heres how it works: Must have a VALID F1-visa. Must have a signed I-20 from school. Must have VALID passport for at least 6months after you try to re-enter US. That should be enough to let you back... they didn't even ask for my OPT'll hear people tell you to take job offer letters and what not, i'm sure it could help but for me they didn't ask anything at the airport. When asked your purpose of visit, tell them student, then automatically they'll ask for your I-20, show them your signed I-20 and they should let you go.. that was my experience and bunch of my friends who were travelling on OPT.. so don't worry too much and go visit ur hometown b4 u get sucked into the black hole of opportunity!!! o
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.....but there is one thing though, once you enter as "thoughts" has said, your opt status will be canceled, that means you have to be a full time student and take full time class, cant use that opt card anymore after that. thats what i know bi can be wrong though. Saan Dai any thoughts ....
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One of my friend travelled in OPT to India and came back. He had job offer at hand.
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Thanks a lot all. Really appreciate it. I'll try to find out if the OPT does become invalid after reentry.
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Bad Idea!!! Do not take a risk. OPT can not be used solely with a purpose to re-enter USA. They will send you back. However, if you are already enrolled with any college for future study after the completeion of OPT, then with Valid I-20 you can apply for entry visa. But Mind you, You are only eligible to re-apply for F1, but there is no gurantee that you will be granted. So, take my suggestion and do not travel outside USA until your staus changes from OPT to other.
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