A Nepali Shot Dead in Atlanta, GA - Sajha Mobile
A Nepali Shot Dead in Atlanta, GA
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Folks, Just got a news from my brother's friend saying one of his Friend was shot to death in Atlanta, GA. Does any of you have any idea ??. His Name is Puskar and used to work in Some Mall in Atlanta.
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what on earth is happening to nepalese in US, two consecutive sad news,
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Hoina kati sad news matrai sunnu pareko. I am so sad to hear such shocking news. May his soul rest in peace.
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Little more information: PUSKAR THAPALIYA goes to devry university in atlanta.
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NASeA - Nepalese Association of South east America is concerned about it and they are going to do something very soon.
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Why was he shot by whom?
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Another sad news.
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I just did some research on Puskar Thapaliya. And he was the most wanted person in Caroline county, Virginia. I dont know if this person is the same.Here is the link. http://www.carolinesheriff.org/wanted.htm
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That is another shock naakpore..I am confused now ....big time... Sparrow
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>>NASeA - Nepalese Association of South east America is concerned about it and they are going to do something very soon. Is ANA going to do anything about it? Maybe contribute to the victim's family or something?
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Caroline County Sheriff's Office Most Wanted List Do you know the whereabouts of any of these wanted persons? If so, do not attempt to apprehend or arrest them yourself! If you do know where we can find any of these or other wanted persons, please call us immediately at (804) 633-5400 or click here to anonymously email us their whereabouts. Thanks! ...................................................................... Puskhar Thapaliya... his name is in this list of most wanted ones. WHY WAS HE WANTED?
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Surely he must have done a great job in Atlanta. otherwise why he was the most wanted person at County's Office in Carolina!!! Just imagine my dear friends...most probably to handover his trophy!!!
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