Is US place to realise your dreams? - Sajha Mobile
Is US place to realise your dreams?
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Hi Friends, I am asking a serious question expecting your open and honest feedbacks. Well, as USA has always been dreamland for all the ambitious immigrants hence it is no wonder that every Nepali wants to land there to meet therir dreams. I have never been to the US but of course I would love to visit the craziest city New York. What is there in the US that every student, every immigrant wants to move? Even if u ask a general Nepali student US has alwyas been FIRST CHOICE followed by UK, Aus, Canada, NZ, Europe, Japan etc etc. (its only my personal thought). At the same time, when I asked my lots of friends who r in the US, most of them r not happy with life, jobs, study and they always complain this and that. Shhit life. When I disagree with my friends regarding USA (USA - a dreamland)they claimed that Im not an Ambitious coz I dont want to go to there. I answered them that Life in every first world country could be the same, it does not matter where you live but it is what type of job u hold and what is your field. Anyway, Ive also seen many ppl living in Europe trying hard to move to UK. Then again, the ppl of UK want to move to the US. I have also thought the same but once I saw the life in UK Ive realised its not much different, and I had different expectations from Canada when i landed here and it was the same. The only thing that matters was your type of job and the degree what u have. Anyway, in my opinion Europe is not bad once u could master language and can have some jobs. Life is relaxed. BUT most of my friends (who are in Nepal) do not believe me and always claim, US is the place for the winners and for the Dreamers. Good ppl only go to the US. THere is life, money, challange and huge scope and u can really grow there. I personally do not believe this but I want to know your feedbacks. As already lived and visited many EU countries and Canada I ve less knowledge abt US. Isnt the US same? Ive many friends there and struggling for 8 dollars and they complain in every mail But I wanna know your sincere feeback. Please share your expreinces, have u lived in Europe or in Canada or Aus how do u compare US with these countries? R there lots of opportunities and is US and is that the only the happening place for the ppl who wanna go high in life? Did you realise your dream after landing there? Have u ever thought of moving out from there? At last, when I todl one of my frineds in Birmingham (England) that I was going to Canada, he said "Congratulations, u r close to the destination" I said "what" and his answer "whatever we do always keep in mind US is our ultimate destinaion". "May b yours not mine" it was my silent answer. But I cant simply discard what the other ppl said. Please......drop few words. Thanks
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man this is very true. .i have also gotten bored wit life in US... honestly i am not a very ambitious person. i like to relax take things easy. i hope the political situation in nepal turns out good cuz i want to go back again and live the nice life style i used to enjoy going to play bowling, casino, party, going to the best restaurants.. maybe in like 10 years i hope to return to nepal and buy my own small house and have 3 servants.
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Thanks everyone who has replied but seems you have not got my main idea here or I WAS NOT CLEAR. Im not comparing Nepal and US here. Just trying to know if US is much much better than other first world countries for the ambitous ppl. (First world countries -- EU 15, Switerland, Norway, Japan, US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia may be some other few) EU 15 = England, France, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Austria, Luxembourg, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Greece, Portugal
Captain Haddock
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Amazing- If I could chime in, besides the points the others have already mentioned, all of which are great points, there is one other thing that comes to mind at this time. That is the cutting-edge nature of this society and how society is structured to support and sustain it. If you are young, ambitious, talented and can work hard, there is tremendous potential for you. The big difference I saw between Europe and the US is the competitive and aggressive nature of society - much more so in the US than in Europe. In Europe that is more true of the UK than the French and Germans but US competitiveness and economic effectiveness trumps even the British and I think the stats bear this out. The metropolitan areas of America - the so called blue-state America- are very very competitive. Especially the old-power establishment centers of the east coast and large parts of the west coast and cities in between like Chicago etc. Because hire and fire are part of life, unlike in many parts of Europe where labor laws are not so lenient, you have to be on your toes always, and that keeps you on top of things and makes you look at the world in a very realistic and pragmatic way. It also keeps you sharp and focussed. Not to say those things don't happen in Europe - of course they do, it's just that the Americans seem to have done a better job, at least so far, of innovating their way out of each economic down turn and seem to have a good technological pipeline to drive their economy in the short to medium term. Longer term, I think the bets are off, and India and China are going to be the global economic engines. So yes, I would agree, that maybe Nepal is the place to go back to, because we are next door to both places :) That's not to say life in Europe is not good - I actually like what I saw of it and have plenty of friends who would rather pay higher taxes and enjoy life as they know it rather than move anywhere for anything. I suppose it boils down to your priorities, how happy you are with your current life and where you can best achieve your goals. Just my thoughts. Good luck in making up your mind!
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Thanks Captain sir, it was really good read.
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To add to what's already been said, I would say that the US is more accepting of immigrants. If you go to the UK you may be called a paki or something like that. Since the US is a country of immigrants, the acceptance is in-buit. Europe is a bit more zenophobic i think. Think of the treatment that madise's get in nepal - its the same deal. If you go to a non-english speaking country in Europe, it becomes harder to assimilate, even if you are able to gain native fluency. In the US, if you can deliver the goods, no-one gives a rats ass about where you come from or how you speak. If you are smart and willing to work smart/hard, it's actually pretty good here. Life in nepal can be nice and laid back, but i think that is slowly changing..Ppl are more career orietned these days, and if you think that you can go back to nepal in your late 20's abd early 30's and spend your life gambling, playing pool and partying with 3 servants to serve you 24/7, then you are deluding yourself. Ya longer term (i mean 50 yrs) india and china might be economic superpowers (btw, this is the one of the most frequently cited predcitions that i've ever heard..after a point it starts to be cliche). but even in 50 yrs, i think the average lifestyle is going to be better in the US... So here's my summary of the US + more opportunity + more acceptance + larger nepali communities + better pay - usually dont get to travel as many countries as u would if you lived in europe - need a US education to rise up undergrad degree from a top tier school a plus - ...
