Ilton Friedman died... - Sajha Mobile
Ilton Friedman died...
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SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Milton Friedman, one of the most influential economists of the past century and a champion of free markets, died on Thursday morning of heart failure at age 94, a family spokeswoman said. The winner of the 1976 Nobel Prize for economics, Friedman preached free enterprise in the face of government regulation and advocated a monetary policy involving steady growth in money supply, ideas that played pivotal roles in the governing philosophies of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and former U.S. President Ronald Reagan. "Milton Friedman revived the economics of liberty, when it had been all but forgotten," Thatcher said in a statement. "He was an intellectual freedom fighter. Never was there a less dismal practitioner of 'the dismal science' (economics)." U.S. President George W. Bush said Friedman "helped advance human dignity and human freedom." "His work demonstrated that free markets are the great engines of economic development," Bush said in a statement from Singapore where he is on a weeklong Asia trip. "His writings laid the groundwork that transformed many of the world's central banks, helping deliver economic stability and improved living standards in countries around the world." "If you had to ask people across the world to name an economist, by far his name would be the most common," Gary Becker, who won the 1992 Nobel Prize for economics, told Reuters. "He could express the most complicated economic ideas in the most simple language." Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said in a statement the "direct and indirect influences of his thinking on contemporary monetary economics would be difficult to overstate. Just as important, in his humane and engaging way, Milton conveyed to millions an understanding of the economic benefits of free, competitive markets, as well as the close connection that economic freedoms bear to other types of liberty." Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan added: "He had been a fixture in my life both professionally and personally for a half century. My world will not be the same." INFLUENCED REAGAN "You look at what Reagan did, it was what Milton had been advocating for a long time," said Martin Anderson, a Hoover Institution fellow and domestic and economic policy adviser to the Republican Reagan. "What Milton did was to confirm what he (Reagan) thought and make it more confident, and that became 'Reaganomics."' While Friedman found favor among conservatives, he was most interested in obtaining practical results by tapping markets, said Robert Reich, a labor secretary in the Democratic Clinton administration. "He was more experimental than doctrinaire." Ken Livingstone, London's left-wing mayor, credited Friedman for inspiring his flagship "congestion charge" policy to reduce traffic by charging drivers for entering the city's center. "The biggest effect Milton Friedman had was making inflation unacceptable," said Tom Campbell, a graduate student under Friedman and dean of the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley. "We don't talk about the risk of inflation in the 10, 12, 20 percent range anymore because people won't stand for it." CONTROVERSIAL In 1976, Friedman's years of teaching and nearly two dozen books were recognized with the Nobel Prize for economic science. Friedman, however, was not without controversy. His work was not initially popular, emerging at a time when government spending and intervention were widely credited with helping end the worldwide depression of the 1930s. His Nobel ceremony in Stockholm prompted a large turnout of demonstrators who criticized him for economic advice he provided the government of Augusto Pinochet, who led Chile's 17-year dictatorship in which some 3,000 leftists were killed. "He tried not to let the political composition of the government interfere with things he thought would be better for the people in the country," said Allan Meltzer, an economist at Carnegie Mellon University. Later, Friedman raised his profile further as a columnist and contributing editor for Newsweek magazine and through frequent television appearances. In a retrospective on his work, the Brooklyn-born Friedman traced his roots and those of the so-called Chicago school of economics back to 18th-century Scottish economist Adam Smith. He moved to California in 1977, when he became a senior research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. Source:
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indeed a great loss of a great economist. i read this book, Free to Choose, few yrs back, if you get a chance read it.
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Indeed a great loss.I have a small piece of my own analysis of his views on the following topic: Milton Friedman on the relationship between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom Economic freedom is the freedom to choose one’s occupation, to change it if one wishes for so and use private property as one wishes. On the other hand, political freedom entails the absence of coercion of any kind by any person or organization. Milton Friedman believes that economic freedom and political freedom are inseparable. He points out to the evidences from the history to validate his belief. It can be observed from the history that the free market system has been adopted to organize most of the economic activities in the politically free societies. Free market system promotes political freedom as it separates economic power from political power. And, he claims that this separation of power allows people to have more political freedom as economic power can balance political power. However, the existence of capitalism does not guarantee political freedom. Yet, when people have more economic power, they desire to have more political power. Tiananmen Square incident that took place in China is an example of this. Similarly, in Chile when people had free market enterprise, they had economic prosperity. This economic prosperity promoted the desire to have more political freedom among the people and it did bring democracy in Chile. Economies that do not rely on free market economy may not have political freedom in a real sense. In a politically free society, one should be able to disseminate his views on any topics-even on capitalism and socialism. But in a socialist society, one cannot exercise his political freedom (even if one has) due to economic constraints. In a socialist society people hold government jobs, so, they may not be able to advocate against socialism. Moreover, even if one is allowed, he may not have the means to inform other people about his views. However, in a capitalist society, one can easily get a sponsor for his activities. Thus, a society cannot be politically free unless it is economically free. Sometimes political freedom can be used to bring in capitalism through voting rights. And of course, capitalism helps people to have more political freedom. Therefore, economic freedom and political freedom are inseparable. Note: Based on Friedman’s article "The relationship between economic freedom and political freedom"
wit's end
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Found this on the net A student in Milton Friedman's class feel asleep. Milton, feeling purturbed, woke the student and said "Can you please answer the question I just asked?". The student replied "Well, I didn't hear the question, but the answer is 'raise the money supply' ".
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hahaha that was funny.
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Captain Haddock
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It's amazing how both he and Gailbraith lived to be close to a 100 years. Indeed a life well spent.
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Feel sad of him passing away.... but he has left his ideas and theories immortal....
Mike Bibby
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well he is 94 and what you all expect. Glad he left his idea with US, better Use it before you die
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