IMP - need info on US Scholarship - Sajha Mobile
IMP - need info on US Scholarship
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Hi everyone, I need help getting information on US/Canadian Colleges or Universities which provide Scholarship/Financial Aids to International students ? Is there a list of universities that provide scholarship or financial aid to International or Nepalese students ? Your help in this matter is very much appreciated. Regards, Tej
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almost all universities provide scholarship, so go to individual university's web site and find financial aid info for international student there. no biggy! for an example click here beside this, you can contact professiors personally by email and show them your qualification, experience, send a statement of purpose, ask them for assistantship.....maskaa marne kya professor lai. good luck!
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Contact professors re? Kun goun bata aayou babu temi? Professors don't deal with scholarship in the US... The admissions office does. And no, not all colleges give scholarships (to international students).. Not even 5% of colleges in the US gives scholarship. Go to the USEF in Battisputali to find out about American colleges. They are the best source of knowledge for nepali students. You can also find colleges online which gives scholarship to internations by going to or or The best way to find colleges is to browse individual college's website. Remember to go to international section of the website because the admission policy and scholarship policy will be different for US students and internationsl students. Sajha also has a link of colleges where nepali students study. Go to the homepage and on the right hand side, you can see 'Sajha Student Center". Check it out. Hope it helped.
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jai nepal brother, your assistantship is always first decide by the professors,, research, and teaching assistantship, both. but definately not the scholarship. jai nepal nepal ko kathmandu bhanne gau bata ho....pahile pahaad chahi solukhumbu ho. mamali Ilam. yaha chahi chicago bhanne gau ma baschhu..... FYI most of the colleges offer scholarship to international student....its extreamly hard to get one though. but if you request proffesor for assistantship (RA/ TA) in most of the cases we can have one for masters degree. you certainly need to have good scores (GRE/ TOEFL). there are 100s of factors..but in essence, most of the colleges in US offer scholarship/fellowship to international student, you need to be highly competent to get one. comparatively it is easier to get TA/RA talking with professors.
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TejKhadkaji, This is how I got financial aid in the form of RA (Research Assistantship) when i came to US for my graduate Studies. First go through few universitiies's web sites to see the research areas of the various professors. Find the ones whose research interests match yours. Then apply to those universities. After you apply, contact the professors for the financial aid. You have to tell them what you have done in that research filed before. Then the admission section informs you about your admission with or without financial aid. Generally without financial aid unless you have a strong publication record. If the admission section does not provide you financial aid, then you have to ask the professors (whom you have contacted earlier) for RA/TA. In my case, immediately after I got the admission decision from the department, I contacted a professor who reviewed my background and offered me RA. And generally your RA will be renewed each year if you preform satisfactorily in your research.
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Ok, one more question, I am starting my LLM next year. Which country is better USA or UK? obviously, I am searching for good Scholarship without which I can not imagine to study. anty reliable info with procedure how to get? plz
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Contour ji, I think you are a grad student and you're talking about grad school. I was talking about undergrad. You are right if ur talking about grad schools in the US, i am write too because i was talking about undergrad. Good to know you are also from Chicago! I might bump into you someday.. don't wanna argue with you!
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nice to know that you are my neighbour....hopefully we will bump in this upcoming new year party :)
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try MIT its probably most endowed university
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suraj, you are right...try there. but at the same time look for some other universities too.
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