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Ok here's my take on life in US, Canada and Europe after having lived in both the places. First you need to find out what your goal in life is. If it is money and career, then it is easier to earn that in US than in Europe. If it is quality of life, Europe is the place. Life in US can be very boring after a while. US is not filled with cities like New York. There are many backward little towns in US that basically have nothing to do during free time. They have no social life, not even sidewalk on the roads to sometimes go on a walk. They really make your life dull. Money does not make you happy and that too if you only get 2 weeks of vacation time to really do what you love. Besides working in Europe can reward with opportunities to travel around and experience a lot of history, culture and beautiful places. And the food in Europe is way better than in US, unless you are that kind of nepali who will only eat yellow curried dishes wherever you go. It could be true that Americans are easier to be approached than Europeans, but Europeans tend to be better friends that Americans. They tend to be deeper, cultured and less ignorant than Americans. So really it all depends on what you want. If you want money and a dull life, head to US. If you want a quality life, and want to enjoy simple pleasures in life, head to Europe. Remember, there are larger percentage of Americans on anti-depressant than Europeans. I guess all that money will certainly buy you all those medications.
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I liked hurray's answer. US is not only chicago, NY and hollywood what they show most of the time. although you feel like you have assimilated in the USA because of the easy language, people do not see you like that. Specially if you're living in small towns. Most important thing is papers. USA , Europe or any countries in the world. If you're legal then yuou're fine. You are socially secure. If you're illegal or working day and night to make papers, then you're screwed...
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Here is the right opinion,,,, (what do you think: achi khane kukur le achi khayako thik ki nakhayako thik?). 10 million people are including Nepali students are not allowed to work in USA without workpermit, but they do work, some of them pay taxes, some of them don't. But, what do you called opportinutes: -working illigally, put yourself on risk. What is different if you take the responsible to do the risk job(its doesn't matter, wherever you work). If you are being used to serve someone, there is no pride to say the opportunite, but suffering.
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चोक्टा खान गाको बुढी झोलमा डुबेर मरी नाँच्न नजान्ने आँगन टेढो बुझ्नेलाई श्रीखन्ड नबुझेनेलाई खुर्पाको बीँड अस्तु:
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In comparison between US and Europe: US is like a melting pot. No one can claim to be the true owners because most of the people's ancestry lies in some other nation. This is not the case with Europe. And thus, you can feel American without even living there but you will never be an European even if you have lived here for more than 50 years. That probably affects everything here. UK might be a bit more accepting though. So if you can never feel like you belong there how can you realize your dreams? US and Australia: If you want a laid back life, Australia is a much better place but there is very little scope there. If you want tough competition and want to come out as a winner US is the place to be and if you want to have a nice life and don't want a rat-race, you are better off in Australia. So basically, it depends on what you want. Both US and Australia could be the place to realize your dreams but it depends on what your dream is.
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I lived in UK for a while and then moved to the US and for me personally I felt I could blend in more in the US than in UK, so that raised my comfort level considerably and I gained my confidence thereafter. I don't think it is the place that determines your achievements but your own persuit in life. No matter where you go if you don't know what you want in life things won't be much different, but if you have set goals and are willing to work hard to achieve them I would definitely reccommend the US as there are opportunites galore if you can tap your resources. When i first came here i met an interesting person who told me " America bhaneko Mathura ko peda ho Khayega bhi pachatayega na khayega bhi pachatayega." In the beginning I could not make anything out of this famous Hindi proverb but the more i ponder the more meaningful it gets. So good luck in your venture and hope you prove to be amazing in all your undertakings!!!!!
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Once again thanks guys for your wonderful experiences. Expecting more to be delivered. Have a nice evening.
Captain Haddock
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Amazing - where abouts are you from? Just curious.
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Captain Jee, Now in Canada but was in Europe for couple of years. how abt U? which part of the US?
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I will certainly write here after few years in US and if I get opportunities to visit Europe. For now, I just want to say that everyone who has expressed their +ve or -ve view on US does not apply to every part of US. Its difficult to generalize the life style of US. Here you always have options to choose one way or other. If you are in dilemma to choose one city or other in US you will remain the same even after you choose one. You never run out of option.
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Having lived in the US more than half of my life... this is the place. Realising dream is a different story, but if any one wants to try realising it, seems easier to do it here than anywhere else. Neil Diamond Live - Coming to America...
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Create your dreams dont realise them. Realise your mistakes and recreate the dreams again!!!
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Jo aayo tyo pachhutayo. Jo aayan tyo pani pachhutayo.
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Everyone says America is a land of opportunities. I would say - America is a land of equal opportunities. But your results may be unequal based on your merit.
Captain Haddock
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Amazing - Boston, or "bwaston" as some call it, is my adopted city in America. My home away from home - my little jannat in the madness that is America :) I won't say Happy Thanksgiving to you - my Canadian friends want to kill me when I wish them for American Thanksgiving - but you have a good week! Best wishes.
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