Rumors about Bikashjyu - Sajha Mobile
Rumors about Bikashjyu
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Bikashjyu was arrested in Mumbai for being involved in a family incest. This indian sickfkkkkuin bastard was involved in several incest instances with his mom who runs a brothel in mumbai and his sisters who're among the highest paid indian prostitutes. Rumors are they make around 10 lakh IC around.... 230000 USD or something per month. He owns a few gas stations in the U.S. now and is living with his 2 sisters. Sources : Various patrakars down south and in Mumbai. PS : None of the Nepalese women working near him liked this deshi as he is a DESHI after all! Stinky/hypocrite/pervert/douche bag and they all know that he's a molestor! Balbhadra isn't Bal Bahadur!!! But make no mistake Bikashjyu, yedi tan nepali hos ra maile tero address payen bhane, Nepal ma tan land gareko bholi palta ma tero bau ani ama ko bihe dekhaune gari pitai khane bandobasta garchu. Agar tum sachmuch indian matherchad ho to, Nepal mein kabhi mat jana. Hope you got the message.
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r. bikashjyu.... it looks like we have misunderstanding going on!!!I didnt bang your mom as u think. It were those Biharis who banged your mom paying $0.28 cents at that time and which resulted to ur birth. Since u were unwanted child from dhotis sperms, ur mom left u in nali.... Since you grown up in nali...that smell has stucked in ur nose...And u smell same wherver you go...... And I can't beleive that u stripe ur own mom infront of public.....You are not neppali.Nepalese people wont do....You shoud be Indian sh@it...... Why dont you go back to India and ask those people including lalu Prasad that why did they banged nepali women ( ur mom).......??
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BIKASJYU = a douchebag , an imposter, a najayaj aulad. I hope that you understand hindi well bikasjyu, regardless of you being a punjabi/bihari/marathi/kannada speaking dhoti. Sala hijade ki aulad.
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Bikasjyu = Nepal's truest patriot... Long Live Nepal!!!
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Stop this bullshi* guys, this thing is getting way too much. Let's think positively and stop criticizing others for ones own satisfaction. Okey, while the guy Bikasju may be correct in some instances, he should be wise enough not to generalize it. Let's think. With the exception of handful of Nepalese, much of the nepalese here in US work the so called blue color jobs. In addition to this, much of the nepalese have families back home to support, so they work more than one jobs, and hence don't get enough time to take care of oneselves. While most of us do take shower daily, some don't, and hence give reason for the guys like Bikasju to criticize. Well the problem of ordor in Nepalese can be eliminated just by taking shower daily. But on the contrary, 100 % of the Dhoties smell like masala laden pigs, they are world famous for their masala (spicy) smell. The problem with them is that mere shower don't help these dhoties, it's in their genes now. According to the national scientist (talking like Borat), new born dhotis small like pigs right from the virgin. ........................................take it easy!
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Balbahadur jee okay I read his new post.. I agree with you that it's outrageous! I'm not supporting bikasjyu; I just don't agree with the way you chose to ridicule him. I didn't see him ever even mentioning Indians in that post; as far as my knowledge goes you started this racist crap. I have seen you do that in other posts too Balbahadur jee; I remember when Soktim was being ridiculous you did such an act again by posting someone else's picture. Do you even have the copy right to use those pictures? You might be thinking you're attacking Bikashjyu, but from what I can see you're just taking out your ugly racist self out. I wouldn't blame anyone just for it; but you have displayed racist activity. and Balbahadur jee I did see bikashjyu post; just because he's saying something does not make it true. Plus, those kind of "controversial" ,"immature" posts are made by people who want some attention, and by giving it more importance than it deserves you're doing nothing but giving what he wants (attention). Why do you think that post still on the first even after so many days? If everyone ignored it, it would have disappeared long time ago. he'd had at the most posted it again, after that being ignored too he'd give up on making bad posts such as those. Bikashjyu, and Mr you're in more deep water than you realize. Body odour does not choose different enthinicity or nationality. It's not something people can help; but yes taking shower would help. Why the hell do you make it a big deal in Sajha? Which user did you possibly smell here in If you're man enough why not just walk to the person smelling, and say it nicely without hurting their feelings. If you can smell someone just by your computer screen, then you're the one smelling. Geez it doesn't take a rocket scientist realize that, does it? And both of you stop taking families name. If you're fighting; why not just attack each other? Why disrespect each of your mothers in such a degrading manner. Grow up both of you!
