Happy Birthday SAAJHA !! - Sajha Mobile
Happy Birthday SAAJHA !!
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Instead of counting candles, Or tallying the years, Contemplate your blessings, As your birthday is here. Consider special people Who love you, and who care, And others who’ve enriched your life Just by being there. Think about the memories Passing years can never mar, Experiences great and small That have made you who you are. Another year is a happy gift, So cut your cake, and say, "Instead of counting birthdays, I count blessings every day!" (..Anonymous) May the love you have shown to others come to u multiplied. We wish u, dear fren, the happiest of all birthdays!!!
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Happy happy birthday, Saajha!
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Happy birthday, shjha!
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B'day Cake Is Ready.....dhyan tya ryannnnn tyaannnnnn..!!
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happy b'day san dai
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Sorry, if my post is misleading, but correction requested before I confuse too many of us- SAAJHA as in a username! My bad!
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Saajha, my friend and a wonderful person, very many happy returns of the day, bud! :)... welcome to the world of 30's hahaha :P
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Thanks sajha ...happy birthday.
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Is today Sajha's B'Day?
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Is today Sajha's B'Day? are you guys sure?
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Hmm.. looks like quite a few People/Objects within sajha.com perimeter were born on this day. Let me Break the Ice - by returning a gratification token representing sajha.com, SAN, and user SAAJHA. @sun_shine: Thank you for initiating the HAPPY BIRTHDAY chore.. and thnx for the wishes! Those words are awesome. :) @Slackdemic: You're a brilliant young man - with an abundant potential, and a stout personality -- your words reflect all that ! Thanks for dropping by for the wish !! @npl2us: If that applies to me, Thank YOU -- and if that's for sajha.com, still Thank YOU .. coz' that's what is binding us all here ~ and we should be wishing for its prosperity -- and you jumpstarted it. @Chicago-Bull: My wishes to sajha.com alongside yours. :) Yummy looking cake BTW. @lurey: Let's find out when San's Birthday is -- giving me a hand on that? @shakeen: Nice name : : and thank you for the wish. I feel older though :( @LooteKukur: The Shining Star of Sajha; Keep rocking dude.. -- and thank you for the warm wishes !! I'd love to spend some more time reading your 'serious/more serious notes'; but have fallen behind lately. 30s is mocking at us -- the dashing Bachelors -isn't it? We all are going to be pulled through our own monotonous lives by the time we step upto the 40s. -- but hey, wait a minute -- we're not 30 yet.. ;) @Enigma: Let's Salute together with Gratitude.. @sumanjyu: We are yet to find out if it's sajha's b'day today -- but for now, what's up with "Jyu" these days? I must be missing something here !! Happy Tuesday.. ~@~
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