First job in US - Sajha Mobile
First job in US
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hey guys, share your feelings on very first day working in school or, other place after landed in US. Even that day will be first time in life too!! Lot's of people do not work in back home when you are in school.
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okey here it goes, [job means u get paid for the work right] First Job [got paid in food] khet khaneko. kanla laga ko. halo joteko ani bauso le mato phoreko. when i was 12. First Job [ got paid in money, plus food, 1996] taught @ stx First Job [outside nepal, 1997 ] america ko gas station. used to work graveyard shift (11pm to 7am). dbl/triple shift ta kati ho kati..... First Job [ @ school undergrad] work study student. during summer. [ from 8am to 2pm= 30 hrs]. then ran to subway from 3pm to 2am [weekdays ma and 12 hrs in weekends].... (O: Life was tough and still is (O:
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Thapap bro.. saab ko story testai ho sab le dukh gareko cha yaha!!!i don't even wanna recall those days :( is still stuggle and will be till we die:(
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:( is still stuggle and will be till we die:( chyaaaaaaaaaa kasto depressing line. i dont wanna do anything anymore there is no point hehehe
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First job: When I was in 11th grade teaching tole ka ketaketi haru - u know so called Tution. Received Rs. 900 from 3 kids for one month long 5 days / week / 1 hour shift. And best part spending all the money the day I got paid partying with friends...and never taught again.... America ma first job working in college bookstore - 20 hours was brutal I should say that as Nepal ma kaam nagareko. But now working 40 hrs doesn't even sound that bad.
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talking about working.. does anyone know any good technique to remove "Not Valid for employment without INS authorization" from the SS Card... i have seen many nepalis and indians who have managed to remove those words from their cards. any ideas pls suggest...
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Make a nakali one.... Make sure,you do not erase any thing in the original one. If you erase after reading this warning and god forbid if you get caught then your life is over in US.... Expect some jail time, big fat bail penalty and return to Nepal. Remember one kid got caught in some state erasing that ins thing. But nakali u can always say that you bought it and blame on others...
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