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la ma bhanchu fikasjyu kasari janmako there are two possibilities (born from the combination of either) jwala singh+wife of upendra yadav upendra yadav+wife of jwala singh
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haha are the stories to be continued? let me tell you, im enjoying them! ;D theyre funnilicious! rofl.
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omg balbahadur yours was REALLY harsh, but idc.
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Balbahadur, I posted this yesterday in another thread. This applies to you. You are lowering your own standards which by default raises another person's standard. Here is the copy and paste from yesterday. This is getting a little out of hand. Looks like Bikasjyu wanted to annoy people here and managed to do so. There is another thread that Bikas started that says "Nepal is the greatest", now does that make him a different, nicer person? I feel sorry for all the people that were so fast to judge and write shit about his family. How could anyone use such language? Your parents raised you well, they must be real proud. I think you guys are just the victims of your upbringing. What was it like growing up for you guys? Did your father use to come home drunk and beat the crap out of your mom and "play" with your sisters. Is that what made your mind so sick? You clowns feel so brave in an anonymous message board. I feel sorry for you.
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Well said eminitrader!
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lol...attention whor_es....aint got nothin' betta' to do but to talk smack.....dude grow up .....thought u digg dat man?wtf.....
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hey smile07, that was not somebody's picture. That was Soktim picture. If u dont believe me..u can ask soktim himself....When I read his coments against Nepali students..i got so mad and tried to find real things abt him....I tracked his IP and luckily he and my fren goes to same uni.....I was able to find that he was not nepali...he was inddian as well i got his pic from And abt another picture...that was copied from internet...and i personally applogized abt that picture...u can read that threat and see my applogy..... Abt doubt..he is a bullshit....
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And smile need to read thuis know abt bikashjyyu....
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Balbahadur jee I agree with all your point; I just disagree with the method you chose to tackle the issue. Even if that picture REALLY belongs to Soktim, don't you think you went way too far in that matter? Why attack someone else's privacy? I agree both Soktim and Bikashjyu might have some growing up to do; but you're not too far from that either. BIkashjyu (I don't know about Soktim, he might be flying in air which is why he fails to realize his roots if what you said is indeed true) is an immature attention seeker. You're doing nothing but providing to their need by giving it so much importance, and on that process you're insulting your parents too. What kind of person ever thinks writting those racist comments is okay? I'm pretty sure every nepalese who visit were outraged by Soktim insensitive comments about the accidents, I'm pretty sure people actually gave Soktim an earful, but you on the other hand I think crossed the thin line of ethics. Invading someone else's privacy was not acceptable under any condition. Soktim started a verbal war, if you really felt like he deserved so much attention you should have replied in a mature manner. Humans are social beings; let's not forget that we need each other. For ex a majority of us live in US, how would you feel if they discriminated you based on your nationality? Ironically, a lot of Nepalese peopme do look "Indian" to people here.Good people and bad people exist in all forms (nationality, enthicity, skin color....), let's not ridicule ourself and pick on these issues.
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Jayamatadi gede and eminitrader ( the THUG who's here to rip our earnings ) go through this post and distinguish/differentiate!
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Bikash was not born....he just erupted out from a pile of shit.....
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WhoOK Wrote---"Bikash was not born" Very true...nor will I die. Anyways, I have been practicing my Nepali skills from various websites...WhoOK, I just want to say...tero ama lay mero chaak suugcha....In English, I believe that translates to "your mother is a terrific, wonderful lady"..
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ooo balbahadur bro tyo chik_ne muzi bikasgyu ko ip track gara ani chikn_e ko address ra pic hala hai...randi_koban ko ....tyo miz_i ko name sunda sunda wakka lagi sakyo.. tyo muz_i nepali nai ho...
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I know..Bikashjyu was not born.He was created by the comnbination of sperms of lalu pradas yadav and 3 other bihari's
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cybro and balbahadur it looks like the two of you weren't raised any way different than bikash
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