??Gas station jobs only options - Sajha Mobile
??Gas station jobs only options
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Gas Stations?? Bro, you will have ur way into any jobs u want.............Be ready for some good labor work, aight??
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Dude, If you are talking about summer job as a current F-1 student then that may be only choices as F-1 students are not allowed to work off campus. But in campus job is limited to 20 hrs a week during course time and 40 hrs during summer. If you have CPT you might be able to work on job related with your study if you can find one.
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says who?
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says the law! (wink,wink) ;)
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Nails: Its getting more safer, easier and better in the USA to not follow the law....don't u think??
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i don't know! :S maybe!
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