Funniest Videos ever .... - Sajha Mobile
Funniest Videos ever ....
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This is SERIOUSLY the funniest video i've seen in a long time... "This is a clip from a Japanese TV show where the players are not allowed to laugh at the person who is trying to learn english. If they laugh then they get punished with a beating." P.S.: no offense to anyone trying to learn English.. i couldn't resist posting the video here....
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Another .... "Fart jokes have never been more funny"
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hyaateri kesto hasayo yo murkha japanese le hahahahhahahhahahahahah.... good one man.....
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Now this is what I call MAGIC......... presenting Daniel Chesterfield ..... taadaaaaa......
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hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha hahahahahahaha 10 10 1010101010101010 hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
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hahha made my day.... thanks singh
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freek might be relax singh too
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Freek might be relax singh too is that another joke Arko lol
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Arko ...... that was hilarious !! P.S: Freek may b relaxing, but he ain't Relax_Singh !!
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There is an ad where Ronaldinho tries his new Nike shoes and in the middle of the practice he shoots to the upper bar during training Just take it as humor . -
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Here's the original video.
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just to keep this thread on top so that i dont have to search again
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